View Full Version : Need some info on Sil-80 corner lights

06-25-2006, 08:28 PM
OK, well I bought this '93 already with the Silvia front-end conversion, but the guy that did it really porked the pooch ( if I knew who the guy was I'd kick him in his beans!). First of all the driver's side corner light is busted, so I ordered a new pair. The guy never put the blubs in so the corner lights never worked (left the stock harness and all just hanging there). So question #1 is, do I need to get a JDM bulb harness to work in the Silvia corner lights or do the stock harness' work fine.

Issue #2 - The front bumper isn't connected to the bloody supports!!!!! It just hangs there!!! Sorry, but this really pisses me off! Do I have to get JDM bumper supports, or is there a way to bolt the bumper to the stock supports and still make it safe for 5mph fender-benders?

I'm posting a pic so you can all share in my pissed-offedness at my bumper.


And here's what I mean with the corner lights:


06-25-2006, 08:40 PM
Uhm welcome to the forums, search seriously just use the search button and you'll get a lot of info there right from the get go.

Next item of business and while I realize you can't be bothered to search on a forum I don't know why I bother suggesting this but....search the junkyard for the light to fit in the sidemarker. I believe as a temporary fix I modified my sidemarker light so that it would fit in the socket to last me a week or two. I went to the junkyard & took my light in with me (I made sure that it was ok with the "front desk" of the junkyard) and I just started taking bulbs off of all the nissans I could find, and wouldn't you know it I found some exact matches. I can't remember the car model anymore it might have been an S12, I just remember it had a honeycomb front grill and it might even had popups but I can't be certain (stanza?) anyway they're out there you just have to find them (coincidentally it's like information on zilvia it's on here you just have to do the legwork to find it)

As for your bumper support issue, you have two options 1. acquire a 240sx bumper support and cut it down to accomodate the silvia front end 2. buy a silvia bumper support.

Good luck and remember to search ffs :)

06-25-2006, 08:53 PM
I did search various forums for four hours before I posted, but moving on... I found the OEM wiring harness that I believe goes to the side markers, but I don't see the bulb harness. Now I have looked for a s13 conversion how to, but if someone would be kind enough to post a link to a good one, it would be much appreciated.