View Full Version : Recommended site for viewing aero kits?

09-03-2006, 12:15 PM
Ideally what I am looking for would be one single site a "compendium" if you will of all the aero kits old & new for the S-chassis. Kind of like an online HyperRev for aero.

I don't think such a place exists so I am ambling my way through a multitude of sites looking at various kits and doing my best to keep track of what I am looking at. Essentially I am shopping around for an S14 rear bumper & side skirts that complement the S14 body lines vice contrast. By contrast I mean I am noticing many of the skirts/rears have flares, vents, swirls or "kick out" which is fine and when done right looks great on the car but it's not what I am looking for.

The most subtle rear I have come across so far is the nismo (replica) rear and even that has a small "kick out" at the base of it, ideally I am looking for a rear bumper that would drop down to fill in the gap between the road and the body line and would "cleanly" round off the rear of the car vice coming up at the awkwardly straight angle that it does. Kind of along the lines of an audi TT lower rear bumper.

The skirts are a problem as well because the nismo (replica) skirts have a silly vent or hole of some sort in the rear portion.

I'm looking around but if anyone has some kit suggestions or even better a site with a large selection of kits/images to choose from it would be greatly appreciated

09-03-2006, 12:24 PM
Use the picture thread plus the REALLY COOL ability of a computer to "save" these things as "image files" which can be organized as you see fit into "folders."

Use google and various online vendor's photos as well.

it's not hard if you aren't lazy.

09-03-2006, 12:29 PM
raretrick.com has alot of aero kits, don't think its really what your looking for though.

09-03-2006, 01:18 PM
OptionZero: Other than raising your post count I fail to see how you constructively contributed to this thread in any way. Why don't you go troll somewhere else to get that post count up ok?

s13silvia03: Thank you very much for the link that's exactly along the lines of what I am looking for.

09-03-2006, 01:32 PM
i would reccomend andysautosport.com

i reccomend the version 1 kit. very sexy and clean

09-03-2006, 02:10 PM
if you want a kit that has the same lines as stock get instant gentleman

09-03-2006, 02:43 PM
OptionZero: Other than raising your post count I fail to see how you constructively contributed to this thread in any way. Why don't you go troll somewhere else to get that post count up ok?

Have you tried my idea? have you searched the site for the millions of aero threads that have already been posted? are you familiar with the internet?

did you bother to look on the very first page, not 10 threads below yours:

fucking idiot, you want there to be some magic site www.radhazsperfectaerocomehere.com ? end yourself

09-03-2006, 04:12 PM
its old but you can start here http://forums.nicoclub.com/zerothread?id=38214

09-03-2006, 04:19 PM
Option's thugging is getting kind of old. If someone hadn't already said it, my answer to this question would've been Raretrick.com too.

09-03-2006, 04:33 PM
SlammedS14: Thanks I came across that site earlier it's definitely another good one.

chmercer: of course you'd pick something obscure and hard to find. I found it on their website http://www.super-made.com/ and its pretty much EXACTLY along the lines of what I am looking for THANK YOU very much.


borosun: that's what I was hoping we would have had somewhere on zilvia, we use to have a page on the frontpage that had a list of manafactuar's & dealers but I guess with the upgrades it fell into the bitbucket

240Falkon: Agreed on both counts and your text in your sig is hilarious.

09-03-2006, 05:08 PM
I am suggesting that answering of questions remains the order of the day, I don't like having to do "moderator" stuff

09-03-2006, 05:33 PM
not sure if someones listed this one yet... didnt click on all the links

09-03-2006, 05:54 PM
az_240 that's a fantastic link, it's a shame there's not one for each S chassis. Something like that should be converted to wiki and/or a stickied thread here wow.

09-03-2006, 07:09 PM
^That's the same link I posted in this Thread.

09-03-2006, 08:46 PM
^That's the same link I posted in this Thread.

Hmm, perhaps maybe we could generate a single body kit "FAQ" to be stickied to help out people searching? Thats one link that is really useful to most anyone searching for S14 kits. We're already a third done with the list as it is :)

09-03-2006, 09:37 PM
Option's thugging is getting kind of old.

I agree.....WTF M8? Life not going so well? (OptionZero)

Anyways, you can check out here too: http://www.takakaira.com/aerokits/aerokitindex.asp

09-03-2006, 10:43 PM
i don't see how it's e-thuggery, there WAS a thread on the very same page with the same topic, and I am fairly sick of s14 aero threads

he is looking for something very specific, but if he had simply browsed the usual, obvious sites (picture thread, google, online vendors), he could have seen whats out there. if it ain't on those sites, its either out of production or so rare he'll never get it

i'm not gonna argue about it, if you have that many posts here you should learn how to use the site and the internet in conjunction to find what you need..s14 aero isn't a topic that needs to be brought up unless you're actually contributing something new

09-03-2006, 10:57 PM
^does someone need a hug???

feel better?

09-03-2006, 11:07 PM
fucking idiot, you want there to be some magic site www.radhazsperfectaerocomehere.com ? end yourself

Looks like e-thuggery to me. Calm down it's only the internet.

09-03-2006, 11:11 PM
Thatguy posted the same link here as in the other thread. Had the original poster simply checked the other thread, he would have seen it.

My attitude is not the subject of this thread, others made it so. Furthermore, if he had followed my advice, he would not only have found what he wanted, but also be equipped to find whatever he needs in the future. You can whine about how I tell you, or you can do it and cry about hurt feelings at home.

I post how I usually do, truthfully. You got a problem with HOW I post, leave me anonymous neg reps like girls if you'd like, or shoot me a PM if you really wanna talk to me. Hell, I believe my aim name is on there as well.

Me, i'll follow phlips implied warning and let this thread die at this point