View Full Version : At least 31 dead in virginia tech shooting.

04-16-2007, 01:11 PM
This is just absurd...
It's a long read so here's the cliff's notes.

Gunman begins killing people at a dorm in Virginia Tech at 7am.
By The afternoon at least 31 people are dead including himself, but whether or not he committed suicide remains to be determined...


At least 31 people are dead and several others wounded after a gunman opened fire at a Virginia college on Monday in what is being described as the worst campus shooting in U.S. history, according to government officials.

The suspected gunman was among the dead at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in the town of Blacksburg, campus police Chief W.R. Flinchum told a news conference shortly after noon.

Police said they weren't immediately sure whether the gunman was a student, or whether he killed himself or was shot by police.

By about 2 p.m. ET, some U.S. broadcasters were reporting that a number of wounded people had died of their injuries.

"Today the university was struck with a tragedy that we consider of monumental proportions," university president Charles Steger said. "The university is shocked and indeed horrified."

There were two separate shootings about two hours apart at opposite ends of campus. The first took place at about 7:15 a.m. ET at West Ambler Johnston dormitory, a co-ed residence housing more than 800 students, and the second about two hours later at an engineering building, Norris Hall.

Initially, police feared there might be more than one shooter but later said only one man was involved. He killed one student inside the dormitory and the others in a classroom at Norris Hall, said Flinchum, the campus police chief.
Students escaped out of second-storey windows

Robert Bowman, an editor at the Collegiate Times student newspaper, told CBC News that the sounds of gunfire prompted panic at the site of the second shooting, Norris Hall.

About 26,000 students attend Virginia Polytechnic in Blacksburg, Va.: 'Blacksburg is a very small town, everybody almost knows everybody. It's going to be very bad and very sad in here,' one student said after the shooting.About 26,000 students attend Virginia Polytechnic in Blacksburg, Va.: 'Blacksburg is a very small town, everybody almost knows everybody. It's going to be very bad and very sad in here,' one student said after the shooting.

He said he had a friend who was in a neighbouring classroom and heard multiple gunshots.

"Students were literally jumping out of second-storey windows to get away from the classroom. It appears that was the classroom where most of the shootings took place, at that second site," Bowman said.

A junior student named Josh, calling from campus, told the WDBJ news station in Virginia that he was inside Norris Hall when the gunman opened fire.

"We heard some loud banging, we weren't sure if it was construction or not, then we heard some screaming," he said.

"It didn't stop for at least two or three minutes," the student said, adding "at least 30 to 40 big shots" were fired.

"We all jumped out the window," he said.
'There were cops holding guns, shooting all over'

According to local television station WDBJ, high winds prevented helicopters from evacuating campus buildings.

Jamal Albarghouti, a student at the school, took video footage on his cellphone of the unfolding incident until police asked him to move because he was too close to the scene. The sounds of gunfire can be heard on the video while police can be seen holding guns outside of a building.

"It was really terrible. There were cops holding guns, shooting all over," Albarghouti said. "You can't imagine how sad everyone here is."

He said he was not yet sure whether he knows any of the victims.

"Blacksburg is a very small town, everybody almost knows everybody. It's going to be very bad and very sad in here."

Locked down for hours at dorm

Another student, Aimee Kanode, said the shooting in the dormitory occurred on the fourth floor, one floor above her room. She said her resident assistant banged on her door about 8 a.m. ET to tell students to stay in their rooms.

"They had us under lockdown," Kanode said. "They temporarily lifted the lockdown, the gunman shot again."

"We're all locked in our dorms surfing the internet trying to figure out what's going on," Kanode said.

Three local hospitals rolled out their disaster preparedness teams to deal with the victims.

Craig Nesslor, an associate dean at the school, said campus security personnel are armed and there are loudspeakers around the campus used to broadcast emergency messages — including in this case. He said the broadcast told students to seek shelter because of a shooting.

Nesslor said he hopes extra counsellors, who have already been set up on campus, will help students cope with the terrible incident.

"This is every parents' nightmare, even if your child is not directly involved," he said.

The college closed all entrances to the campus, told faculty and staff to go home and cancelled classes for Monday and Tuesday. Officials said the campus itself would open Tuesday and a convocation to grieve the dead would be held at Cassell Coliseum.
Second emergency closing in year

White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said U.S. President George W. Bush was shocked by the shootings.

"He was horrified and his immediate reaction was one of deep concern for the families of the victims, the victims themselves, the students, the professors and all the people of Virginia who have dealt with this shocking incident," Perino said.

"His thoughts and prayers are with them."

Perino also said the president believes Americans have a right to bear arms but all laws must be followed.

In Canada, parliamentarians offered their condolences in the House of Commons.

"Such a senseless act leaves Canadians stunned and horrified," said Liberal MP Michael Ignatieff.

It was the second time in less than a year that the school, better known as Virginia Tech, has ordered an emergency closure of the campus because of a shooting.

In August 2006, the opening day of classes was cancelled and the campus closed when an escaped jail inmate killed a hospital guard and a sheriff's deputy involved in a massive manhunt just off the campus.

The campus, with 1,050-hectares, has 26,000 students.

04-16-2007, 01:13 PM
Yea, this is a damn shame. Sick. Sick. Sick fuckers out there.

Very sad.

04-16-2007, 01:16 PM
man thats fucked up. condolences to those who died.

04-16-2007, 01:16 PM
So tragic...RIP, my condolences to all affected by this.

And hope no zilvians were hurt, I know we have quite a few in VA.

04-16-2007, 01:30 PM
God i was takin a nap and parents and sisters called me like 20x to tell me about this. I have a few friends in ME that go to school there.. I think they're alright

You know they'll somehow blame this on video games, etc... It's the american way!

04-16-2007, 01:32 PM
Yea, this fucking sucks, I have a couple friends who go there that I haven't heard from....

Wahl 136
04-16-2007, 01:32 PM
This just happend a last year in Canada anyone remember that?

If he started in the dorm wouldn't the killer have had to swipe the key card to get into the dorm entrance? I don't know if your free to enter/exit at VA Tech but my school you have to swipe your student ID. Non Dorming Student = No Entrance

04-16-2007, 01:34 PM
RIP to the innocent victims.....

04-16-2007, 01:37 PM
This just happend a last year in Canada anyone remember that?

If he started in the dorm wouldn't the killer have had to swipe the key card to get into the dorm entrance? I don't know if your free to enter/exit at VA Tech but my school you have to swipe your student ID. Non Dorming Student = No Entrance

Not necessarily, but I haven't been to VT to know for sure.

04-16-2007, 01:37 PM
This just happend a last year in Canada anyone remember that?

If he started in the dorm wouldn't the killer have had to swipe the key card to get into the dorm entrance? I don't know if your free to enter/exit at VA Tech but my school you have to swipe your student ID. Non Dorming Student = No Entrance

There are ways around everything.

04-16-2007, 01:49 PM
May those who suffered RIP

04-16-2007, 01:50 PM
He probably had his gf let him in the dorm, then he proceeded to kill her and some people. Left, and classes don't usually require a keycard so he went to engineering buildings.

04-16-2007, 02:09 PM
"there was a shooting this morning at Virginia Tech.
31 students were killed
29 were injured
* one boy in particular had survived because he played dead and laid in someone elses blood next to him!

the shooter was a young man who was looking for his girlfriend on campus. He had 100 rounds in his gun, obviously a premeditated shooting for more than one person.... he shot someone in their dorm room at 7 in the morning. Then 2 hours later he went to the engineering school and shot people execution style. HE LINED THE STUDENTS UP AGAINST THE WALL... ASKED THEM ABOUT WHAT THEY KNEW ABOUT HIS GIRLFRIEND, AND THEN SHOT THEM.

this was obviously premeditated because he had 100 rounds, and CHAINED THE DOORS SHUT SO NO ONE COULD GET OUT!

please pray for these kids, its one thing to be stunned to hear about something like this, but its another thing to have actually experienced it."

04-16-2007, 02:16 PM
thats fucking horrible. What a shitty human being, RIP to the victims for sure.

04-16-2007, 02:17 PM
What kind of gun did he have?

04-16-2007, 02:31 PM
I heard a 9mm and a .22 hand gun

04-16-2007, 02:33 PM
What kind of gun did he have?
two 9mm handguns.
Its fucking retarded how people just kill each other, taking sons, daughters, parents and freinds. Im still waiting to hear if everyone i know down there is ok. there were two shooters, supposedly one is dead and the other may or may not be(?) at large.

Wahl 136
04-16-2007, 02:45 PM
I'm sure it hasn't been said but did he end up killing the girlfriend?

