View Full Version : WTB: Cusco OS Rear Strut Bar: S13

02-15-2007, 04:30 PM
Thanks for looking and to those who responded but I just wound up purchaseing one from c2auto here on the forums!! Reputation backs them up, hopeing for a great transaction. I will also be purchaseing the 3 point piece from them later this weekend.

02-16-2007, 02:04 PM
To The Top...

02-16-2007, 03:34 PM
actually u can use another bar besides the os, I use the OS but i think u can use the AS as well.. we sell both bars brand new if your intersted, PM me please to make sure I see it, sometimes i forget lol

02-16-2007, 08:06 PM
Pm Sent.....

02-17-2007, 04:00 AM
Thanks to those who responded but I just wound up purchaseing one from c2auto here on the forums!! Reputation backs them up, hopeing for a great transaction.