View Full Version : Remembering 9/11

09-11-2006, 07:02 AM
I just wanted to have a remembrance of the 5 year anniversary of 9/11. To the 3,000 people who lost their lives,
and to the heroes and workers who helped out, this thread is for you.



To those who are responsible, this is for you.

:fawk2: :down: :squint: :mad: :rant: :rl: :axe: :madfawk: :mephfawk: :wackit: :hammer: :lockd:

To those who believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy and it was planned out by the U.S. Government,
you people are being insanely naive.

09-11-2006, 07:46 AM
5 years ago I worked for 3 days straight on next to no sleep, just because a small fanatical group believes that because not every American is muslim, every American must die.

Hooray for fanaticism. :down:

Thanks to the folks still in the service doing their duties and serving their country.

09-11-2006, 08:02 AM
I listened to the radio this morning and on all the morning shows they replayed clips from 9/11 and listeing to their reactions was like listening to it happening all over again. It was crazy in the begining the reports that were coming in: that it was a small plan that hit the building, etc.

09-11-2006, 09:06 AM
I remember it like it was yesterday. I was waking up for work an turned on the tv an the news reports of a plane hitting the first tower were just coming in. then there was a reporter giving a account on what was going on when you could hear a low flying jet in the background an the the shadow of it as it flew over him an hit the second building.I swear that was one of the worst feelings i have ever felt knowing those people in the plane an building lives ended at that point in time. Then too hear it was an attack in the name of "god"(allah)totally threw me for a loop. How can someone think god wants any of his creations blood spilled in his name????? That would be like me telling my son too kill my other son in my name, i am his creator,he is my son,as humans we want the best for our children dont you think god the all mighty creator would want the same for his children????? Also to think that you are the voice of god(allah)is pretty vain an selfish.why would god the creator of the heaven an us need our help too carry out his will?????this idea too me seems pretty RIDICULOUS! Well not too lose sight of what this thread is about. NEVER FORGET the past or we wil be doomed too repeat it! Never Forget those we have lost in N.Y. an D.C. an too the brave men an women on flight 93 that fought back an sacrificed their lives so that no other blood was lost! To the brave police/firemen/ for running in the burning buildings to save lives when everyone was running away. Too the 2752 or more that lost their lives that day today an forever you are in my prayers.