This was obviously one sick individual and I hope that someone is held accountable for the guns he had or atleast anyone that noticed this kids pyschological problems.

04-16-2007, 02:47 PM
I read about this on CNN not too long ago.

That sucks.

Those poor students.


04-16-2007, 03:17 PM
man, what a tragedy. :(

04-16-2007, 03:23 PM
and you will bitch when your tuition goes up.

maybe us as americans should actually vote on laws and order instead of all this freedom and "dont profile me" bullshit.

maybe we should beat our kids so they aren't fucktards

maybe we should turn in people who steal/beat their wife/girlfreind/kids


maybe we shoudl bitch on the internet about how its someone elses problem that some pshychotic moron goes apeshit and lights up some people in a classroom because his dad probably molested him, or some bullshit that someone didnt do their duty and take care of because of all this bullshit that has become america.


Condolences go out to the families as well.

C. Senor
04-16-2007, 03:26 PM
what a sick fuck....all over a girl, i know the whole love thing is a pretty strong emotion, but damn. some people are just so disturbed mentally. i feel extremely sorry for everyone at VA tech; those poor students, family, friends, teachers, and staff.

04-16-2007, 03:39 PM
Yea, it's a fucking tragedy, heard from one of my friends who goes there, so I know he's ok.

What a horrible thing, and so close to home for me....

04-16-2007, 03:48 PM
and you will bitch when your tuition goes up.

maybe us as americans should actually vote on laws and order instead of all this freedom and "dont profile me" bullshit.

maybe we should beat our kids so they aren't fucktards

maybe we should turn in people who steal/beat their wife/girlfreind/kids


maybe we shoudl bitch on the internet about how its someone elses problem that some pshychotic moron goes apeshit and lights up some people in a classroom because his dad probably molested him, or some bullshit that someone didnt do their duty and take care of because of all this bullshit that has become america.


Condolences go out to the families as well.Ah yes the FL "cut off my nose despite my face" response. Amazed at the news going to local University's and schools asking why they aren't on lock-down with huge fences to prevent this from happening.

You can not prevent a random act.

04-16-2007, 03:56 PM
shit aint supposed to happen at college.

04-16-2007, 04:02 PM
What a tragedy. I don't understand why people have to take the lives of other people just to prove a point, or to "release" all the stress associated with their lives.

shit aint supposed to happen at college.It isn't supposed to happen anywhere.

04-16-2007, 04:04 PM
I'm pretty sure after the dormitory shootings the campus police thought the gunman had fled.. No one would have thought he would have returned. I guess he left to get chains and ammo..

04-16-2007, 04:06 PM
What a tragedy. I don't understand why people have to take the lives of other people just to prove a point, or to "release" all the stress associated with their lives.

It isn't supposed to happen anywhere.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't to prove a point, because its a pretty senseless act, and I'm pretty sure the gunman knew he was going down, so he had the mentality to "take down everyone he can." I really fucking hope they don't blame this shit on video games again. You know, like colombine.

04-16-2007, 04:11 PM
I always imagine what I would do if there was a shooting at school, but I really have no idea. I like to think that I would at least go out in a blaze of gloryholes, but I probably wouldn't.

04-16-2007, 04:11 PM
Exactly, he probably knew he was going down, so why not take everyone he could with him?


Wahl 136
04-16-2007, 04:19 PM
There has been times I thought about what would happen if one of the thousands of people at my school went on a rampage. Even with armed campus police I really don't think (at least my college) college campus are top notch when it comes to college safety.

Hopefully we can see some positive in this matter in the sense that of, thousands of dollars that are reeped out of students every semister go toward improving safety and a few dollars less toward athletics and misc.

04-16-2007, 04:23 PM
On TV they said that the guy was on some drug.

04-16-2007, 04:25 PM
On TV they said that the guy was on some drug.

I guess thats what it takes to kill people right in front of you... I hope those kids don't have finals, that would be a big relief off of their backs. ... Or atleast maybe they're teachers will make them optional. I'm pretty sure they'll have the rest of the week off at least, what you guys say?

04-16-2007, 04:28 PM
i watched it on the news as it was developing this morning when it was "1 dead, 19 injured." imagine my surprise and disgust when my friend notified me a few hours later that it was 21 dead (at the time) and is now being deemed "the worse mass shooting in us history"...seemed surreal...really sad that the gunman single handedly has affected hundreds of thousands of people (victims, family, friends, survivors, students, police, us, etc.) in such a devastating way...a really sad sad world we live in...sometimes makes me want to refrain from having kids just for the possibility of exposing and subjecting them to this kind (among many others) of suffering in the world...

Wahl 136
04-16-2007, 04:29 PM
I guess thats what it takes to kill people right in front of you... I hope those kids don't have finals, that would be a big relief off of their backs. ... Or atleast maybe they're teachers will make them optional. I'm pretty sure they'll have the rest of the week off at least, what you guys say?

I'm sure the campus will be on lock down until the policy can do an investigation to what triggered this. With that many poeple I'm sure most the students on campus knows someone effected in some shape/way/form.

It just makes you think, if you have kids hug them. I know I hugged my little buddy as soon as he came home from pre-school today.

04-16-2007, 04:54 PM
RIP to the victims and prayer to all of them. What a tragedy. I read about it this morning on msn. I just don't get how someone could wake up one day and massacre a bunch of people who never did anything wrong to him.

Love can make someone do stupid things, but do it to yourself, not onto others.

04-16-2007, 05:18 PM
Man this is indeed tragic...I caught notice of this while at school and lucky got intouch with the people I know that go there. I'm just in shock that such an event took place at such as nice school were everyone is chill (for those that have been there). I'm just now reading about the guy going after his girlfriend....maybe she was the one killed in the dorm? or maybe her roommate.

The school will never be the same after this...and I can't imagine going back to classes this week...especially the classroom where most of the students were shot.

My condolences go out to those who lost a love one through this tragedy.

04-16-2007, 05:33 PM
rip to all the victims. shooter was a puss, shot himself. i guess we all know where hes at now...shit like this is ghey.

04-16-2007, 05:44 PM
This is a huge tragedy!!!! 32 innocent lives were taken today for no reason other than better at the wrong place at the wrong time. I kinda don’t know what too say other than my prayers are with the victims of this horrible cowardly act.

04-16-2007, 06:13 PM
I'm watching the conference on CNN, one of the victims in the dorm shooting was an RA (resident assistant) that was most likely responding to the shot fired.. There is a person of interest in custody who was a victim but for some reason they are a Kind Of suspect as of now.. There were mutliple locations in noriss hall where students were killed. The chief of poliece stated "this is one of the worst things i have ever seen."

That's about it so far (officially).

Wahl 136
04-16-2007, 07:38 PM
I'm watching the conference on CNN, one of the victims in the dorm shooting was an RA (resident assistant) that was most likely responding to the shot fired.. There is a person of interest in custody who was a victim but for some reason they are a Kind Of suspect as of now.. There were mutliple locations in noriss hall where students were killed. The chief of poliece stated "this is one of the worst things i have ever seen."

That's about it so far (officially).

Let us know if you hear anything new since you seem to be from the general area.

04-16-2007, 07:49 PM
Yeah will do, they had an interview with one girl who survived, she said the shooter peeped into the class room a couple of times, then came back a few minutes later and just started unloading at people from behind at random. People freaked out, he thought he had killed everyone, then as he was leaving the hall he heard people talking so he went back in and started firing on the students again. He left again, and the students that survived (about 4 of 30) proceeded to put their body weight against the door. The shooter returned and tried to force the door open and eventually tried to shoot through the door with no avail. Luckily the 4 remaining lived, but the shooter went on to another class room.

Like The fucking Shining man..

04-16-2007, 07:54 PM
Oh yes, he was described as a 6 foot Asian male, and was dressed in short clothing. I think she said he had a piston and a rifle. The rifle was probably a .22 and pistol was a 9mm. He killed himself just as police breeched Noris Hall (he had the doors chained shut).

Wahl 136
04-16-2007, 08:07 PM
I said it before and Ill say it again I hope whoever overlooked this psycho gets jail time for their negligence.

LookOut Nick
04-16-2007, 08:22 PM
it took 8 hours, but i have finally heard form everyone that i know and am close too that go to tech... i can't believe this happened its just surreal.
richmond sends its love to freinds family of any victim...

04-16-2007, 08:55 PM
I know of at least 2 girls from my local area that are dead, a few injured.

