View Full Version : Friend was shot and killed last night

08-23-2006, 11:03 PM
Im not too sure why I am posting this... It makes me feel better for some reason though... just to get it out there.

My friends roomate comes home to see my friend Brad shot to death in their chandler home late last night. They had guns of their own but im sure it was just so unexpected

It looks like someone just broke in and shot him... No motiv from what I have been told so far.

I was without words when I first heard... thought it was a joke or something. But no its all too real and just so damn hard to cope with. I cant understand why someone would commit such a sensless murder...
Its all I can think about... I knew the guy since the 8th grade and have been great friends ever since.
I just wish I could do SOMETHING... go back in time whatever it takes... but I know realistically there is nothing I can do. I have not the slightest speculation who could have done this... he was one of the coolest guys I ever met and he had NO enemies. Its just so unbelievable something like this can happen.
I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be rough:wtc:

Rest In Peace Brad.
You truely were one of the greatest most influencial person in my eyes

08-23-2006, 11:24 PM
its happens all to quickly, sorry man, i can feel for you. take it easy.

08-23-2006, 11:27 PM
You say he had guns, are you talking about the kind of gun you put in your dresser drawer for when someone breaks into your house, or the kind where you keep it tucked in the rear of your pants? Was anything stolen?

Jesus, that's FUCKED up. This is a crazy, CRAZY world we live in, and I know his soul is going to a far better place where things like this don't happen. Rest in peace. Seriously, gotta crack open a beer for that.

08-23-2006, 11:28 PM
I know how you feel man. I just lost a close friend recently also. My condolences to you and his family and friends.

Senseless violence just doens't make sense (no pun intended). Keep your head up and hope the shooter gets caught and is prosecuted, but even if that happens, his life can never be returned. Sad to say that.

R.I.P. Brad

08-23-2006, 11:32 PM
He had a 9mm
No word yet on if anything was stolen.
I just pray to god they catch the guy

08-24-2006, 02:29 AM
My girlfriend just called me with details on what happened.
She went to Brads parents' house where everyone went to reminice and talk about what happened.
I couldnt go... this shits just too much for me right now.

Anyway I found out my friend and his roomate were actually home together when they heard their dogs barking. So the roomate went to check the front of the house and my friend went to check the backyard through the garage.

The roomate heard argueing and then a BANG. He was in the front yard looking in through the garage (it was open) and he saw someone shut the door to the garage real fast so he ran to the neighbors house and called the police. Swat showed up and got my friend on the ambulence but he was shot in the heart... they did everything they could.
They believe this guy was trying to rob them and they supposively caught the guy but they are not 100%.

If only they got the gun out just to be sure... but it was in the other room and they probably thought the dogs barking was nothing.

I still just cant believe this shit would happen... He was seriously so fuckin funny and awesome to be around. Most of my old friends usually just talk shit about me behind my back and are just straight up douchebags now... This guy was no coward like that. It just shows me how valuable real friends are

08-24-2006, 02:42 AM
few days ago there was a post of someone's friend got killed by DUI, now gunshot, oh god, what have the world come to?
sorry to hear that man...

08-24-2006, 02:48 AM
It seems this world is just getting worse by the day with the population rising so quickly now and all these other problems in the world. Its only a matter of time before we just kill ourselves off (hopefully not in my life-time)

08-24-2006, 03:02 AM
few days ago there was a post of someone's friend got killed by DUI

That was me. The world is a fucked up place.

Again, my condolences.

08-24-2006, 03:52 AM
I don't ever know what to say in situations like this.

Sorry for your loss man.

08-24-2006, 05:57 AM
man...this world is truly becoming worse...we have to savor each day as if its are last (yes I know that's a cliche..but its true).

May Brad R.I.P. and his shameless murderer gets caught.

08-24-2006, 06:05 AM
My condolences, man. I'm sorry.

08-24-2006, 06:33 AM
I cringe evereytime I hear a story like this. What a shame. I'm really sorry about your friend. May he rest in peace.

08-24-2006, 07:29 AM
That's crazy man. Sorry to hear that.

I want to get a gun for home protection too. More piece of mind then anything I think.

08-24-2006, 09:39 AM

hope they catch the fucker

drift freaq
08-24-2006, 09:48 AM
man, my condolences for your friend. Its fucked up that people trying to rob someones house have to kill the person too. R.I.P.

08-24-2006, 10:01 AM
Aww man, this really sucks. I can't believe people would take someone's life, over nothing, like that. My condolences...

08-24-2006, 10:15 AM
rip. sorry 'bout your loss.

08-24-2006, 10:28 AM
Sucks bro.. we just lots some good guys here to........Its fucked up when it happens at home in your own house even more........

Hope they find the fuccccck head!!!


08-24-2006, 10:47 AM
I'm so sorry to read/hear about this.

My condolences to the victim's family. This kind of shit is just fucking horrendous.

I hope they got the guy.

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your friends.


