View Full Version : Apexi Dual N1 in the Bay Area?

08-29-2006, 03:07 AM
I'm looking for someone with an S14 running the dual n1 exhaust in the Bay Area. I'm thinking of changing mine(Espelir JGT 500) and would like to listen to yours first. Anywhere off 880 would be good, and even better if your near oakland/alameda.

Thanks in advance.

08-29-2006, 03:10 AM
Tons of people in the bay area have n1 duals on s14.

Davis from shockdrifting is one of them.
And another guy from Dori Sluts has em.

Just to name a few.

I personally think it sounds awesome... go for it.

08-29-2006, 02:40 PM
plenty of ppl have the ssac or apexi...only thing you have to decide is whether you like the sound of it with (ssac) or without (apexi) resonator...i kind of liked it with the resonator...same tone and burble, but not as loud...

08-29-2006, 06:47 PM
Thanks guys for the info... now where can i find these guys haha. I want to see and hear it in person. Anyone with one want to reply. thanks again.