04-16-2007, 09:07 PM
Man this was indeed a tragic situation, innocent people getting injured for no apparrent reason. just cause someone is not in a good mood or on drugs or whatever does not give them the right to do something like this. Shits crazy now a days that ou can't even go to school without fearing for your life.
My condolences go out to all the victims and their family

04-16-2007, 09:07 PM
I saw on the news this morning before going to class and I was freaked out! RIP to those who lost their innocent lives to a moron.

04-16-2007, 09:09 PM
I saw this before going to class and I was freaked out! RIP to those that lost their life.

04-16-2007, 09:15 PM
I just don't know why people would go off killing a handful of people. There has been a lot of cases like this, but so far the worst ones are the Colubine boys and THIS.

04-16-2007, 09:29 PM
I was gonna transfer there last semester.

04-16-2007, 09:30 PM
I said it before and Ill say it again I hope whoever overlooked this psycho gets jail time for their negligence.

People that fucked up in the head aren't exactly OPEN about their intentions. Its impossible to know that anybody had any idea about his idea to go and kill as many people as he could. Don't try to blame this tragedy on anybody unless there are facts present. One person is responsible here and he's dead.

I feel horrible for this kid, I can not even begin to imagine the anger a person would have to carry around to decide to go this far.

04-16-2007, 09:38 PM
what a tragedy...innnocent lives.

Wahl 136
04-16-2007, 09:47 PM
People that fucked up in the head aren't exactly OPEN about their intentions. Its impossible to know that anybody had any idea about his idea to go and kill as many people as he could. Don't try to blame this tragedy on anybody unless there are facts present. One person is responsible here and he's dead.

I feel horrible for this kid, I can not even begin to imagine the anger a person would have to carry around to decide to go this far.

I totally agree, I just ment in the sense that in comming weeks news of patterns/details/over looked crys for help went unanswered by a parent or school personal. ie. the columbine case

04-16-2007, 09:55 PM
I know of at least 2 girls from my local area that are dead, a few injured.

Holy shit James, anybody I might know?

I called the 3 people I'm close to at Tech and thankfully they're OK...I have a few more guys I know that I haven't heard from yet. Just crossing my fingers now...

This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of.

I'd like to note that I think it became the worst school shooting in history because the guy seemed to know how to kill people with a gun. Unlike those Columbine kids, he seemed to have his heart into it (Columbine kids left alot more wounded survivors than this guy)

04-16-2007, 10:00 PM
yea, so there was just a guy interviewed in the news that killed people a couple years ago, didnt catch when, and he totally blamed everything on video games, so im sure video game violence will come up in the search to find the motive.
RIP to those that lost their life.

04-16-2007, 10:08 PM
yeah i just got off the phone with a bunch of friends up there. All, luckily were not involved. However, the scoop is the shooter found out his girl had been cheating on him. He no longer atteneded VAtech but still was in the area and lived the hokie life. He went crazy, came back and questioned whoever he saw and killed as many of them as possible.

such a tragedy...
RIP everyone who will suffer from this horrible event.

04-16-2007, 10:29 PM
It was scary seeing it on the news this morning before going to school myself.. but just reading the articles now.. its horrifying..

WTF is wrong with our country...

It cant be guns and videogames and shit...

Its something in our lifestyle...

We had a discussion like this when i was in highschool.

It's so tragic...

04-16-2007, 10:47 PM
such a fucked up situation....i dont understand how you can kill 32ppl, it seems pretty ridiculous..also that this kid would kill ppl because his girl left him is nuts...if there was ever a reason to kill innocent people that is definitely not it. he should have just killed himself...of course all the usual video game bullshit will come out no one in the govt wants to admit that we live in a violent fucked up society. Definitely a pretty surreal event tho

04-17-2007, 01:55 AM
hmm...no one is talking about the school lack of warning to the student and cancelling the classes from the first shooting. 2hrs pass before the mass murdering.

also that girl really picked the wrong dude to cheat on.

04-17-2007, 02:24 AM
this is a total tragedy, the most f ed up part is that tht fvktard police was there in the morning and they let the shooting to go on till the afternoon , not being able to save anyone,why are we paying for these retards? they can't protect us never were able to do so, when evern there isa crime the police is last to show, and whenever a tregedy like this happens they try to take away more of our rights telling us it is for our own good, while it is the opposite, for me if something like this happens i'm gonna rush the ahole only 2 things can happen i get shot or i am gonna take him/her down. or if i am close to my car the ahole is gonna get a bullet for sure.

04-17-2007, 02:33 AM
They were on campus investigating the shooting of the girl and someone else, and they let out a warning about what happened. I don't think they had any idea that he would go all the way across the campus and start killing people for no reason. As soon as they figured out he was still there, that's when they started to notify the campus to stay inside, but it was too late. There's no real plan for when stuff like that happens- it's random.

It's just a dude that totally flipped out and went on a killing spree. Sure, most of us have been cheated on and have talked about killing the cheater and going on a rampage, but few ever really act on it. He was far more f***ed up than what was happening with his girl, which might have been what lead to her breaking up with him.

It's sad to know that so many people died for no reason. Prayers.

04-17-2007, 05:24 AM
Holy shit James, anybody I might know?

Two freshmen from chantilly died and thats all i know of so far.

Wahl 136
04-17-2007, 06:11 AM
Copy and paste of details via AP

The first deadly attack, at a dormitory around 7:15 a.m., left two people dead. But some students said their first warning didn't arrive until two hours later, in an e-mail at 9:26 a.m. By then the second attack had begun.

Steger said the university was trying to notify students who were already on-campus. "We warned the students that we thought were immediately impacted," he told CNN. "We felt that confining them to the classroom was how to keep them safest."

He said investigators did not know there was a shooter loose on campus in the interval between the two shootings because the first could have been a murder-suicide.

Derek O'Dell, his arm in a cast after being shot, described a shooter who fired away in "eerily silence" with "no specific target — just taking out anybody he could."

After the gunman left the room, students could hear him shooting other people down the hall. O'Dell said he and other students barricaded the door so the shooter couldn't get back in — though he later tried.

"After he couldn't get the door open he tried shooting it open ... but the gunshots were blunted by the door," O'Dell said.

Inside Norris, the attack began with a thunderous sound from Room 206 — "what sounded like an enormous hammer," said Alec Calhoun, a 20-year-old junior who was in a solid mechanics lecture in a classroom next door.

Screams followed an instant later, and the banging continued. When students realized the sounds were gunshots, Calhoun said, he started flipping over desks to make hiding places. Others dashed to the windows of the second-floor classroom, kicking out the screens and jumping from the ledge of Room 204, he said.

"I must've been the eighth or ninth person who jumped, and I think I was the last," said Calhoun, of Waynesboro, Va. He landed in a bush and ran.

Calhoun said that the two students behind him were shot, but that he believed they survived. Just before he climbed out the window, Calhoun said, he turned to look at his professor, who had stayed behind, apparently to prevent the gunman from opening the door.

The instructor was killed, Calhoun said.

Erin Sheehan, who was in the German class near Calhoun's room, told the student newspaper, the Collegiate Times, that she was one of only four of about two dozen people in the class to walk out of the room. The rest were dead or wounded, she said.

She said the gunman "was just a normal-looking kid, Asian, but he had on a Boy Scout-type outfit. He wore a tan button-up vest, and this black vest, maybe it was for ammo or something."

The gunman first shot the professor in the head and then fired on the class, another student, Trey Perkins, told The Washington Post. The gunman was about 19 years old and had a "very serious but very calm look on his face," he said.

"Everyone hit the floor at that moment," said Perkins, 20, of Yorktown, Va., a sophomore studying mechanical engineering. "And the shots seemed like it lasted forever."


BLACKSBURG, Va. - A Virginia Tech senior from South Korea was behind the massacre of at least 30 people locked inside a campus building in the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history, the university said Tuesday.

Ballistics tests also show that one of the guns inside that building was used in another shooting two hours earlier, at a dorm, Virginia State Police said.

Police identified the shooter as Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a senior from South Korea who was in the English department at Virginia Tech and lived on campus.

"It's certainly reasonable to assume that Cho was the shooter in both cases," but authorities haven't made the link for sure, said Col. Steve Flaherty, superintendent of the Virginia State Police.

A law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the information had not been announced, said Cho was carrying a backpack that contained receipts for a March purchase of a Glock 9 mm pistol.

04-17-2007, 10:12 AM
Hey guys, appreciate what you guys are saying, its still doesnt feel like reality even the day after. I just ask that we try and keep the speculation and rampant rumors about what happened down, and let the facts present themselves. Today and for many days to come, just try and keep your thoughts with my fellow hokies that didnt make it. Thanks.

04-17-2007, 11:40 AM
too late? it was 2hrs later, they should have cancelled the classes and on lockdown then issued to continue the man hunt.

