To clarify: This article was chosen soley cite the trend of redistribution of wealth and said fallout. *In no way do i claim any of Robert Reich's thoughts unless expressly stated as such. **The above hyperlink is not intended for propaganda purposes. ***Please use proper judgement when reading above article as prolonged exposure may induce love for sicles and stars.
In all seriousness just take out the pieces of the article you need to follow my thoughts.
I've been following his work for a while under the clinton administration and under Obama's. I've read his book "aftershock" and it shed alot of light on what seems to be plagueing the nation. Some of his points I agree on,
however some points I do not.
What he seems to be big on is the distribution of wealth. The spread between the wealthy and middle class has been growing larger and larger in terms wage gap instead of populous. In his article he states that something like 23% of US income going to the top 1% of income earners. I'm all in favor of capitalism and earning all you can. However all these wealthy individuals have to share this nation with the newly impoverished middle class. Reich foresees revolt against the wealthy. I would have to agree. Whether americans grow backbones and stand up for themselves or whether they push the fed into reform I think it's eventually going to turn. Resulting in a device to robinhood the economy.
I think he's on point
(regarding cited theory). Put the money back into the class who knows how to spend it?