View Full Version : 3hr trip

08-28-2006, 09:47 PM
Wondering how man people have gone on some nice rides with their Sr's. Im going to be taking a 3 hr trip and was wondering if anyone has had problems overheating ? Wither with mods or not just wondering.

08-28-2006, 09:53 PM
fucking moron.

SR comes stock in 240sx (Silvia, 200sx in europe) STOCK.
STOCK> theres no major factory recalls. it does not overheat unless you are an idiot.

i never had my sr overheat. just like any engine if u run your cooling system in tact it wont overheat.

it has NO problems. think!!!!! fuckkk. dumb shit like this aggravates me.

08-28-2006, 09:56 PM
hmmm silvia whats that ??? like a Toyota ??? .....and my cooling system is intact and still overheats sometimes....cars do overheat I mean if they didnt no one would ever have to worry about that right ??

08-28-2006, 10:03 PM
if your cooling system is done right - no restriction to air flow, your stock fan shroud is good, clutch fan is good - no overheating. if you got a thicker radiator it wont overheat. if you run a GOOD electric fan that completely seals the radiator with a shroud - it wont overheat.

if you running 10inch autozone fan and run the shit out of it and let it idle - yes it will.

you can run sr on the highway without a fan. a fan is to help you cool down the fluid in the radiator when you stand still or at low speeds.

you need to get a basic idea of how things work before coming on here and making yourself looking like an idiot.

i daily drove sr for years. you need to learn your car. or sell it.

08-28-2006, 10:07 PM
lol electric fan and has a shroud that completely covers the radiator, although there is some restriction by the fmic....and I dont run my car hard at all, dont spool much. Some people dont have to be asshole, know it all's either. Didnt think the stock fan shroud will work with the sr clutch fan either ? because it was off a bit,I maybe wrong though.

08-28-2006, 10:14 PM
More posts than me? Where do people spend all of their time posting.

In short. Take it to A mechanic. Tell him you have a Presure Dependant Cooling system. Tell him to Flush the cooling system. Then Bleed the Air Off. From the cap, and the outlet neck on the head.

After this just take his advice.

Oh, and in Reguards to a 3 hour trip. I drove flat out from LA to SLC on Tein He's and a Sparco Speed. Had the buddyclub Spec II ringing in my ear. Out ran some... "people" on the 15... Lol 9-10 hours or so. It was a blast.

08-28-2006, 10:18 PM
Thanks johngriff, more like more time ridiculing, and not helping other people out, and just trying post as much as they can...

08-28-2006, 10:35 PM
Thanks johngriff, more like more time ridiculing, and not helping other people out, and just trying post as much as they can...
Dude, he was talking about you...

08-28-2006, 10:53 PM
wow this kid is retarded.

08-29-2006, 01:51 AM
:blah: :wackit:

08-29-2006, 02:18 AM
Do you really have an SR or are you just saying that to be cool? Actually better question, do you even know where your SR came from?

But to the topic: I drove four hours in 100º with my A/C on and didn't have any problem. I still have the stock clutch fan and S13 SMIC.

08-29-2006, 02:37 AM
dude. You need the Sr to run cold, and with out air in the system. This can be signs of greater problems to come.

08-29-2006, 03:15 AM
I don't know where the hell this stupid kid came from.

08-29-2006, 03:57 AM
Ohio... figures. Hahaha jk.

08-29-2006, 04:48 AM
hmmm silvia whats that ??? like a Toyota ???

Its made by Ford..


08-29-2006, 06:03 AM
3 hour tour... shit dont get stranded on an island

08-29-2006, 07:16 AM

It does seem that SR's seem to have a reputation for decreased reliability compared to stock KA's, but this doesnt' really have anything to do with the engine, it has to do largely with the following:

-Lots of people with SR's have tuned the shit out of them. Just because some guy with 400hp and a crappy tune blows a HG or whatever doesn't mean that a stock SR is an unreliable engine.