04-17-2007, 11:54 AM
too late? it was 2hrs later, they should have cancelled the classes and on lockdown then issued to continue the man hunt.

Yeah... the University sent out EMAILS telling students that there was a gunman on campus... an EMAIL... Not everyone checks their email every 5 minutes up until they leave for their classes. The fact that there was a 2 hour gap between the two instances just shows their lack of organization in security...

Anyway, now that the suspect's information has been release, I hope there is no new-found animosity/racism towards South Koreans...
It's ridiculous that the suspect decided to ruin families' lives, including his own, because he was a fucking loser.

04-17-2007, 11:54 AM
too late? it was 2hrs later, they should have cancelled the classes and on lockdown then issued to continue the man hunt.

thats what im beginning to believe

04-17-2007, 12:16 PM
It's easy to say this or that should have been done after the fact. But what evidence did the police have that there would be a massacre? Something like 20,000 people are murdered every year in the US. Should there be a 5-mile radius 'lock-down' in the area around every murder? As one school official pointed out, of the 26,000 students, only 9,000 live on campus, so there would have been thousands of students already on their way to school when an announcement had been made. And then what? Now you have all these students trapped there in a 'lock-down' while no one knows who or where the killer is. Even if there had been a lock down, I'm sure at least 10 students would have been killed. It is obvious this person had a plan, and there really is no policy you could implement that would prevent a determined killer.

04-17-2007, 12:18 PM
Yeah the campus definately messed up IMO because it would be common sense to shut school down or issue some type of warning when you have 2 people shot to death ON campus.
There is 2 people dead at 7 in the morning and people are just walking around 2hrs later with no clue on that just happened it doesn't make sense to me.
It just sucks that MAYBE there could have been slight chance of some type of warning or prevention of all the deaths that occured in the second shooting

04-17-2007, 12:24 PM
sad stuff... after reading this thread... man I'm speechless. I can't believe the campus didn't do anything else other than "email" the students on what was currently happening.... my prayers go out to the families :(

04-17-2007, 01:48 PM
They locked down and canceled classes at the beginning of the year for a shooting off campus. EMT's were called to a fall injury and not a shooting. They were trying to keep the first event under wraps and then the second event happened and bit them on the ass.

04-17-2007, 02:10 PM
Dont these unis have PA systems you can anounce things? here is an article i came up on,

04-17-2007, 02:12 PM
Just read this thread and heard it all over the news and radio recently, a shame, my condolences.

04-17-2007, 02:44 PM
here is a link to some scripts he wrote for his play writing class, article attached as well


some weird things going on in his head and some people did see it coming

04-17-2007, 03:04 PM
Stuff like that is so biased...

Of course they saw it coming now that he did it...People like to step forward to tell the world all this bullshit now that he's actually done it and they can feel so smart. If they REALLY saw it coming, they would have discussed it with faculty.

04-17-2007, 03:12 PM
here is a link to some scripts he wrote for his play writing class, article attached as well


some weird things going on in his head and some people did see it coming

Man that is some weird stuff. It's not even good either. :ugh: I first thought, "big deal. He writes crazy shit. So does Quintin Terantino.". Now that I read his plays, they suck. What a nut ball.

And mainevent212, I agree with you on that also. People are so reactive instead of proactive. But our society really trains people to not be proactive. :-/

04-17-2007, 03:41 PM
Wow just read those play scripts.There was priorly alot going on with this kid before all of this happened and no one seemed to catch it?.

here is a link to some scripts he wrote for his play writing class, article attached as well


some weird things going on in his head and some people did see it coming

04-17-2007, 04:23 PM
wow those scripts are messed

i read the articale in the news paper today. so sad.

04-17-2007, 04:26 PM
Dont these unis have PA systems you can anounce things? here is an article i came up on,

It's hard for schools of that size to have a PA system. It's not like high school where you only have one or two buildings. I got to the University of Georgia. We have over 100 buildings all over campus, so a PA system is probably considered impracticle. After the events that happened yesterday, though, several universities are definately going to be giving thought to communication in emergency situations. As someone stated previously in this thread, Emails just aren't good enough considering the fact that not everyone checks their Email constantly. I heard something on the news, though, about some universities considering implementing a system where they could send text messages to students in the case of an emergency. The overwhelming majority of students these days have cell phones, so this would spread the message very quickly accross campus.

Also, to those who are saying the vtech staff should've done this and they should've done that, it's a lot easier to look back and say what someone should've done. We even look back and say what we, ourselves, SHOULD have done in certain situations. This event was extremely uncommon, and therefore many are not trained on how to handle situations like these. Before what happened yesterday, if someone told me on my way to my 9am class that someone had been shot and killed in their dorm room earlier that morning, I would've though "wow, that's crazy" and I would've continued making my way to class. Large campus's are almost like small cities. There's 40,000+ people on UGA's campus everyday. It'd be similar to if you lived in a town of 40,000 people and one morning someone was murdered in their home. You aren't going to let that stop you from going to work or to the grocery store. I don't think I've ever heard of a mass murder that started with 2 people getting murdered, and then their being a 2 hour gap until the actual "mass murder" took place. It's all just very bizaar and I don't think it was as easy to predict as some people are making it sound.

04-17-2007, 05:57 PM
i used to be in the military and military bases which are much larger have PA systems( ofcourse it is the freaking military ) i think it would be more practical if they implement some sort of warning systems, or dont take away the people's right to defend themselves. texting students , that is really something out of this book called stupid ideas for retards . :) I am not blaming the faculty or saying people need to go and panic all over the place, what has happened can not be changed , what needs to happen is senseble solutions, none of the silly crap you always here in tv, like oh my god we are gonna fense of the school , or have more police or whatever , what needs to be done is make the people more aware of things. noone sees these things coming even if they say so.

Wahl 136
04-17-2007, 06:47 PM
From Richard McBeef

I hate him. Must kill Dick. Must kill Dick. Dick must die. Kill Dick..... Richard McBeef. What kind of name is that? WHat an @sshole name. I don't like it. And look at his face. What an @sshole face. I don't like his face at all. You don't think I can kill, Dick? You don't think I can kill you? Gotcha. Got one eye..... Got the other

I very odd play with no clear point, plot, or conclusion.

04-17-2007, 07:21 PM
I read those plays...just wow....kid had some serious issues...but the fact he refused to talk to ANYONE should have raised a red flag. Most of the time the quiet ones like that best express themselves through writing and/or drawings (I use to be a quiet kid...so I know...but I was never full of anger).

Damn I feel sorry for the families and VT students that have to ordeal what is the most tragic moment of their lives.

Adam (240Driver39) - Once again I'm glad your okay....I can't imagine what was going through your mind when you were lockdown in class.

04-17-2007, 07:58 PM
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

I also hope there is a way to make campuses safer without turning them into East Berlin. This is certainly going to raise the question on how much "freedom" should be traded for "safety"

04-17-2007, 08:59 PM
here is an intresting article i came upon,

Date: Tuesday, 17 April 2007, 10:56 a.m.

RumorMillNews Readers:

The comment below is a press release for the South African Gun Owners and was written by Charl van Wyk. His name may mean nothing to you, but in South Africa, Charl van Wyk was a hero to those who attended a church service at St. James in July of 1993. In his book, Shooting Back, he gives a detailed description of what happened on that day. Below I have pasted from the back of his book a short synopsis which follows:

Subtitled "The Right and Duty of Self-Defence,"Shooting Back tells the story of Charl van Wyk, who was an ordinary Christian man until the day he was called upon to be extraordinary. The date was 25 July 1993 and the event was what was to become known as the St. James Massacre. Charl was catapulted to the media's attention by shooting back at the terrorists who attacked the innocent congregation:

Instinctively, I knelt down behind the bench in front of me and pulled out my .38 special snub-nosed revolver, which I always carried with me. I would have felt undressed without it. Many people could not understand why I would carry a firearm into a church service, but I argued that this was a particularly dangerous time in South Africa.

Read what Charl has to say re: Virginia Tech

Subject: [SAFirearmForum] Press Release - Virginia Tech, USA Shooting Rampage
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 12:41:42 +0200 Status: Normal
From: "Charl van Wyk"


The murder of innocent victims is a disgrace and our condolences go out to those who have lost loved ones in the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech,

More than one year before yesterday's unprecedented shooting rampage at Virginia Tech, the state's General Assembly quashed a bill that would have given qualified college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus. Could one legally armed citizen have made a difference at this tragic event?

We also need to ask the question: Do laws prohibiting firearms in certain places really prevent homicidal tragedies?

