View Full Version : 240 owners nowadays
08-16-2006, 10:27 PM
Man, new owners piss me off. I swear withing the past 3 days I've driven past 5 different 240s and all but one tried to race me on the freeway. I pull up to try and say wassup and they try acting all hard and shit. As soon as I realize I'm not gonna get a friendly greeting, I drive off and all of a sudden each of those 240s try to race me, either accelerating all hard or tailgating me. So annoying. I remember the days when you used to wave to other 240 drivers and they would happily wave back. Sucks that those times have changed. It's nice knowing that when you do get a wave back though, that they've had thier 240 for a while, or are the good kind of 240 owner.
08-16-2006, 10:33 PM
i feel you man...just 2day i saw a 240sx wit mesh i greeted him and he acts all hard like hes the shit...then he downshifts and takes off....i was like "your cool"...that usually doesnt happen where i live but its starting to now.....damn newbs lol
08-16-2006, 10:35 PM
YEAH that happens to me all the time. It seems like people are all better than you are or think there cars all better so they won't stoop down and say wahts up. Show some respect lol, i always wave or nod at other twofouroh drivers and i hate racing!!!
08-16-2006, 10:37 PM
And this is why my windows are tinted.
08-16-2006, 10:40 PM
i always wave or nod
That's what I always try and do when I see another modified 240. Sometimes I'll get lucky and get a nice acknowledgement back or I'll just get the shit like you shit, acting all hard and shit.
I try and do the same when I drive my 300 around to other Z owners. Most other 300 owners and older Z gens will nod back, but most 350z owners won't, hell, they probably don't even realize I drive a Z as well lol.
08-16-2006, 10:40 PM
And this is why my windows are tinted.
i thought about that but i rather have the driver see me so he knows whos he dealing wit before he trys to be all hard n shit lol
08-16-2006, 10:45 PM
yeah sumtimes theyre pretty rude. ive met a few that just think theyre better than me cuz i dont go drifting illegally... or cuz they have sum crappy uras knockoff kit and rotas with a deep dish, and im rocking aero-less zenki with chrome ns01s. but then theyre the same asses that never make friends and pay just blow their $ on overpriced parts. so go figure.
ive had my 240 going on 4 yrs, tahts longer than most of these kids have had their lisence. hahaha
08-16-2006, 10:47 PM
just put on your thiz face, and open the doors and gas brake.
I'm sure that should get rid of the tint problem,
08-16-2006, 10:49 PM
i get that all the time with honda's and eclipse's thats why you live by me thurs only 2 of us
08-16-2006, 10:51 PM
Haha, I remember one time tailing an S14 to greet him and whatever, and we end up having a convo on the freeway asking about each other's cars, lol. I thought that was funny.
08-16-2006, 11:08 PM
Around here, we all both ends of the spectrum:
Back in April, a couple days after getting my exhaust redone and a new box for my sub, I was going to my lady friend's house, some kid follows me until I decide to just stop and get gas so this kid doesn't follow me to anyone's house. He was cool and respectful, but CLUELESS. I gave him my email address.
Another time, a couple weeks later, I was leaving Wal Mart, getting on the highway, some guy in a modded Zenki S14 moves to the left to let me merge onto the highway, realizes what he just let in, got back behind me, followed me to my exit, flashed his lights to stop me, we talked until I reminded him that I had fresh chicken in my front seat that needed to be frozen, I invited him to Zilvia and gave HIM my IM.
Last, some kid with neon, 4x4 ride height and hand-brushed paint on his bodykit sees me pass him going the other way, turns around, tails me, gets next to me, revs, speeds ahead 10 car lengths, slows down, follows me to the grocery store and proceeds with "you drift that thing? you NEED to sell it"
... I didn't substantiate his attempted stupidity with a response.
08-16-2006, 11:15 PM
You should have pissed on him. :rofl:
08-16-2006, 11:23 PM
I usually don't give acknowledgement to guys unless they say whassup first, or their car is nicer than mine. Most times they try to be hard, and I ignore them.
Id RaThEr DrIfT
08-16-2006, 11:27 PM
i dont see many 240's im area either that or jst every time i drive they dont come out but yeah i say whats up to them whenever i see them ......
