View Full Version : local escape artist performs INCREDIBLE halloween hoax...and gets arrested for it >_<

11-02-2006, 03:02 AM
Down in Key West we have a place called mallory square, its the best place to watch sunset and is a HUGE tourist spot. We have vendors selling local good, and street performers entertaining touists before sunset.

There is this one gentleman who is an escape artist, his final trick involes him dangling upside down in a straight jacket over something dangerous *fire, spikes, ect* Tuesday night he decided to switch it up a little bit.....the outcome triggered 5 authorities to conduct a huge search and rescue.

After he was strapped into a straightjacket, he hobbled towards the ledge of the pier and began talking to the crowd. He asked them if they knew the real name of the legendary magician Harry Houdini and if they knew what night it was. Halloween night is the anniversary of Houdinis death, this was his 80th anniversary.

With onlookers screaming "JUMP JUMP JUMP" he took 3 deep breaths and jumped backwards off the ledge into the 35ft deep channel of mallory square.

He joked around asking if they wanted to see a triple backflip off the pier and of course the crowd responded with praise. Off he goes into the water and people follow to the ledge to watch what has never happened in his routine before. As people started looking around after he didnt resurface, a few other performers jumped in after him. A performer *and the 1st person into the water after him* was quoted "the situation could mean 3 things: Suicide, an accident, or the performers grestest stunt ever" 30 minutes passes by, still no sign of the bound performer. Coast Guard helicopters arrived on scene. Divers were deployed and spotlights aided in the vision for the divers.

People asked around if he always jumps into the water, performers chimed in and stated that this was his first time doing this sort of thing. Some vendors and performers noticed something different about tonights act. His tripod where he dangles upside down wasnt present and he wasnt chained up like he usually is.

"he wasnt happly tonight like he usually is" quoted a vendor. they state that he just returned from LA after meeting several famous magicians. One of them being Chriss Angel.

"I hope hes around close, having a drink watching all of this" says another performer who wouldnt believe he would commit suicide.

THE DAY AFTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The performer who leaped in to the water was arrested at a local bed and breakfast for the whole incident. He is arrested for culpable negligence *which is total bullshit* and he now sits in jail with a 50k bond.

I hate being a LEO sometimes. The man performs an incredible stunt, and gets arrested for it. :fawk2:

*edit* I just did some math.

he jumped at 5:45pm
coast guard arrived on scene 30 minutes after *6:15pm*
they called off the search at 8:00pm to resume at daybreak the morning after

They looked a total of 1hr 45 minutes.....CALLED OFF THE SEARCH and said "oh well we will resume tomorrow at daybreak"

....................wow fucking wow

11-02-2006, 03:23 AM
Welcome to america!!

Where if your someone great...you gotta pay the man.

11-02-2006, 04:08 AM
Hola! My name is Borat! I maken movie, if it not success, I will be execute!

11-02-2006, 04:24 AM
Why is this bs he got what he had coming to him. You don't waste peoples time. This is like the lady who faked being kidnapped just to get out of a wedding. He faked his death, state wasted money looking for his body. Also Chris Angle suxxxxx