There is a striking paradox associated with mass murders. They are far more likely to occur in areas that have been designated as gun-free zones.

Worldwide, office buildings, hospitals, convenience stores, TV studios,chain restaurants and day-care centres, have all been targets of homicidal maniacs. Mass murders have taken place in such places after they have been declared gun-free zones.

In 1999, John Lott and William Landes published a US study of multiple shooting incidents. They showed that mass shootings occur less often in areas where responsible citizens may carry weapons.

Do mass shootings ever occur in police stations, shooting ranges or at gun shows? Mass murderers select soft targets for their acts of violence. Expecting a suicidal individual to honour a law prohibiting firearms, is sheer utopian fantasy.

In Europe, 16 people were killed in a public school shooting in Germany in April 2002. Another two public shootings were the killing of 14 regional legislators in Zug, a Swiss Canton (Sept. 2001) and the massacre of eight city council members in a Paris suburb in March 2002.

According to John R. Lott, Jr, all three of these European killing sprees had one thing in common: they took place in gun-free zones. Firearms surely make it easier to kill people, but firearms also make it easier for people to defend themselves.

Declaring gun-free zones, risks leaving potential victims defenceless.

In the US, thugs using firearms at elementary or secondary schools between 1997 and 2002 killed 32 students. The total includes gang fights, robberies, accidents and the so called: "school shootings." All these attacks took place in gun-free zones.

In Israel, however, teachers and parents serving as school aids are armed at all times on school grounds, with semi-automatic weapons. Since this policy was adopted in the 1970's, attacks by gunmen at schools in Israel have ceased.

Government officials must be aware that if they create a gun-free zone, they are liable for any harm it causes. Why would those in authority rather see law-abiding, disarmed citizens die, than risk armed citizens harming a criminal?

With lives lost in Germany and the United States of America in schools which are gun-free zones, and no attacks by armed gunmen in Israel since teachers and parents serving as school aids have been armed, why would we want any
area declared a gun-free zone?

History and common sense prove that gun-free zones are dangerous.

Charl van Wyk

Gun Owners of South Africa
PO Box 2522
South Africa

04-17-2007, 09:15 PM
while I agree that guns in the hands of a qualified user may be able to thwart some a mass tragedy, i think it would lead to a significant rise in total deaths. There are a lot of people out there that are able to pass a test and get a permit, but are unfit mentally to carry a gun.

but than again, i may have done more homework had the teacher been packin' a desert eagle.

Why dont these disturbed people shoot themselves first?

Wahl 136
04-17-2007, 09:17 PM
Well said, and I think he stikes and interesting point. What direction is right for America. Stiffer gun laws or a more detailed approach that would allow people greater freedom to protect themselves?

I think the biggest argument this article would be that South Africa and Israel could never be described as models of infulence for America.

04-17-2007, 09:43 PM
I know all of you just want to push the politics of gun control and the never ending speculation and could haves and should have beens, but representing Blacksburg and Virginia Tech, i just ask that you think about the families and friends of those involved, and leave the finger pointing to a more appropriate time. Thanks guys.

04-18-2007, 12:46 AM
just saw a pic of the guy who did it today. what a guy. my condolences to the people who lost someone they loved.

04-18-2007, 03:09 AM
I'm still shocked that he was able to kill that many people while armed only with a couple of 9mm's, whereas the kids at Columbine killed only 12 while armed with automatic weapons and explosives.
In killer's terms... The little asian dude was a winner (but still a pussy for killing himself rather than going out in style in a gun battle with police), whereas the Columbine kids were complete failures.

Its a damn shame that people go overboard and do shit like this. I'm sure that doing something like this has crossed everyone's mind at some dark time in their life, but to be pushed so far that you actually go through with it... That really sucks balls.

RIP to those that died.

04-18-2007, 03:29 AM
I was just thinking finances before getting sad.

He's a senior, so he's spent thousands in tuition, room and board, classes, books, all that shit, all down the drain.

I think people make so many false threats, they are overlooked.

Soreballz, you're right. Asians are efficient at what they do.

04-18-2007, 05:19 AM
its a definate tradagy, i was just sitting in my class when i heard about it. absolutly insane that someone could just go completely overboard over a girl. but some people just get so attached that they lose there minds when that one thing they are attached to dissappears

04-18-2007, 07:44 AM
that article is incredibly asinine. is the author employed by the gun lobby? mass murderers don't choose their locations due to whether or not they are 'gun-free zones'. the locations are places that are significant to the shooter(s) and the people they know. I have yet to hear of a student going on a shooting spree in a different school then they attend. why? because all of their hatred is focused on their own school and their own classmates. when some office worker snaps and goes on a shooting spree, he does it in his own office and against his own coworkers. and why do shooting sprees occur in places like legislative buildings? same reason timothy mcveigh targeted the federal building in OKC. the crazy person fixates on the lawmakers, the government, and their delusions of some sort of big brother state and this is their pathetic attempt to fight the system.

Why don't these types of things occur in police stations or shooting ranges? well, first of all, police officers have to go through a psychological screening process to be hired, so it is pretty unlikely that a police officer will snap and go on a rampage. and shooting ranges? well, they are primarily places of recreation, so people don't build up feelings of anger, frustration and hate when at a shooting range.

bottom line: the author is a moron.

04-18-2007, 10:10 AM
Cops know how not to get caught...

04-18-2007, 01:51 PM
it sucks to have a friends life cut short.... the names of those student were released today:


• Ross Abdallah Alameddine, 20, of Saugus, Mass., according to his mother, Lynnette Alameddine.

• Christopher James Bishop, 35, according to Darmstadt University of Technology in Germany, where he helped run an exchange program.

• Brian Bluhm, 25, a civil engineering graduate student, according to an announcement by the Detroit Tigers and friends.

• Ryan Clark, 22, of Martinez, Ga., biology and English major, according to Columbia County Coroner Vernon Collins.

• Austin Cloyd, an international studies major from Blacksburg, Va., according to Terry Harter, senior pastor at First United Methodist Church in Champaign, Ill., where Cloyd and her family lived before moving to Blacksburg.

• Jocelyne Couture-Nowak, a French instructor, according to her husband, Jerzy Nowak, the head of the horticulture department at Virginia Tech.

• Daniel Perez Cueva, 21, killed in his French class, according to his mother, Betty Cueva, of Peru.

• Kevin Granata, age unknown, engineering science and mechanics professor, according to Ishwar K. Puri, the head of the engineering science and mechanics department.

• Matthew G. Gwaltney, 24, of Chester, Va., a graduate student in civil and environmental engineering, according to his father and stepmother, Greg and Linda Gwaltney.

• Caitlin Hammaren, 19, of Westtown, N.Y., a sophomore majoring in international studies and French, according to Minisink Valley, N.Y., school officials who spoke with Hammaren's family.

• Jeremy Herbstritt, 27, of Bellefonte, Pa., according to Penn State University, his alma mater and his father's employer.

• Rachael Hill, 18, of Glen Allen, Va., according to her father, Guy Hill.

• Emily Jane Hilscher, a 19-year-old freshman from Woodville, according to Rappahannock County Administrator John W. McCarthy, a family friend.

• Jarrett L. Lane, 22, of Narrows, Va., according to Riffe's Funeral Service Inc. in Narrows, Va.

• Matthew J. La Porte, 20, a freshman from Dumont, N.J., according to Dumont Police Chief Brian Venezio.

• Liviu Librescu, 76, engineering science and mathematics lecturer, according to Puri.

• G.V. Loganathan, 51, civil and environmental engineering professor, according to his brother G.V. Palanivel.

• Partahi Lombantoruan, 34, of Indonesia, civil engineering doctoral student, according to Kristiarto Legowo, a spokesman for the foreign ministry.

• Lauren McCain, 20, of Hampton, Va., international studies major, according to a statement from the family.

04-18-2007, 01:52 PM
• Daniel O'Neil, 22, of Rhode Island, according to close friend Steve Craveiro and according to Eric Cardenas of Connecticut College, where O'Neil's father, Bill, is director of major gifts.

• Juan Ramon Ortiz, a 26-year-old graduate student in engineering from Bayamon, Puerto Rico, according to his wife, Liselle Vega Cortes.

• Minal Panchal, 26, a first-year building-science student from Mumbai, India, according to foreign ministry spokesman Navtej Sarna.

• Erin Peterson, 18, of Chantilly, Va., an international studies major, according to her father, Grafton Peterson.

• Michael Pohle, 23, of Flemington, N.J., according to officials at his high school, Hunterdon Central High.

• Julia Pryde, age unknown, a graduate student from Middletown, N.J., according to Virginia Tech professor Saied Mostaghimi, chairman of the biological systems and engineering department.

