View Full Version : r32 gts seats for trade of s14 stock seats plus a lil bit of cash.

09-11-2007, 08:00 PM
Like the thread says, i have a pair of r32 gts seats, that i want to trade for s14 seats. Its just because they are too nice for me right now.
i just want the simpler s14 seats, because they actually sit a tad bit higher than the s14 seat liek half an inch to an inch. this wouldnt matter but im 6 foot4 so im in need of all the space i can get. Im asking, for s14 seats plus like 100 $ im willing to work out a deal.
i live in fresno ca, and would prefer that it is picked up cause i dont knwo how i would ship it.





they are actually darker grey than they look. its just the stupid green awning that makes it look lite.

oh and not related at all im sellin a new watch that i bought , but watches just are not my thing.

its a Nixon Connon, and i had it for a week, i would have returned it but i lost the receipt. 100$ or best offer.
its made in japan so ya know its good.





thanls for lookin, i wouldnt have posted the watch for sale, but some people sell porn on here so i figured it couldnt hurt.

09-12-2007, 08:05 AM
i dont need $100 on top of the trade for the seats but a lill something would be nice.

09-24-2007, 07:53 PM
ever in orange county? Just curious cause it says OC in your location.