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08-14-2007, 11:22 PM
New York publisher to print OJ book

'If I Did It', OJ Simpson's hypothetical account of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, will be printed by a New York publisher, according to reports.


On Monday a spokesman for literary agent Sharlene Martin announced that a deal had been struck on the controversial book on behalf of the family of Ron Goldman, who was murdered along with Brown Simpson in 1994.

A previous print was scrapped last year amid public outrage shortly before its release.

Last month a federal judge gave the rights to the book to Goldman's family, who are owed $33.5 million in damages by Simpson.

Although the former football star and actor was acquitted of criminal murder charges he was subsequently found liable in a civil case brought by the victims' families.

Simpson has vowed to never voluntarily pay damages to the families.

Martin's spokesman said "The [Goldman] family and publisher have pledged to leave Simpson's manuscript entirely intact, but they will also add key commentary."

Source (http://www.rte.ie/arts/2007/0814/simpsonoj.html)

08-15-2007, 12:07 AM
The Goldmans are full of it. They didn't even speak to Ron for years, and then he dies and they want to cash out on his death as much as they can. I can understand Nicole's family wanting to stick it to him, she put up with his sh** for years, and they were close to her and the kids. But the Goldmans can go to hell. I hope they burn 50 million times over for their greediness.

08-15-2007, 12:09 AM
About the author:

O.J. Simpson was a reasonably successful football player and actor.
Then he killed his wife and her lover. Now he's an old, broke, washed up, but free, man with no life.

I'd lol if thats what it actually said.

08-15-2007, 12:11 AM
I thought they were gonna change the title?

08-15-2007, 12:17 AM
:rofl: Yeah to "O.J. Simpson: I Did It."

08-15-2007, 12:52 AM
a scan has been available around these here internets since a week before its original planned release, if you guys really want to read it. it's a pdf that weighs in at like 500kb.

08-15-2007, 12:55 AM
time for me to go cop it.

08-15-2007, 12:59 AM
It's only 118 pages long? I bet he was gonna charge 25 bucks for it. bastard...

Oh well, i dont read too much anyhow, seeing as how the public schools have only taught me the difference between a boy and a girl and how to make methamphetamine out of common household chemicals...

oh wait that was D.A.R.E.

A Spec Products
08-15-2007, 01:02 AM
Since O-J was usin Isooootoners......

I lol'ed at that lyric from the new Kanye - Stronger joint

08-15-2007, 01:34 AM
Since O-J was usin Isooootoners......

I lol'ed at that lyric from the new Kanye - Stronger joint

the half of that video that isn't him dancing around in funny glasses was amazing. i wonder who wanted Akira, him or daft punk?

Wahl 136
08-15-2007, 10:05 AM
What I could never get passed was how he could be fount not guilty of murder but held liable for millions of dollars in damages to both the families.

08-15-2007, 08:25 PM
Because in a criminal trial you have to prove without reasonable doubt, and that has to come from the whole jury. In a civil trial, you only need 9 out of 12 jurors to get a verdict.

Wahl 136
08-15-2007, 09:09 PM
Because in a criminal trial you have to prove without reasonable doubt, and that has to come from the whole jury. In a civil trial, you only need 9 out of 12 jurors to get a verdict.

Gotcha, I wasn't aware of that. Is it like that in every state or only California?

08-15-2007, 10:01 PM
I don't know- I've only lived in California. I think it's like that in most states.