• Mary Karen Read, 19, of Annandale, Va. according to her aunt, Karen Kuppinger, of Rochester, N.Y.

• Reema J. Samaha, 18, a freshman from Centreville, Va., according to her family.

• Leslie Sherman, a sophomore history and international studies student from Springfield, Va., according to her grandmother Gerry Adams.

• Maxine Turner, 22, a senior majoring in chemical engineering from Vienna, Va., according to her father, Paul Turner.

04-18-2007, 01:54 PM
So is it confirmed that the reasoning behind this was his gf? there had to be something definite to have caused the man to be so troubled to go through such an act. I actually feel sorry for the killer like icecreamdan had mentioned, in order for somebody to have snapped in such a way, there must've been a multitude of issues surrounding him. For him to shoot at random and kill 30+ people, he was seriosuly disturbed.

I want to know the hard facts behind his intentions, no more speculation this and that. What does his family have to say? This should be a good measure of his accountability over the years. If the man had a gf obviosuly he was somewhat social, are there people around him? he had to have friends, if not the gf had friends that knew about him. where are these people? dead? if not why cant they speak out? how come the minorities havent spoken up on national television? something isnt right here...

My condolences to all of Virginia Tech student, faculty, and families, this is truly a tragedy, and I wish you all the best in your time of mourning and grievance.

04-18-2007, 02:02 PM
although i am a gun owner, and i still believe that all law obiding citizens should be allowed gun ownership, i do believe that we need to be more strict on the backround checks.

the shooter "cho" had 2 reports of possible stalking, and also spent time in a mental institue for possible suicidal issues in 2005! yet he was able to purchase two pistols a month apart in feb and march in 2007. thats insane, i know doctors are supposed to have a privacy issue, but at least be able to upload the persons name into a database that states they had possible prior mental health issues.

other updates say that cho's parents are missing, they dont know if cho might have offed them... or they may have fled from the publics possible response. If they are evading the public.. then u know its the upbringing.. that the parents knew about it and yet ignored it....

either way... all interviews and accounts state that people tried to talk to him, even his dorm mate said he tried to no avail. people tried and this guy was just nuts.

Wahl 136
04-18-2007, 02:04 PM
In the article that was posted up with this two screen plays a small part was written from a student that a was in his class. He said he was quiet and made an attempt to avoid talking to anyone in class. When they tried to talk to him he was stand offish. (in my own words) But he acted like the type of person you would sterotype into being a school shooter.

If you read McBeef I think you can see he has obvious rage issues. Maybe something that happend sent him over the edge. Hopefully they release the multipage note he left so we can get a better idea why he would do this.

04-18-2007, 02:09 PM
So is it confirmed that the reasoning behind this was his gf?

not confirmed... but they state.. it started when the RA came down stairs to tell cho to keep his voice down "to not argue so loud in the early mornings." and then cho opened fire with the glock, striking the girl he was argueing with and the RA.

i personally believe cho was on the verge of snapping.. and the innocent RA was just in the wrong place/wrong time. i believed there was a time gap between the two shootings because cho tried to hide.. and once he realized he wouldnt be able to run from the crime.. he just lost it completely and went apesheit... fugging coward....

04-18-2007, 02:50 PM
NBC News in NY just got a multi-page letter with pictures and video from the shooter. Mailed in the 2hrs between the shootings. Turned over to the VA police.

04-18-2007, 02:57 PM
NBC News in NY just got a multi-page letter with pictures and video from the shooter. Mailed in the 2hrs between the shootings. Turned over to the VA police.

That's Fucked up! Holy Crap!

04-18-2007, 04:49 PM
^^^ YEAH, that is freaken crazy that he'll actually do that!! man....

04-18-2007, 04:59 PM

Have a great time in hell. :fawk2: :fawk2: :fawk2: :fawk2:

04-18-2007, 06:12 PM

they released the videos in the gallery

04-18-2007, 06:45 PM
heres another link to the video.


04-18-2007, 09:03 PM
It's just so chilling to see the pics and video he sent.....

I just can't express the sorrow I feel for the family and friends of the lost ones....and the rest of the VT community.

04-18-2007, 09:53 PM
This is very sick and very sad. But to be honest with you and not to offend anyone but I'm surprised with all the violence on tv, movies and video games this doesn't happen more.
Like AkademikONE said, have a good time in hell...cause thats where he went. I pray for the families of the victims. I cant even imagine what they are going through.

About enforcing a "tougher" gun law. I think that is totally pointless and is this case would have done good. Its just like the san "A lock only keeps a honest man honest". If you want it bad enough you can get it. How do criminals, who aren't supposed to have guns, get them? Even people who seem to be good can go bad. Anyone can go on a rampage like this at anytime if they wanted to. So I personally think that the gun laws should stay like they are. Enforcing it hard to get a gun wont help. Thats just my opinion.

04-18-2007, 10:50 PM
This is very sick and very sad. But to be honest with you and not to offend anyone but I'm surprised with all the violence on tv, movies and video games this doesn't happen more.

cant really blame it on the games, i've been playing violent bloody games since i was 10, im not mentally trained to go and murder people.

If anything games is the smallest factor in the cause. From the videos it seems like he just wanted to be accepted. For those of you who have been bullied, put down, humiliated, etc. He may have experienced all this on a huge level and then some. Added to that could have been jealously since it seems like he wasnt as well off as the people around him. Cant really blame him for either since his parents were poor, and he moved here from korea at age 12. Pretty hard to learn english at that age. Not knowing english at the middle school level(where it seems to me bullies are the worst) can mean you wont make many friends.

Then you enter high school with few or no friends. I believe the asian population in virginia is around 4%, spilt that into koreans, it gets even lower. Then maybe those koreans are like 3rd or 4th generation and dont know korean, who is going to be able to comminicate with this kid. Maybe if he moved to a place with a higher population of koreans it may not have turned out this way. Things just add up

1) immigrant
2) not accepted by peers
3) poor
4) jealous
5) bullied
6) gf left him(?)
7) depressed for 10 years at least
8) just a bit crazy in the head

I'm in no way trying to defend this guy nor am i saying this was justified in any way whatsoever, it's not, but i cant help but to feel a bit sorry for the guy. Maybe that's what he wants, attention, maybe that's all that was needed to prevent this. Not some bullshit gun laws and security.

Kids and teenagers can be cruel in ways that seem innocent to all of us, but at that young age, it does permenant and serious damage on one's self confidence. So if it started when he moved here, this was all bound to happen sooner or later. He was taken from his home in korea in hopes of a better life here and when he arrived it was the biggest disappointment for him.

One wrong turn down this path can lead to disaster, and with him it sadly did end up that way.

When things get screwed up in your life you think about these things. I've had countless bad days, weeks, etc. Because of that i think about everything in my life and now i can read these articles and look pass the bullshit reporters write and see a different side of the story. All people need to do in life is appreciate what you have and be happy with it. This guy didnt and many people out there still dont. The same thing could happen to a rich kid if his parents all of a sudden dropped down to middle class. The causes of ALL these things are always because people dont appreciate shit.

So if we learn anything from this tragedy, it should be to just appreciate and cherish what you have.

sorry for the long post, it's my rant for the month

04-18-2007, 11:16 PM
No word on the parents as they bailed their home and the older sister refuses an interview. IMO maybe something within the family sparked more issues than outside. The sister seems to be successful as a State department contractor and the rents own a business and live in a well-off neighborhood...so it kinda leaves you wondering.

04-18-2007, 11:26 PM
No word on the parents as they bailed their home and the older sister refuses an interview. IMO maybe something within the family sparked more issues than outside. The sister seems to be successful as a State department contractor and the rents own a business and live in a well-off neighborhood...so it kinda leaves you wondering.

That just adds more to the list. Maybe his parents expected him to live up to his sister's status, or as we all know with asians, if you're the male in the family you should be at the top.

Parents expected too much, he got tired of their disappointing words, family neglect, high expectations, cruel punishments for failure, etc. The list goes on. Asian parents expect so much out of us because they came from a 3rd world country to create a better life for us. It took me years and years to convince my parents that i can only do so much and im not going to be Bill Gates. I do what i can, but maybe his parents never understood.

04-18-2007, 11:35 PM
then u know its the upbringing.. that the parents knew about it and yet ignored it....

Yah, I can only hope my parents will still wipe my ass for me when I'm 23.... Plz

I believe the asian population in Virginia is around 4%, split that into Koreans, it gets even lower.