I remember the first time a 240 said whats up i had bearly bought my 240 about a year and a half ago i had it for about 2 weeks and a bad ass s14 is coming up to me in the freeway ... so me in my head im like o shit hes gonna try to race me u could see that massive fmic the car was orange roll cage nismo, hks and all kinds of stickers on it looked like it was sponsered anyways i didnt know about 240 owners being cool with eachother .. remind u i came from a 99 integra so yeah he pulls up and said's whats up so im like WTF!!! he said whats up to me so i noded and he jst cruised it with me till i was gonna get off he waved and then i got off.... since that day i was shocked i was like wow 240 owners are cool they dont jst race everyone ... so yeah after that every 240 owner i see i say whats up to but once in a while u'll get 1 or 2 wanting to race and most of em u could tell there really new so yeah ...
08-16-2006, 11:45 PM
I get alot of Rev's. Basically if you have a modfied exhaust most people tend to rev up at you, or if you have some body kit.
the other day a mustang GT rev's up and yells if i drift.
he ended up pissing me off so we raced and i PWNED the bitch :) woot
08-17-2006, 01:11 AM
this is another reason why I daily drive something that people dont care about... a sentra :-)
08-17-2006, 05:48 AM
i like seeing other 240sx drivers. most of them around here are friendly and do acknowledge me with high beams, head nods, and waves. surprisingly only one 240 driver has tried to race me, but that doesn't count because it was one of my friends.
08-17-2006, 07:56 AM
I completely ignore everyone else on the road, no matter what they drive. Looking for recognition from someone who is more than likely half my age just because we drive the same car is stupid. I know the right people, the rest can crash and die. Which they probably will do anyway driving like that.
08-17-2006, 08:03 AM
i know all the 240 owners in the area. lol
08-17-2006, 08:53 AM
I completely ignore everyone else on the road, no matter what they drive. Looking for recognition from someone who is more than likely half my age just because we drive the same car is stupid. I know the right people, the rest can crash and die. Which they probably will do anyway driving like that.
my thoughts exactly, so if you see me on the road, I probably come off as the m-fcker who ignores your sorry ass...:blah:
08-17-2006, 09:14 AM
I completely ignore everyone else on the road, no matter what they drive. Looking for recognition from someone who is more than likely half my age just because we drive the same car is stupid. I know the right people, the rest can crash and die. Which they probably will do anyway driving like that.
I try to appear clueless and I like for my car to look mostly stock. If they still feel like giving the old man a go, I try to get them to ass-end their car into a ditch.
I almost had a kid the other day on that twisty bit near my house. Wasn't a 240 tho. He had two wheels off but pulled it together before he got to close to the pine tree guardrails.
08-17-2006, 09:30 AM
IMO, those 240 owners who decide to downshift on you are probaby assuming that you are trying to race them when you drive up next to them (key word is "assuming", since they dont know what ur intentions are, and they probably think that you wanna run against them). I think it's just natural for drivers to do so. It'd be easier for ppl to say whassup or give a nod when you're at a red light.
08-17-2006, 10:19 AM
And this is why my windows are tinted.
yeh +1 on that
I usually wave or nod at other 240 drivers i usually get a good response, there was only one time where this guy had an s13 hatch with kouki lights and a 180sx body kit painted 350Z orange i looked his way and he gave off this look like he didn't really care
at the end of the day i wasn't driving an orange car :fruit:
08-17-2006, 10:26 AM
Yeah these douche bags are starting to act like cocky Mustang owners.
This one little punk that just graduated from high school , has got one of the only 2 sr20det powered 240's around here which his father bought it that way, and he is a real dumbass. Its funny because his three friends all drive mustangs that are all bought by there parents.
08-17-2006, 10:36 AM
its becoming like the hondas where about 4years ago everybody gotta jump on train and be a drifter, and believe it or not there are alot of s13s around here and im the only s14 owner here and some of the kids with the 13s will just come after me on my drives from work and im like geez guys its 7am wtf are you doing, one dude as an automatic with a huge picnic table wing and clear taillights and claims 70mph drifts lol only s13 that is good here is my friends who just did the sr red top swap
08-17-2006, 10:38 AM
How many threads about this do we NEED?
