View Full Version : China's Wall becoming less and less Great

08-29-2007, 11:01 AM

Wed Aug 29, 5:48 AM ET

BEIJING (Reuters) - Sand storms in northwest China are reducing sections of Great Wall to mounds of dirt and may cause them to disappear in about 20 years, state media said on Wednesday.

The Great Wall, which was chosen last month as top of the new seven wonders of the world, snakes its way across more than 6,400 km (3,980 miles) and receives an estimated 10 million visitors a year.
More than 60 km of the wall in Minqin county in Gansu province, built in the Han Dynasty which lasted from 206 BC to 220 AD, had been "rapidly disappearing", Xinhua said, citing the head of the local museum, Zhou Shengrui.
"This section of Great Wall was made of mud rather than brick and stone, so is more prone to erosion," it quoted Zhou as saying, adding the wall had become brittle and the mud sanded down and blown away over time.
"Similar erosion happened to the Great Wall in other places, but the situation is much worse here," he was quoted as saying.
Extensive farming since the 1950s had sapped underground water in Minqin and destroyed the local ecology, which made the county a major source of sand storms in northwest China, the agency said.
More than 40 km of the wall had disappeared in the past 20 years and only about 10 km remained, it said.
The height of the wall had been reduced from five metres to less than two metres in places and the square lookout towers had disappeared completely, it added.
The Great Wall, which the United Nations listed as a World Heritage Site in 1987, has been rebuilt many times through the centuries, and many sections of it have suffered serious damage from weather erosion and human destruction.
Visitors climb wilder, crumbling sections that are not officially open to the public and stretches have become popular sites for summer raves.

08-29-2007, 11:58 AM
I lol'd when I read it "...was popular for summer raves." thats just silly

2iv0 sx
08-29-2007, 12:46 PM
It's going to all blow with the wind one day...

08-29-2007, 12:53 PM
maybe its all the spirits of the dead buried inside out to get revenge! :rant2:

08-29-2007, 12:56 PM
It's going to all blow with the wind one day...

yeah. ONE day.

08-29-2007, 12:58 PM
Ha! I guess China will have a harder time repelling the invading Mongolian hordes now.

Long live Genghis Khan!

08-29-2007, 12:58 PM
That's pretty sad. Oh well nothing lasts forever. I just hope I can get there before 20 years so I can see it.

08-29-2007, 01:10 PM
LOL the mongols are going to make their movie in 20 years!

08-29-2007, 01:32 PM
Im pretty sure is eroding because is full of lead, they should recall it.

08-29-2007, 02:34 PM
Dos damn mongorians alrays breakeeng my shitty warl!