I know what you mean, when I entered high school I wouldn't talk to anybody except Lithuanians with a little bit of German and American Indian. Its like I just couldn't relate to anybody that was from a different country. they were like aliens who just wouldn't communicate.... Plz

I'm not saying its easy to come over from another country but come on quit making explanations based on this kids race. There are over 3600 minorities enrolled at Virginia Tech,so that shit doesn't fly with me.

O, and yah the videos basically proved that it was planned. He was probably arguing about some shit knowing that was his last day. Maybe the girl knew something.

P.S. I'm sick of all the knowitalls that think we should have seen this dude from a mile away. Oh he wrote some sick plays where people die. I can tell you that if all books and plays that were based along these lines were to disappear, my 12th grade lit and comp CP course would have entailed hours upon hours of staring at the clock wondering what to do. OOOO he was a loner, didn't talk to his roommates. My High school buddy lived a whole year with a dude in college and didn't talk to him, he sat underneath this kids ass for 8 hours a night and didn't talk to him. And guess what, not only did he not kill anybody, but he does have lots of friends, and a few girls I go to school with now live with UHHH OH, and Asian roommate who doesn't talk to them. This has been going on for 8 months. Should we all assume that she may snap at any minute. THE ONLY "what if", "it should have been this way", etc was canceling classes in between the shootings. Bystanders always expect shit to be perfect. VT has never Ever had anything like this happen before. Why should they have been prepared for this, they shouldn't have. And as far as the guns. this guy would have brought throwing stars if he had to. Guns are never going to go away. Remember drugs. The junkies who are getting fucked up the most are the ones who get it easiest. Its the same with guns, If anything it would make it only harder for honest people to buy a gun (god im startin to sound like a republican) If you want it or need it bad enough, you find a way to get it. That is part of human nature. The only thing that would have stopped this is if he was in jail or committed. just because he had psychological medical attention doesn't mean he was crazy enough to be committed. More people than you would think have received mental health attention. It goes without saying something in this man snapped. Humans work in strange ways and when they do an autopsy on his brain I guarantee they will find something that would explain his actions. (if not a massive bullet hole).

04-18-2007, 11:37 PM
i agree with kouki_s14. i didn't think about it on that deep of a level, but i figure maybe he just needed some sort of friend despite how anti-social he was. i'm not saying that people didn't try, but maybe it was something that might have been a positive impact.

imo, condolences and prayers should be shared for the victims and the gunman. i'm not saying what he did was justified either, but i still feel sorry for him like a few others in this thread.

04-19-2007, 12:29 AM
I'm in no way trying to defend this guy nor am i saying this was justified in any way whatsoever, it's not, but i cant help but to feel a bit sorry for the guy. Maybe that's what he wants, attention, maybe that's all that was needed to prevent this. Not some bullshit gun laws and security.

A bit? Shit, the only way he could think of to express his emotions was to kill 31 students. I'm not trying to defend his actions at all, I hope there is an afterlife because I hate to think of somebody getting out of that and not dealing with consequences. Of all the hundreds of thousands of people that are effected I doubt anybody will feel anything CLOSE to the torment he was dealing with. Its his fault that he couldn't deal with it normally, but it doesn't change the fact that he felt THAT horribly inside.

From Chancellor Omero Suarez

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District

Virginia Tech Tragedy

April 17, 2007

It is with great sadness that we observe the tragedy that has affected Virginia Polytechnic Institute
& State University. We have sent condolences on behalf of all of us, and our flags are flying
at half staff reflecting our sorrow.

It is natural to wonder how an armed gunman who took the lives of so many innocent persons might
affect us, and for us to question how we and our own safety procedures would operate under similar

Our disaster preparedness includes emergency phones in our classrooms and parking lots. These enable
us to communicate with our classrooms and other office locations, and to respond to inquiries,
regarding any instructions to be followed in the event of an emergency. Our emergency plans are
comprehensive, and our Public Safety officers are well equipped and trained in responses to these
types of threats.

Both campuses have procedures in place to continue training administrators and emergency team members
on emergency responses. I thank all of you who have worked on these plans, and participated in
our simulations. The practice is always helpful and necessary. In fact, we have had to put those
plans into practice at both colleges due to local fires. Hopefully, we will never need to respond
to a situation as horrible as the events at Virginia Tech.

If you would like more information about the district/college plans, please review the District’s
Emergency Response Plan posted on the District’s website, or contact Public Safety at ext. 7654 or
Risk Management at ext. 7710 with specific questions.

I just noticed this e-mail today, anybody get anything like this?

04-19-2007, 06:43 AM
Va. Tech stunned by images of gunman

By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago

BLACKSBURG, Va. - Restaurant patrons cringed and mothers turned their children away from the television as the video came up of an armed Cho Seung-Hui delivering a snarling, venomous tirade about rich "brats" and their "hedonistic needs."

The self-made video and photos of Cho pointing guns as if he were imitating a movie poster were mailed to NBC on the morning of the Virginia Tech massacre. A Postal Service time stamp reads 9:01 a.m. — between the two attacks that left 33 people dead.

"This is it. This is where it all ends," Cho says in one videotape, in which he appears to be more melancholy than angry. "What a life it was. Some life."

Cho, 23, speaks in a harsh monotone in other videotaped rants, but it isn't clear to whom he is speaking.

"You had a hundred billion chances and ways to have avoided today," he says in one, with a snarl on his lips. "But you decided to spill my blood. You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off."

NBC said the package contained a rambling and often incoherent 23-page written statement, 28 video clips and 43 photos.

On NBC's "Today" show Thursday, host Meredith Vieira said the decision to air the information "was not taken lightly." Some victims' relatives cancelled their plans to speak with NBC because they were upset over the airing of the images, she said.

"I saw his picture on TV, and when I did I just got chills," said Kristy Venning, a junior from Franklin County, Va. "There's really no words. It shows he put so much thought into this and I think it's sick."

The package helped explain one of the biggest mysteries about the massacre: where the gunman was and what he did during that two-hour window between the first burst of gunfire, at a high-rise dorm, and the second attack, at a classroom building.

"Your Mercedes wasn't enough, you brats," says Cho, a South Korean immigrant whose parents work at a dry cleaners in suburban Washington. "Your golden necklaces weren't enough, you snobs. Your trust funds wasn't enough. Your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. All your debaucheries weren't enough. Those weren't enough to fulfill your hedonistic needs. You had everything."

One neighbor of one of the first two victims, Ryan Clark, 22, and Emily Jane Hilscher, 19, described on ABC's "Good Morning America" what she saw that morning in the dormitory, Ambler Johnson Hall.

"I heard a really loud female voice scream. I opened my door and that's when I saw the blood and the footprints, the sneaker-prints, leading in a trail from her room," Molly Donahue said.

Then she saw Clark, the resident assistant, on the floor against a door. A friend later told her he was dead.

"I got to the point where I can't be alone," Donahue said, describing her fear.

Authorities on Thursday disclosed that more than a year before the massacre, Cho had been accused of sending unwanted messages to two women and was taken to a psychiatric hospital on a magistrate's orders and was pronounced a danger to himself. But he was released with orders to undergo outpatient treatment.

The disclosure added to the rapidly growing list of warning signs that appeared well before the student opened fire. Among other things, Cho's twisted, violence-filled writings and sullen, vacant-eyed demeanor had disturbed professors and students so much that he was removed from one English class and was repeatedly urged to get counseling.

Some of the pictures in the video package show him smiling; others show him frowning and snarling. Some depict him brandishing two weapons at a time, one in each hand. He wears a khaki-colored military-style vest, fingerless gloves, a black T-shirt, a backpack and a backward, black baseball cap. Another photo shows him swinging a hammer two-fisted. Another shows an angry-looking Cho holding a gun to his temple.

He refers to "martyrs like Eric and Dylan" — a reference to the teenage killers in the Columbine High School massacre.

NBC News President Steve Capus said the package arrived in Tuesday afternoon's mail, but was not opened until Wednesday morning. It was sent by overnight delivery and apparently had the wrong ZIP code, NBC said.

An alert postal employee brought the package to NBC's attention after noticing the Blacksburg return address and a name similar to the words reportedly found scrawled in red ink on Cho's arm after the bloodbath, "Ismail Ax," NBC said.

Capus said that the network notified the
FBI around noon, but held off reporting on it at the FBI's request, so that the bureau could look at it first. NBC finally broke the story just before police announced the development at 4:30 p.m.

It was clear Cho videotaped himself, Capus said, because he could be seen leaning in to shut off the camera.

State Police Spokeswoman Corinne Geller cautioned that, while the package was mailed between the two shootings, police have not inspected the footage and have yet to establish exactly when the images were made.