I got revved on by a VIPER today, and he peeled out on me (and jesus those things are fast), but that doesn't mean every Viper owner is a douchebag, or the "Viper Scene" is dead.
If this website is any indication I'd say there are actually quite a few responsible, defensive-driving 240sx owners out there. Back in 2000 when I had my first 240sx, I would get CONSTANTLY revved on by other 240's. Now, every 240 I see waves or nods. odddd.
You live in West Co. Minivans rev on people in West Co. :wavey:
08-17-2006, 10:47 AM
i always try to give a nod and whatnot, but sometimes when i see s13;s rolling by, i wonder if thet even know I'm driving their younger brother by them, some of the owners just don't care. One guy at my school though, i came out to go to lunch and he was parked next to me and i just smiled and laughed when i saw it. I went to the mall for food and when i left the mall he had found me again and again it was greeted by a smile and laugh
To keep everything in perspective, a quote from 3.5 years ago:
When I first got my car, I was in LA. My car was slightly mismatched white, wingless, stock suspension, plastic factory hubcaps, but with Silvia front end on a 90 fastback and an SR swap.
I saw a beautiful white S13 silvia conversion and waved to it. He flipped me off.
I saw a totally boro flat black silvia conversion and honked. He waved.
A brand new black 350Z pulled up next to me at a light and gave me a thumbs up. He then proceeded to do a huge burnout next to me.
I moved back to WI, installed a wangan wing, and painted the car red. No one knew what it was except for all the kids at my brother's high school.
I moved to Detroit to finish college. My Sileighty got lowered and got some new 15" bbs style wheels.
A white chuki RS13 plastered with initial D stickers followed me for ten miles on the interstate asking questions. They even followed me off the exit.
A bunch of guys with hondas at a parking lot asked me to pop my hood. On seeing the red top, they went oooh, How'd you get vtec?
A primered EG kept trying to race me. Strangely the guy in the back seat was giving me a thumbs up, while the front passenger was flipping me off.
An Altima driven by a middle aged couple slammed on its brakes next to me to allow their kid to roll down his window and ask if it was a real silvia.
Argues the theory that all these new owners are migrating from hondas.....
08-17-2006, 11:02 AM
Back when I got my 240SX in 2003 I barely saw any modified 240's around here. All the ones that I knew of I mostly knew the owners and it was all the guys that came to the meets. Now all I see in my areas are 240s and nothing but ricers driving them. Im gettin tired of this "drift" and 240 craze!!!!! Its killin our cars, not that im knockin on drifting, but it seems if you have a 240 now your suppoused to do it!!! LOL Im a KA-T and when I took my car out all the kids at gas stations would stop to ask me if I had a SR20 and I would laugh. I hope a new bandwagon starts because this is just ridiculous. And I totally agree with everyone how its sooo stupid that you can drive without someone tryin to get all stupid with you. Just the other night I was driving home and there was a Ralliart Lancer in front of me and as soon as he heard my BOV he floored it and ran away like I was the devil or something tryin to get me to race.....
08-17-2006, 11:04 AM
To keep everything in perspective, a quote from 3.5 years ago:
Argues the theory that all these new owners are migrating from hondas.....
Hondas are getting played out... so the improt magz are going over to nissans. Now all the ricers are gettin their hands on nissans. Its just as funny as the honda owners out here that are gettin Evos and Srt-4s and WRX's.
08-17-2006, 11:12 AM
Seriously, sell your car then. So sick of hearing about this.
08-17-2006, 11:17 AM
I remember back when those days were. I used to drive an integra, and all of the people with 240s were like minded and were there for that scene and that car.
everyone in the crew knew what they were. everyone loved them. everyone was interested in each others 240s. we helped each other. we hung out together. we even had an underground drift meet (which later manifested into actual track events we created).
it was back when it was all new to the area. shortly after, I got mine. hung out with the same crew. then about a year later, 240s started showing up everywhere. I would try to be nice to them, despite I knew they were typical gangsta whites that were trying to act all hard up on they ride.