-Lots of SR's are installed by people with unsufficient knowledge/experience, and so things go awry because someone fucked something up with the original install. Again, this doesn't mean the SR isn't reliable.

-People with SR's tend to beat the shit out of them racing/drifting/just generally being crazy. If you're not pounding the crap out of your engine, it'll last you a long time.

Bottom Line: If you aren't doing anything you shouldn't be doing to your SR, then it'll be a very reliable powerplant. As for overheating, just take the same steps you would with any other car before a long road trip (i.e. check EVERYTHING, there are no excuses for breakdowns).

08-29-2006, 07:31 AM
I have put 40k miles on my SR in the past 3 years. Driven to Orlando and back a few times (700 miles). I never had any problems until I put the FMIC in and was running the a/c nonstop. Started getting a little hot. But other than that and a few maintenace things (thermostat, water pump, busted heater hose, etc) it's been smooth sailing.

08-29-2006, 11:28 AM
Fan on the I/C FTW!

08-29-2006, 01:50 PM
a small 10 or if they still make them an 8inch electric fan to do a pull on the IC and run a clutch fan for the radiator would be intresting... just have a little switch to flick when temps get a bit on the hot side.... havent heard anyone doing this yet so I may give it a shot and see how it goes.

08-29-2006, 02:51 PM
Roundtrips I've taken on SR's:
6 between Detroit and Wisconsin (500miles each way)
1 between Wisconsin and Los Angeles
2 between LA and SF
5 between LA and SD
2 between LA and Las Vegas

Times I've had it break down: once, less than a block from my destination, and it was because of a badly done wiring harness.

If your SR is correctly installed, you should just treat the question as "Do I trust a 15 year old car to make a trip"

SR is a stock motor engineered to work with the car, it's not some crazy hybrid.

08-30-2006, 06:14 AM
Fan on the I/C FTW!

been thinking about taking the electric fan off of a sport bike for IC. the one on my suzuki is a cute little guy, perfect for IC. :D

08-30-2006, 10:07 AM
If you had a fan on your ic, do you think it would block more air than it could pull through ?

08-30-2006, 10:10 AM
kouki monster make sure you make a post if you decide to follow thru with that idea.

also when i evacuated for katrina, we ended up going to mississippi 3 hours out of the way! so we drove back another 3 hours. 6 hours total. no problems. then drove to laffayette after that to get away.

then had to drive back to new orleans (nola) would have been 2 hours on interstate, but they ween't letting people back in so we had to take airline..... looooooong drive again no problems.

then week or two later off to a shelter in shreveport which was 5 hours away! after three months of staying there, came back down another 5 hour drive again no problems.

try not to dogg it out a lot k.

search the forums for a "SR reliability" thread! it will give you some upgrades to help it stay cooler and wat not


08-30-2006, 12:04 PM
heh, just made a trip to MN and back a few weeks ago, 18 hours each way, straight through. Not one cooling problem, and the only time it started to go up was when high speeds were involved passing through the corn states at 2am, but never cracked 88* C. *edit* with a big FMIC and koyo radiator

As long as its not a Janky ass swap, and everything else is in good running condition, 3 hours is nothing, I spend more than 3 hours at a time driving up in the mountains.

08-30-2006, 02:41 PM
just get in your car and drive. if something happens on the way there...3 hours aint that long...then you can just shoot yourself and die cuz your engine wasnt done right.

08-31-2006, 11:34 AM

LOL Vatche takes the kill~!

LOL, if you get a HIGH OUTPUT FAN, like the SPAL, not some joke Repair Store peice of crap, i think it will help alot in traffic and low speeds. I think over 65mph plus, it may be a hinderance... sound like a tech article/video to me!! I'll get started!

09-04-2006, 03:39 PM
1 hr drive, tracked, dragged, hour drive back all gooood.

09-04-2006, 04:27 PM
3 hours is a road trip? Shit, I've driven 2 one way for sonic burger.

09-04-2006, 06:31 PM
