View Full Version : Where can I get this wheel or can someone recomend a similar wheel

12-07-2006, 09:19 AM
I recently got new wheels a month ago but I only got 3 cause that's all the guy had when he gave it to me. They're Rota N1Rs 16x7. THe thing is that this model is discontinued which pisses me off cause they look nice. Does anyone know where I can possibly pick one more up or at least recomend a wheel that looks juss like it. I was interested in getting 17in Rota Grids for the rears, but the only ones i can get will cost $240 and it'll take 2-3 months to ship to a local wheel shop. So im holding off on those for now until i can find something else. Wheel gurus, help me out!...haha

The Rota N1R

12-07-2006, 09:29 AM
Rota = :jerkit:

16x7 = :barf: size

I'd suggest saving for a better set of wheels, rather than wasting energy to find the 4th ugly wheel. :bow:

12-07-2006, 09:36 AM
16x7 is a bit small nowadays - maybe you could look into another set of wheels - with a better offset. those are going to look pretty sunk in on a 240

if ur tight on $ theres some cheap cheap cheap wheels with *better sizes and offsets. Sportmax on ebay are wider and bigger but have whack offsets - but better than those. Rota D2s and grids are common in 16x8/8.5 +20s

did u buy a set of 3 wheels? bc thats just not even funny.

12-07-2006, 09:52 AM
Why must people put wheels that look worse than stock se wheels on their car. I just don't get it.

Unless you purposely want your car to look like trash, you need to stay away from dumpster spec rims.

There is no race to make your car look, "sick". So just slowly save up your money so it will look complete. Instead of purchasing crap, then advancing to mediocre and then being to broke to afford the good stuff.

12-07-2006, 09:55 AM
Those look like stockers, ugggh. I think I just threw up in my mouth a lil bit.

Seriously, sell those to some kid driving an Accord and pick up some decent wheels from the For Sale Section.

12-07-2006, 10:26 AM
sounds like he got it for free (not sure though , he stated the guy gave it to him).

OP, if these are discontinued, the best bet would be searching on ebay and craigslist. If you really want to use this, just use two wheels until the tires runs out or use it as track wheels. Then keep one as a full size spare. If it was me, I run them until the tires are gone, then throw them away or recycle them and get like a few bucks back.

12-07-2006, 01:48 PM
get a pair of rota grids 16x8 +10s if you are set on running those wheels.

12-07-2006, 05:29 PM
Haha...I luv it how the ones wit the most posts here are the complete jerkoffs of the thread.:fawk:

Anywayz, trsilvias13....thats pretty much the set up im using now. Its not bad at all. The car juss needs to be lowered definately

ayuaddict.... I def am looking at the Grids but in 17s in the rears and was goin to throw the N1Rs up front. Get that staggered set-up. Its going to take 2-3 months to get any Rota Grids in at the wheel shop and all the Rota Grids i found online come in 4x100 patterns. Any other input would be nice in a 6 spoke wheel and if you wanna give me another shitty opinion about my set up, I dont give a damn cause again....u are J.E.R.K.O.F.F.S.

drift freaq
12-07-2006, 05:51 PM
Haha...I luv it how the ones wit the most posts here are the complete jerkoffs of the thread.:fawk:

Anywayz, trsilvias13....thats pretty much the set up im using now. Its not bad at all. The car juss needs to be lowered definately

ayuaddict.... I def am looking at the Grids but in 17s in the rears and was goin to throw the N1Rs up front. Get that staggered set-up. Its going to take 2-3 months to get any Rota Grids in at the wheel shop and all the Rota Grids i found online come in 4x100 patterns. Any other input would be nice in a 6 spoke wheel and if you wanna give me another shitty opinion about my set up, I dont give a damn cause again....u are J.E.R.K.O.F.F.S.

Ok you need to learn something about forums. YOu post some ugly wheels that are not made anymore looking for spares. Now maybe you like them? Thats ok, though a lot of us feel they are ugly. Again you posted them and now your suprised at off hand comments about how bad they look? Grow up.
There are a lot of good wheels out there, that look better, that you can get without breaking the bank, 6 spoke at that. Your not going to win any points or get any respect by calling people jerkoffs just for voicing their opinion that your wheels are ugly. In fact it will probably make people disregard you all together.
After all they did not call you any names or insult you. Though you do seem to be doing that to them.

12-07-2006, 06:26 PM
check the advertisor specials... i think one of the advertisors still has some rota grids left...

i wouldn't run rotas on my car tho... :-/

12-07-2006, 09:16 PM
the only reason why i suggested the 16x8 +10 rota grids are because of their decent offset, getting 17s would defeat the purpose altogether.

12-07-2006, 09:54 PM
Any other input would be nice in a 6 spoke wheel and if you wanna give me another shitty opinion about my set up, I dont give a damn cause again....u are J.E.R.K.O.F.F.S.

you need to relax a bit

what's the offset?

a sunk wheel won't look as sunk before lowering. lowering makes it more obvious

just something else to consider

12-07-2006, 10:16 PM
I saw your wack post on 240sxforums.com, where everyone is a mindless drone, and has no taste.