Cho repeatedly suggests he was picked on or otherwise hurt.

"You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience," he says, apparently reading from his manifesto. "You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people."

A law enforcement official said Cho's letter also refers in the same sentence to
President Bush and John Mark Karr, who falsely confessed last year to having killed child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to speak to the media.

Earlier Wednesday, authorities disclosed that in November and December 2005, two women complained to campus police that they had received calls and computer messages from Cho. But the women considered the messages "annoying," not threatening, and neither pressed charges, Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said.

Neither woman was among the victims in the massacre, police said.

After the second complaint about Cho's behavior, the university obtained a temporary detention order and took Cho away because an acquaintance reported he might be suicidal, authorities said. Police did not identify the acquaintance.

On Dec. 13, 2005, a magistrate ordered Cho to undergo an evaluation at Carilion St. Albans, a private psychiatric hospital. The magistrate signed the order after an initial evaluation found probable cause that Cho was a danger to himself or others as a result of mental illness.

The next day, according to court records, doctors at Carilion conducted further examination and a special justice, Paul M. Barnett, approved outpatient treatment.

A medical examination conducted Dec. 14 reported that that Cho's "affect is flat. ... He denies suicidal ideations. He does not acknowledge symptoms of a thought disorder. His insight and judgment are normal."

The court papers indicate that Barnett checked a box that said Cho "presents an imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness." Barnett did not check the box that would indicate a danger to others.

It is unclear how long Cho stayed at Carilion, though court papers indicate he was free to leave as of Dec. 14. Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker said Cho had been continually enrolled at Tech and never took a leave of absence.

A spokesman for Carilion St. Albans would not comment.

Though the incidents with the two women did not result in criminal charges, police referred Cho to the university's disciplinary system, Flinchum said. But Ed Spencer, assistant vice president of student affairs, would not comment on any disciplinary proceedings, saying federal law protects students' medical privacy even after death.

Some students refused to second-guess the university.

"Who would've woken up in the morning and said, `Maybe this student who's just troubled is really going to do something this horrific?'" said Elizabeth Hart, a communications major and a spokeswoman for the student government.

One of the first Virginia Tech officials to recognize Cho's problems was award-winning poet Nikki Giovanni, who kicked him out of her introduction to creative writing class in late 2005.

Students in Giovanni's class had told their professor that Cho was taking photographs of their legs and knees under the desks with his cell phone. Female students refused to come to class. She said she considered him "mean" and "a bully."

Lucinda Roy, professor of English at Virginia Tech, said that she, too, relayed her concerns to campus police and various other college units after Cho displayed antisocial behavior in her class and handed in disturbing writing assignments.

But she said authorities "hit a wall" in terms of what they could do "with a student on campus unless he'd made a very overt threat to himself or others." Cho resisted her repeated suggestion that he undergo counseling, Roy said.

Questions lingered over whether campus police should have issued an immediate campus-wide warning of a killer on the loose and locked down the campus after the first burst of gunfire.

Police said that after the first shooting, in which two students were killed, they believed that it was a domestic dispute, and that the gunman had fled the campus. Police went looking for a young man, Karl David Thornhill, who had once shot guns at a firing range with the roommate of one of the victims. But police said Thornhill is no longer under suspicion


Wahl 136
04-19-2007, 08:10 AM
I'd really like to hear what his parents have to say. It would be more civil for them to make a statement or atleast make a public apology to the famlies. As long as they dont pull a Columbine Ala presto dissappearo.

04-19-2007, 10:00 AM
I agree with you kouki_s14.

But with what I said about tv, movies and video games was I'm surprised this doesn't happen more. You and I and other of others can "control" them selfs are are sane enough to not got out in play GTA in real life. But, there are some pretty stupid people out there. It just surprises me it doesn't happen more. But with this guy I totally agree with what you said.

1) immigrant
2) not accepted by peers
3) poor
4) jealous
5) bullied
6) gf left him(?)
7) depressed for 10 years at least
8) just a bit crazy in the head

Sad and stupid that he had to take 32 other people because he had a poor life but I do understand where some of his 'anger' or 'hate' came from.

04-19-2007, 11:30 AM
I'd really like to hear what his parents have to say. It would be more civil for them to make a statement or atleast make a public apology to the famlies. As long as they dont pull a Columbine Ala presto dissappearo.

What is an apology from his parents going to fix? Or even mean for that matter? The guy is old enough that he doesn't need to have other people speak FOR him. "Sorry we won't do it again?" sounds pretty cold to me. The only way to move on is to feel bad for everybody involved, and move on. Trying to blame it on bad parenting, or bad conditions, or mean classmates doesn't accomplish anything.

Let it be a reminder to spread the love. Give your friends an extra hug, or a high five. Call your parents if you don't live with them. Add an extra smile and thank you whenever you go to a restaurant, or gas station, or whereever.

04-19-2007, 11:34 AM
Soreballz, you're right. Asians are efficient at what they do.

To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.

This guy had nothing on efficiency.

04-19-2007, 11:43 AM
What is an apology from his parents going to fix? Or even mean for that matter? The guy is old enough that he doesn't need to have other people speak FOR him. "Sorry we won't do it again?" sounds pretty cold to me. The only way to move on is to feel bad for everybody involved, and move on. Trying to blame it on bad parenting, or bad conditions, or mean classmates doesn't accomplish anything.

Let it be a reminder to spread the love. Give your friends an extra hug, or a high five. Call your parents if you don't live with them. Add an extra smile and thank you whenever you go to a restaurant, or gas station, or whereever.

AMEN to that brother

I think this could have been avoided if the people around him just tried a little bit harder...I mean he had a girlfriend obviously...so at least SHE could have helped...

SOMEONE had to know that he was that disturbed and gave him the help he needed

04-19-2007, 11:47 AM
Wow, after a post like that you need to change your signature from E-thuggin to E-lovin.

J/k, good post.

Wahl 136
04-19-2007, 11:55 AM
What is an apology from his parents going to fix? Or even mean for that matter? The guy is old enough that he doesn't need to have other people speak FOR him. "Sorry we won't do it again?" sounds pretty cold to me. The only way to move on is to feel bad for everybody involved, and move on. Trying to blame it on bad parenting, or bad conditions, or mean classmates doesn't accomplish anything.

Let it be a reminder to spread the love. Give your friends an extra hug, or a high five. Call your parents if you don't live with them. Add an extra smile and thank you whenever you go to a restaurant, or gas station, or whereever.

I agree and understand what you mean. They said this started during high school in a recent article on yahoo. "Long before he boiled over, Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui was picked on, pushed around and laughed at over his shyness and the strange way he talked when he was a schoolboy in the Washington suburbs". I'm sure the parents were aware of it. I'm sure it means little to nothing but still for the parents to show some form of empathy for the families would be nice.

04-19-2007, 12:00 PM
They lost just as much as anybody else.

04-19-2007, 12:23 PM
They lost just as much as anybody else.

Yeah, true.

The fact the parents show no sympathy means squat. You know they have to feel so awful, bad parenting or not.

04-19-2007, 02:49 PM
Yeah, true.

The fact the parents show no sympathy means squat. You know they have to feel so awful, bad parenting or not.

Staying quiet about something doesn't mean you have no sympathy. With the only information about this whole incident being media speculation, there is no way anybody can accurately place blame anywhere. Assuming bad parenting, or video games, or cheating girlfriends is all just going off of the hype of the media. Stop letting them make money off of your willingness to pay to feel like you're entitled to your own opinion.

Baka Sama
04-19-2007, 05:51 PM
This just in... 1,000's of children die everyday in Africa cause they dont have enough food to eat. An average of 80 soilders die every month in Iraq.

One man shoots and kills 32 americans and its a fucking tragedy?? Wake the fuck up.

04-19-2007, 05:59 PM
wow, i hope you never experience the loss of a family member or loved one 'cause you seem to be a cold-hearted SOB.

Wahl 136
04-19-2007, 06:12 PM
This just in... 1,000's of children die everyday in Africa cause they dont have enough food to eat. An average of 80 soilders die every month in Iraq.

One man shoots and kills 32 americans and its a fucking tragedy?? Wake the fuck up.

Your right, in many ways. But Africa is a third world country, and it isn't publized not to say it isn't important or we want kids to suffer. Not to say that nobody cares. We expect in war that solders are going to die. But don't expect that kids going to school will get killed in the school. Maybe you didn't mean it badly but reading it over the internet it comes off pretty stone cold.

04-19-2007, 06:13 PM
Ian (mainevent212) - where does it confirm he had a g/f? I'm just saying speculation here (sorry to do it)....but that could have been a girl he was stalking.