I swear... 2006 has been so fucked up. AGH.

08-24-2006, 10:58 AM
i am really sorry to hear what happened to your friend.it really gives me a heavy heart too hear someone who was as good as person as he was taken in such a tragic way.my prayer's are with you and his family. an just remeber he will always be apart of your life by remebering the things he had taught you.i am sure he is in a far better place than us.he's home.godbless and be strong.

08-24-2006, 11:15 AM
wow bro im soo sry to hear that man, i offer my condolences, and my best wishes for u and his family. It's sad he was the victim of senseless violence, I hope they catch this monster, who would take the life of another human being just so he could get a couple hundred dollars at most, is that what a human life is worth nowa days? I am sry again bro, keep your head up and stay strong for him, im sure thats what he'd want u to do.

08-24-2006, 02:09 PM
I am sorry to hear that, my condolences go out to his friends and family.

08-24-2006, 02:21 PM
Definately my condolences man. I think the world is worse off now then ever. I seriously hope they nail this douchebag and prosecute for the highest. *a

08-24-2006, 08:03 PM
AZ doesnt seem to be too good with prosecuting.
I have another friend that was shot point blank with a 45 about a year ago at a party that got out of control. The dude that shot him was caught but was set free 3 months later!!! FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER TOO
That friend ended up being ok... missed his heart by an inch.

I almost didnt go to class today cuz of this... I just felt sick all day and its just something I cant get off my mind... As far as I know the guy is still out there. I wish I could do something to help catch the guy:( but I think its all up to his roomate giving clues about who could have done this. I am almost positive it was someone they knew... and that someone knew they had money or something of value.

Brads family is just devastated from what I hear. They were all very close. His sister couldnt stop crying because she just wanted him to see her newborn baby
The whole situation is just so unbelieveably tragic:(
Thanks for the support.

08-24-2006, 08:40 PM
man im sooo sry bro, that just makes me want to come out there and start a manhunt for his killer, and just rip all of the upper layer of his skin, the epidermis if u will, off, and slowly dip him in and out of alcohol, allowing him to feel the pain of the family and friends, then as he lay's in intensive care, change his iv drip to distilled water so slowly one by one his cells explode causing a painful and slow death. But thats why im not in charge of deciding what death penalty is used in states lol, but it's like they get off easy even if they are executed because they dont even feel the pain of it or the pain that they've caused, and thats bullshit how that guy got off after 3 months. but i hope u can remember the great times, and always think about that he'd want u to go on, and try to be happy without forgetting about him.

08-24-2006, 09:06 PM
I will NEVER forget about him and what a great person he was.

I found an article on the internet about the shooting.

The article says he was shot wed. afternoon... I was told he was shot early wed morning. little bit of a mix up... but the article is talking about my friend. I googled the address and his house came up.

08-24-2006, 09:54 PM
My condolences goes to you and the family.

It's just some things everyone has to go through in life sooner or later. A few years back a friend of mine got shot in the head and few other places on his body. I was carrying him into the back seat of a car while staring at a bullet hole the size of a quarter in his head.

It's never something any of us want to go through in life, but you're not alone because most of us have been through times like this. Think about what your friend wants. He wouldn't want you to be as depressed as you are would he? He would want you to enjoy your life even though he is gone. I'm not saying don't mourn, but i am saying smile because he probably wants to see his friends and family enjoy life.

Again I'm sorry to hear the bad news, stay up, you'll see him again someday....

08-24-2006, 09:59 PM

I've lost a lot of friends and family because of this stuff. Your friend is up there. Let your good times roll.

08-25-2006, 02:09 AM
sorry to hear but it's getting to out of hand everywhere, Arizona is getting bad as of late.

Have you posted this up in our local forum? az240sx...

08-25-2006, 02:34 AM
sorry to hear this man, my condolences to you and the family

08-25-2006, 04:40 AM
The news just gets worse. Today we found out some more stuff about what happened.
The roomate saw most of what happened. Basically the garage door was open and three mexicans were in the garage. My friend opened the door to the garage to see who it was. There was an arguement of some sort and one of them grabbed his arms and the other put the gun to his heart and shot him. They were there to rob them... but took off after the shooting. The roomate says he recognized the guy that shot my friend but they havent caught them yet.

Whats even worse is the roomate was on probation and there was a gun in the house and they found a little bit of mary jane. He could face 10 years in jail which is where he is at the moment.

The police showed up with a search warrant and TRASHED the house... put holes in the walls to check for any more drugs or guns, and just basically tossed stuff. The roomate even thinks the po took a jewelry box full of very expensive jewelry since it was not there after the search took place. On top of that my friends mom has to pay for the damages on the house since it was rented out.
My gf said she went to the house today to help clean and there was blood everywhere by the garage and a long blood streak going down the driveway. The bastard cops dragged my dead friends body down the driveway!!!!! Everybody has said these cops were complete dicks and didnt even seem concerned someone got murdered. They were more interested in finding drugs in the house and putting holes in the walls.