If you want your car to look GOOD and NOT cheap, you should seriously consider getting a different set of used wheels.

There's more to wheels than just face design, and width, you gotta think of offsets, tire size, ride height, etc. THOSE few things will change the look of your car INDEFINATELY.

Just thought I'd say what's on my mind.


Those wheels were discontinued for a reason. :P

12-08-2006, 03:13 AM
I saw your wack post on 240sxforums.com, where everyone is a mindless drone, and has no taste.

If you want your car to look GOOD and NOT cheap, you should seriously consider getting a different set of used wheels.

There's more to wheels than just face design, and width, you gotta think of offsets, tire size, ride height, etc. THOSE few things will change the look of your car INDEFINATELY.

Just thought I'd say what's on my mind.


Those wheels were discontinued for a reason. :P

Lol, that was a dream killer! ahha

12-08-2006, 08:53 AM
Haha...I luv it how the ones wit the most posts here are the complete jerkoffs of the thread.:fawk:

Anywayz, trsilvias13....thats pretty much the set up im using now. Its not bad at all. The car juss needs to be lowered definately

ayuaddict.... I def am looking at the Grids but in 17s in the rears and was goin to throw the N1Rs up front. Get that staggered set-up. Its going to take 2-3 months to get any Rota Grids in at the wheel shop and all the Rota Grids i found online come in 4x100 patterns. Any other input would be nice in a 6 spoke wheel and if you wanna give me another shitty opinion about my set up, I dont give a damn cause again....u are J.E.R.K.O.F.F.S.

Well, since you are just begging me to keep it real...

Lets begin.

What in the hell possessed you to purchase low profile tires when your car has ZERO need for them. Your car is sitting higher than that ford in the back ground. By the way it looks right now, your car might win pizza cutter of the year.

You want to and are willing to wait three months for crappy rims? You're so cute.

I hope you figure out propper wheel sizing, because my integra has a lower offset than you do.

12-08-2006, 12:27 PM
!Zar!...what the hell are you talkin about. Who said anything about me waitin 2-3 months for Grids. Your so cute?....your a sweetheart there fruitpop. Its juss gonna take the shop that long to get em if i order it in which Im not cause its so long, ill probally forget that I ordered them. "Keep it real" for someone else.

Guys, I know these wheels are doo doo in size and all that(no more flaming, im scorched...haha) but they're juss wheels to beat the shit out of especially since i wanna get more into drifting in the summer and attend Club Loose open events in Englishtown, NJ. The roads here are juss so bad and im not going to invest in uber wheels juss to hurt them in horrible potholes. I got these wheels from this guy who used them with the same purpose.

Im lookin into the 16x8 Grids right now cus they do have way better offsets. Iono, I like the look...i guess i have shitty taste but o well.

12-08-2006, 02:14 PM
stay away from that rota garbage.
buy russells sterns.

12-08-2006, 09:42 PM
Hell yeah, STERNS.

12-08-2006, 09:55 PM
Me like:yum:

12-08-2006, 11:13 PM

you could get these

theyre kindof the same

A Spec Products
12-08-2006, 11:43 PM

you could get these

theyre kindof the same

i used to like the budnik wheels

on like slammed silverado trucks

that was pretty short lived


12-09-2006, 01:02 AM
i used to like the budnik wheels

on like slammed silverado trucks

that was pretty short lived


i call BS, you still like em!!!

12-10-2006, 09:49 PM
i used to like the budnik wheels

on like slammed silverado trucks

that was pretty short lived


those look like eagle alloys. you're so wrong!! lol. i like trucks too, when they're towing my 240sx to a event!

12-11-2006, 12:14 AM
your sideskirts are like really wavy.

12-11-2006, 03:30 AM
Any other input would be nice in a 6 spoke wheel and if you wanna give me another shitty opinion about my set up, I dont give a damn cause again....u are J.E.R.K.O.F.F.S.

nice lift kit and 15s. :wackit:

oh btw i gave u a neg rep. =)

12-11-2006, 03:34 AM
holly crap that is one ugly ass car looks like zombie 240 poor car.

12-11-2006, 08:00 AM
im wondering wth that white mark is

12-11-2006, 03:39 PM
hrm, where in his post did he ask for someone's opinion about the looks for the rims? I guess there is a unwritten rule on zilvia where you have to have uber flush offset and superlow car.

12-11-2006, 04:02 PM
hrm, where in his post did he ask for someone's opinion about the looks for the rims? I guess there is a unwritten rule on zilvia where you have to have uber flush offset and superlow car.

whoa crap someone finally figured it out.

12-11-2006, 04:04 PM
hahaha isnt that jesse's car?

12-11-2006, 05:10 PM
no but many members on here try to promote quality parts and crappy rotas are not in the lineup. and when you act like an ass and tell everyone they are a jerkoff...you probably are going to piss off a good number of people.

if ppl want to flame u for ur taste why let it bother you? but if your going to openly pick fights and talk smack, expect a bit of flack.

Id rather see people save their cash and buy good parts and promote the companies that are out there to produce quality parts vs seeing people go around toting shitty parts.
that is all.