I would wave, smile, thumbs up if applicable. it turns out people I DONT know, because they arent on traction optional... theyre usually bitches. there to look cool.
08-17-2006, 11:37 AM
gotcha here guys, i was driving one day with my buddy and a s14 pulls up to me lookas me like he's cool and proceeds to make his car bounce on airbags/airstruts that was the only mod he had, car was badly primered black and on stock wheels. I thought to myself wow that could have been a nice s14 if owned by someone else. on another note i had a girl driving a s13 hatch hardcore check me out (break your neck style) probably for the only fact that i own a s13 hatch as well... my car is nothing special its just a bone stock 89 240sx se fastback. well theres to that, oh yeah im not planning on keeping it stock at all, going for a grip setup, have all my parts compiling right now. its great to have a community like zilvia.
The new 240 owners are the dumbass honda guys that got into drifting. n they carry that honda mentality over into their 240. fuckin rompeas. oh yeah ROMPEHS is a new word that me and sum of my friends made for those honda guys that drive their civics and integras bumping music listening to reagayton with tapered hair cuts wearing their hats side ways n tilted up 20 dollar 1 inch square earrings. ROMPEHS ROMPEHS!
08-17-2006, 12:04 PM
I just say that if you want to show that you know what to do with a 240, dont be an ass on the streets, go to a track event and prove to everyone that you are hard and you still suck!
08-17-2006, 12:24 PM
To keep everything in perspective, a quote from 3.5 years ago:
Argues the theory that all these new owners are migrating from hondas.....
I did the exact opposite. my first car was a 240 that later had an SR. i got hit by a drunk driver and totalled the 240. i decided to get a civic for parts availability and found out that FWD sucks. now im back with a 240. its weird how things work.
08-17-2006, 12:48 PM
It's funny how most the people complaining about how "240z OMFG FANBOYS ROONED IT!" sound like half the guys they complain about.
08-17-2006, 12:50 PM
The new 240 owners are the dumbass honda guys that got into drifting. n they carry that honda mentality over into their 240. fuckin rompeas. oh yeah ROMPEHS is a new word that me and sum of my friends made for those honda guys that drive their civics and integras bumping music listening to reagayton with tapered hair cuts wearing their hats side ways n tilted up 20 dollar 1 inch square earrings. ROMPEHS ROMPEHS!
Daddy Yankee's driving hondas FTL!! :wackit:
08-17-2006, 01:02 PM
I'm not saying the community is ruined. We have a good community here. Those who arent douches help each other in what's needed either in just giving out information or actually giving out a helping hand on working on a car. It's just disheartening seeing that the 240 crowd will have an increasing number in assholes. BTW, I will not sell my car just because of a few people. I have my car becuase I like my car, not because other people think it's cool.
08-17-2006, 01:23 PM
man, we just need to make up a special zoolanderesque zilvia pose, so that we know whos who:hsdance: :hsdance:
man, we just need to make up a special zoolanderesque zilvia pose, so that we know whos who:hsdance: :hsdance:
As ridiculous as that sounds, picture this scenario.
Thugs rolling up on another 240, thinking he needs to look harder than the other guy.
Leans back, gets in his "hard" position, ready to show the other 240 who's the hardest roller on teh streets.
Gives a slight glance over to confirm he's harder...
and bam! gets hit with Blue Steel!
08-17-2006, 01:39 PM
all these shitsubishi owners where i live get mad i dont drift ino the parking garage 2f2f part 132 style
i rarely see another 240 owner who doesnt seem to know me, sadly i dont know many of them
but by n large tons of bimmer n audi owners try to race me or say hi after i drop their gfs off :D
08-17-2006, 01:48 PM
As ridiculous as that sounds, picture this scenario.
Thugs rolling up on another 240, thinking he needs to look harder than the other guy.
Leans back, gets in his "hard" position, ready to show the other 240 who's the hardest roller on teh streets.
Gives a slight glance over to confirm he's harder...
and bam! gets hit with Blue Steel!
LMFAOOOOO! that was the funniest shit I've heard all week.
+rep! hahahahahahahaha so fucking funny.Ben stiller FTW!
