View Full Version : Weird SR issue

12-21-2006, 07:46 PM
so i put my new maf on last night and it would crank over just fine, but when i gave it gas it would stutter and hessitate. after a few times of cranking it on and off and testing it just stopped firing over. what could it be?

i mean, it would idle just fine with no issues, just the hessitation when accelerating

throttle is fine. plugs looked terrible, 02 sensor is fine and fuel pressure and injectors are fine.

theres just no reason for it to go from consistant cranking with hesitation during revving, to turning it right off and not being able to crank it right over.

i replaced the plugs and that wasnt the issue.

i pulled my ecu off and put a friends ecu on and it cranked right over just fine. i put my ecu back on and it wouldnt crank, so i thought my ecu was blown. i put my friends ecu back on and it would not crank either. i thought i had blown both ecu's.

we tried both ecu's out today on his sr and they both worked fine and cranked over on his blacktop. so what the hell could it be? wiring harness?

i was also thinking it could be the coolant temp sensor
the guy doing my swap say's ive got only 1 coolant temperature sensor, my freind who's done the swap before said there are 2 and if one isnt connected, the car would be doing the same thing its doing.

who seems right on this one? i was under the impression theres one coolant temperature sensor to the gauge cluster and one for the ecu. am i right or wrong? and if there is one going to the ecu and its not connected, would it do what its doing?

im sorry for the long post, im just trying to figure out what the hell could be going on.

12-23-2006, 12:29 AM
sounds like your maf is the problem. unless it always did this. Theoretically if it was running fine b4 you put a different maf in, and ran like crap after you put it in, then your maf is the problem because it didn't give you problems until you change mafs.

12-23-2006, 02:16 AM
Take your time and don't rush on this..because you will end up confusing yourself later.

Sit down and write down what you changed and done. Keep minimizing down and you will solve the problem soon.

now to help you out...

What ecu # did you try on? Do you have access to another ecu # code that you can try on?

All vaccum hoses are on?

Double check for intercooler leak or intake leak.

No exhaust leak anywhere?

Just keep coming back and update for us.

12-24-2006, 02:51 PM
Are you running an S13 or S14 Black Top? What SR is your buddy running?
Cuz S-14 Black tops and S13 Black tops are totally differnt.

12-24-2006, 05:08 PM
Are you running an S13 or S14 Black Top? What SR is your buddy running?
Cuz S-14 Black tops and S13 Black tops are totally differnt.
yeah make sure u put an s13 maf on it s14 maf is alot diferent car wont run right. i got extra s13 sr mafs for sle if u need one