08-25-2006, 06:43 AM
Holy shit. Bodies shouldn't be treated like that. You guys going to file a formal complaint?

08-25-2006, 08:26 AM
sorry to hear about your loss... :( take care.

08-25-2006, 09:06 AM
My condolonces.

08-25-2006, 10:15 AM
i'd file a complaint and make sure that the officers involved are punished, thats just plain wrong, and by what you and the paper said, he was still alive and died at the hospital, which if that was the case, they dragged him while he was alive. Either way police arent supposed to touch the body at all, unless they are helping the corinor or the emt's save his life. So I'd file a formal complaint and see to it that it gets looked into. Also file a complaint about them tearing up the house and removing the box, unless that was evidence, and even then they are obligated to let the family know that it was taken.

08-29-2006, 04:43 AM
goes to show why the law sometimes shouldnt be respected...... sad to hear....the story send my best regards to the family.. i know how it feels to lose good friends ive lost 2 so far.... 1 to iraq, and 1 to cancer..... hope u understand the idea of living everday likes its ur last....

08-29-2006, 05:49 AM
wow that is truly fucked up...I can't believe the cops would do that. I don't think they dragged his body down the driveway unless there's another pool at the end of the driveway. Either way its horrid what happened to your friend.

From the looks of it.....they might say the murder was drug related...meaning your other friend was selling and they were desperate for some to the point they would kill for it.

drift freaq
08-29-2006, 11:07 AM
Whenever the cops think drugs are involved the tables rotate completely. It fucking sucks, a long time ago we were robbed at gun point, at our house in Los Altos. We called the cops. they came. They were very accusational. They found residue of my roomates partying from the night before. There was nothing in the house none the less. They wound up calling me down to the station for a interview about the robbery. It actually was more of a interogation. They were convinced it was not a robbery but a drug deal gone bad. Los Altos police are pretty bored,stupid police. Though this kind of stuff is common in smaller towns, because nothing ever goes on. The police in smaller towns really don't have real world experience in that kind of stuff, so they jump to a lot of conclusions.
In the bigger cities they are usually savy enough to be able to spot real incidents for what they are. It does not mean they always behave well. It sucks but with everything going on in our society today, sometimes the cops just jump to the worst possible scenario.

08-30-2006, 07:59 PM
Going to the viewing on Friday and the funeral on Sat.
Been a tough week especially for my gf... Ill have to buy her some flowers or something.
They still have not caught the guy but we know his name now. Its 20 year old Juan Carlos Acosto-Wong
So if anybody comes across that name you should probably call the police. He is considered armed and dangerous

08-30-2006, 10:17 PM
Damn man. I really hate the way the world is going,shit like this makes me think twice about honking the next time some asshole runs me off the road,or whatever.

Maybe the roommate recognized the face because the guy had been scoping the house? Do you mind if I ask what race Brad was? That really sucks because they might try to make it a racial thing seeing as all the men involved in the attempted robbery were latino? And the whole drug thing?

Thats really fuckedup about how the police handled everything,I personally would be very careful about filing a formal complaint because clearly they don't run that department with very much integrity,and there might be repercussions later down the road?? ( I have read and heard and personally been a witness to horror stories with cops and complaints against them and such. )

Either way,best of wishes and everything.

R.I.P. Brad,nobody deserves to die like that.

08-30-2006, 10:45 PM
HOW did he recognize the shooter? Do you think drugs could be involved?

I'm sorry to hear about this terrible situation. Best wishes.

08-31-2006, 07:55 AM
My condolences to you and the families of ur friend....truely the good die young hard say and its not the easiest thing to deal with but life is the hardest thing to deal with no matter who you are.....

my friends cousin was murdered in ny sadly i dont know the whole story but its such a tragedy she was only 16 i believe....16 yrs old hasnt evan experiance the value of life

all these things cops give ppl hard times for over some b/s while someone is getting murdered at that same exact time thats f***ing great.....guns should be illegal to anyone or for anyone to own in their homes thats how all of this starts....everyone wantsto feel protected so they get a gun....but when the table turns theres nothing anyone can do but pray for a miracle.....

Again im truely sorry about the loss of a great friend.....jus think of it as hes in a far better place than this ****hole

08-31-2006, 11:31 PM
man o man a world we live in when a person is not even safe in their own home. my condolences. RIP

09-01-2006, 06:59 PM
HOW did he recognize the shooter? Do you think drugs could be involved?

I'm sorry to hear about this terrible situation. Best wishes.

Brad was white.
The roomate went to some party and was talking about money. IIRC the roomate and Brad worked together for an electrical company. He thinks the beaners overheard him and followed him home and came back later to rob them because he recognized the guy who shot Brad from the party.

I dont see how this could be about drugs since the only thing Brad did was smoke... not even that often. The roomate couldnt smoke. He was on probation.
Im going to the viewing for Brad here soon.:(