08-17-2006, 03:39 PM
im a new 240 owner ive had for about a month now...but trust im a proud 240 owner..i respect anybody with a 240
08-17-2006, 04:05 PM
i'e have had my 240 for like 2 1/2yrs,an so far everytime i run into another 240 owner they've been pretty koo.only thing i dont like is when someone that does'nt own one wants too sit there for hrs talkin about how when they get one it's gonna be soooo sick an "all drift-out":blah: and how they gonna get into D1 cuz their the shit...i'm like :gives:
08-17-2006, 04:21 PM
I love those opportunities to offer sage advice.
08-17-2006, 04:37 PM
Man, new owners piss me off. I swear withing the past 3 days I've driven past 5 different 240s and all but one tried to race me on the freeway. I pull up to try and say wassup and they try acting all hard and shit. As soon as I realize I'm not gonna get a friendly greeting, I drive off and all of a sudden each of those 240s try to race me, either accelerating all hard or tailgating me. So annoying. I remember the days when you used to wave to other 240 drivers and they would happily wave back. Sucks that those times have changed. It's nice knowing that when you do get a wave back though, that they've had thier 240 for a while, or are the good kind of 240 owner.
If you see a stock looking Burgandy 89, give me a wave, I will wave back.
08-17-2006, 05:36 PM
i've owned my rs13 since '98 does that take me out of the newbie category? i don't ask stupid questions, I SEARCH!!! and i help out here on zilvia whenever i can... although i admit, i still have lots to learn...
I remember the days when i first got my car, the 240 was the only car that i could afford.. everyone was on the civic bandwagon... i was the only one with a 240... at that time.. only girls in my area drives 240.. (which i couldn't understand) but now with this new craze... more and more new owners are getting into it for the wrong reasons... :( i keep it real on the streets.. drive as safe as i can, give respects to the other owners out there... it always amazes me when people try to race me on the freeways just because i have aero... i'm not some "ricer" i mod my car tastefully becuase i love the way it looks not because EVERYONE thinks should be a certain way...
08-17-2006, 06:25 PM
alright if you see a tall asian guy driving a purple zenki with a black trunk in oc hes gonna rock the Blue Steel!
im going to expect one back
08-17-2006, 06:25 PM
If you see a stock looking Burgandy 89, give me a wave, I will wave back.
^ your an old lady!
Rolf, you will be supprised, still much of the population, not into motorsports does drive stock s13's manytimes in burgandy
hahahaha :ghey:
yah wave to mee look for a gayblacks14.5 :bash:
haha omg, im soooo gonna give it to the next 240 owner i see while driving,hahaha it would be funny, but too hard to see hahahahah >:D
08-17-2006, 08:57 PM
Theres only about 5 zenkis in my area. I saw a zenki and i catched up to him to say whats up. Found out he was the one that sold me my zenki. Dude just looked at me all shady and kept driving his clean ass s14. After owning it for a while i know why.
He tried to cover up some rust i had no chance noticing until a long time. Had a lot of electrical wiring problems and had most then likely been in a wreck.
Theres a lot of shady 240sx owners. Gotta remember that people who are into 240sx are cheap and they'll try to get the most out of anyone and anything.
08-17-2006, 09:01 PM
What I'm sick of is all these people complaining. Who cares. Get over it.
What's cool is the hot girls waving back... mmm... mm... yeah...
08-17-2006, 09:57 PM
i get that all the time with honda's and eclipse's thats why you live by me thurs only 2 of us
whos that other guy?
08-17-2006, 10:24 PM
I don't wave. I won't even acknowledge your presence unless I approve of your modifications and the car looks like it's seen the track.
I'm the guy who you'll whine about to your ricer friends because I didn't return your "OMG" face because you're rolling around on Megan street coils with a shitty bodykit on 195/60s.
08-18-2006, 02:22 AM
I like how like, 80% of owners don't pay attention to the road, and would rather risk an collision/accident by waving/recognizing another owner.
I just pay attention to driving. Thats just me.
08-18-2006, 07:37 AM
yuri, I wish I could give you more pos rep for that zoolander pic!
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