View Full Version : Extreme rare Unknown Case!!!HELP!!!!

06-29-2006, 12:52 PM
ThanX for Checking out guys.....Well to start off, my tranny went bad, so I replaced it with a new/used one. Same same steps. 1-Took off old tranny 2- put new one back on 3- didn't touch nothing else besides what was needed
( Driveshaft, tranny bolts, shifter, Negative batt wire, clutch slave, tranny wires like speed meter object and other wires located on the transmission)

When I FIRST started it, Everything was somewhat OK. Went into ger and everything but clutch feel was extremely weird as if their was a strong spring force against it. So When I checked the Clutch point thing to adjust it, It popped back with s powerful bang sounding Enternal. When I tried starting it again, Clutch feel was regular but car wouldn't pop into gear as it startd. Changed Clutch master cylinder with same results.

Also had a 240 specialist and a local popular drifter look at it and they either really didn't Know or was to lazy to help out>>>>>..

Clutch slave movement is regular, Strong pressure with new clutch master cylinder, car start.....................HELP please.....

(Im familiar with the car also, Changed tranny many times on other cars also and have already replaced old motor and all just to let U guys know I Somewhat know what I'm doing) CAR IS A 92 240sx coupe base model
I would like too get real experienced tips on how to solve this. Remember, car work perfectly well, just that tranny doesn't pop into gear unless with great amount of force is engaged

06-29-2006, 01:32 PM
check the springs on the clutch fork

06-29-2006, 02:25 PM
Adjust the clutch pedal.

06-29-2006, 03:11 PM
Bad install with the throw out bearing,
Also since your tranny is out, might as well check the pivot.