View Full Version : 1/4 Mile times? Guna hit PIR next weekend.

08-23-2002, 09:40 PM
Ok its almost stock. I just have K&N intake and a Front strut bar.... I needa idea on the quarter.

The reason I ask is cuz a guy at work was sayn his car was a 12 sec car.. Well he drove into work the other day and had the PIR numbers on his windshield.. (well his race number he took the liberty to erase his time) or corse he diddent do a good job of it and the oil left over said very clear (15.94) heh not even close to a 12 sec car. (He is in a VW Karado or some shit has some mods. dont know how many are real)

I hope I whoop the shit outa him stock.

08-23-2002, 09:44 PM
You should be able to hit high 15's but more likely will be around 16- 16.2 depending on mileage, engine condition, tires, altitude.. all that bullshit. It was to my understanding that Corados are pretty quick, I think there was a turbo version, and VR6.. Im not too sure about what else, my dad is a VW/BMW mechanic and we sorta bullshit about those kinds of cars every once and a while. If he has a VR6 or Turbo and hes doing High 15's then he probably sucks at driving. Its a possibility you can beat him. It could very well be a 12 second car, just not necessarily with him as the driver, so good luck and let us know what happens &nbsp;<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/thumbs-up.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':thumbsup:'>