View Full Version : Warning Regarding Hwy 9!!!

07-24-2006, 02:44 PM
all you hwy 9ers consider yourself warned (you know who you are!) i have just received news from a friend that they are really cracking down on spirited driving...he along with another friend was popped and given state ref tickets...a few others among the group got moving violations and fix it tickets...my friend has an 86 thats basically stock ;) ...and the other guy had a stock 2.5RS with exhaust, but the cops had reason to believe that he was running a race engine (im assuming the sound of a boxer engine with exhaust?)...right...

they approached saratoga ave and were stopped by 6 cops and 2 "FBI" (so he puts it) looking guys...they never had a chance to even go up, nor were they speeding or breaking any laws...the image in your head is probably a group of young ricers that blast all over the place, but these are older, more mature and responsible drivers that keep their composure in the streets...

and FYI, i dont care if there are LEOs on this board or LEOs that will read this because hwy 9 is no secret...nor is driving there...so dont bitch that i exposed your "super secret private racetrack that no one knows about"...i urge all of you who go to please refrain for a little while and prove to the LEOs that we are capable of behaving ourselves and respect their turf...because once you think about it, its actually in our best interest that we do...dont make it any hotter/dangerous than it already is...

07-24-2006, 03:50 PM
FBI's too? damn the government knows how to use our tax payers money..

07-26-2006, 01:14 AM
What or who are LEOs?

07-26-2006, 10:56 AM
another type of warning dont take 101 north because the roads are jacked up as hell.

07-26-2006, 11:06 AM
I take Hwy 9 all the time, and they definately have been cracking down on everybody, all though I usually take the R6 up there. But that place is swarmin' so bad with wreckless stupid people now on the weekend, I think that is one of the reasons the cops have been enforcing that area.

07-26-2006, 12:28 PM
LEO = Law Enforcement Officer?

07-26-2006, 01:09 PM
I was just up there this weekend and didnt see much of cops. How were they getting to HWY 9. I want to test this out one night.

07-26-2006, 07:09 PM
the cops were at the bottom of nine and in the middle. if you came from the top heading down, in the straights they'd radar you and when you got to the bottom they'd ticket you. from the bottom they were in the 3rd turns straight. that whole area along with tollgate road (road that heads uphill to the right) was filled with pulled over cars (sti, 2.5rs, evo's, mustang, 240's, mercedes, m3, corolla, etc). some cops were also spotted on pierce. there were undercover cars too, a gold camaro and dark blue crown vic were 2 of them. the cops took pics and video and cited for any little infraction. one of the guys got a following too close ticket. the trapping seemed to start around 12:30'ish and wrap up around 1am. hopefully they don't repeat this too many times. in the previous years, they usually didn't though.