s13 questions
My buddy and myself are building his 1990 hatch, base model. Found a swap out a s14. Already swapped the intake mani, exhaust mani, and dizzy. Motor does sit a little high up, but thats not the main issue. I need to know if the trans wiring harness for a frontier is the same as a 240. Also im putting in altima electric fans. What is the best/safest way to wire that up without messing anything up. No flaming, new to the 240 world. Ive been rocking hondas for a few years, decided i wasnt happy and traded for a 240. So im still learning. So dont be a douche. No stupidity, please. I have to have this car running in the next few days. Just lack a trans harness and cant seem to find a single 240 in a junkyard or on craigslist.