The guide I have doesn't cover the lower harness and I'm tired of searching forums. First it's 1989 S13 5spd usdm chassis swapping in a S13 SR BLACKTOP 5spd- and I'm using the SR Lower Harness in the swap. I will be using a JDM cluster, so I won't have to swap VSS, trans sensors. I'm at this point in the picture. Only the circled blue 2 wire plugs fit together. The 2 in red have 7 wires plugs but don't fit together( do I splice the KA plug into the sr harness? There is no match on the SR lower harness for the yellow circled 4 wire plug,. The greens look like power and grounds, And so on and so on. What are all these plugs for and what splicing needs to be done.
thank you, your help is priceless
harness & plugs by engine bay fuse box
Your help is priceless
Thank you