View Full Version : I could use a few opinions.

03-13-2006, 02:37 AM
I'm unhappy with my 240.

Its a 1993, The body is a little banged and the paint isn't looking good, its an automatic, and it has an open differential. When I bought it almost a year ago I didn't care because I desperatley needed a car and I found it for only $1700. with 131,000 on it. Shortly after buying it the timing chain was making so much noise, so I got that replaced for $1200. It runs excellent now and is quiet.

A 240sx wasn't my choise of car back then but after owning it I fell in love with them. I want to keep it, but I also want to make it the way I want it. I can get the body and paint done for $1000. As far as I know swapping the tranny could get well over $1000. And the diff could range depending on what route I am gonna take. Thats just stuff I want to get done with it, not including performance...

But anyway I was thinking the other day, would I be better off selling my car and buy one with a 5-speed and a LSD? Heck maybe I can get one with less mileage and a newer year. I know some kid that would probably buy mine for $3k or so, mechanicaly its in excellent condition, no leaks, all fluids at level, no wierd noises, etc.

I can't go to my friends for opinions because they are going through the whole diesel truck phase. So I figured what better place than the one where I get the most experienced 240 info from.

03-13-2006, 07:08 AM
turbo that biotch and paint it leave in the auto for cruisin/blowing the door's off them big trucks,or get it clean and sell for more than you paid.
If you know that engine is in good shape you might hate yourself later

03-13-2006, 07:19 AM
if you can get $3k for your car, go for it.
You'll recoup all (or almost all) you've spent on the car and you can apply it toward a 5 speed car, and buy a VLSD or welded diff in the meantime.

03-13-2006, 08:10 AM
dude just keep it. try to do some of the body work your self, and the tranny swap well try and find some one to help you out the trans. its not that exspensive and when u put it in you can up grade your fly wheel and clutch. and as far as the diff goes i woudnt buy one yet get your trans. swaped first. than when you can, buy a used one or j30 or you could get yours welded but if its your daily driver most say dont.

03-13-2006, 12:17 PM
The color of my car is that metallic red color. I was thinking instead of repainting it that color and spending $1000 to get it all done, I think I can get a Base Clear black done for $650 including the body repair. I figure if I go cheap with a base clear then black would look the best. That is not including the door jams and what not, but I think I can handle the door jams myself with a can of auto paint or appliance epoxy paint. What do you think?

Also I need to get a hold of my friend's gramps and see if he can hook me up with someone that will do the tranny for me, he knows every mechanic in the three surounding cities. How much does it usually cost for labor in swapping the tranny?

I guess it is starting to sound a little less expensive, but i think I am leaning towards selling. I kinda like the way the s14 looks. Ugh I am so confused lol... thanks guys I really really appreciate the opinions.

the head
03-13-2006, 12:26 PM
trans swap is damn easy why pay someone else a shitload to do it?

03-13-2006, 01:08 PM
trust me if u sell your car your gonna be kicking your self in the ass latter own. you can buy a nice air compresor for about 400$ if u have a garage paint it your self. its not hard you just have to take your time and a good paint job is about 80% prep work.

03-13-2006, 05:02 PM
I don't have the tools an equip. to swap the tranny. Or I might not even have started this topic lol.