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Old 12-07-2012, 11:35 AM   #1
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pitbuls being seized in MO!?

Just finished hearing about this.

Missouri Town on Mission to Kill Pit Bull Pets, Residents Fight Back | fox4kc.com

Sikeston MO begins pit bull roundup - KC DOG BLOG

Wtf. I would shoot someone if they tried to take my dog.
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Old 12-07-2012, 11:48 AM   #2
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let them come try that shit here in Los Angeles lol..no dogs would be taken
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Old 12-07-2012, 12:27 PM   #3
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The stereotyping of pets is bull, i have a Rottweiler and it took me forever to find a house to rent that would allow her.
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Old 12-07-2012, 12:44 PM   #4
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The whole thing is bull. I had a client her that fostered dogs. She had three pit bulls and the state made her put them all down due to complaints of them charging the fence when people would pass. I would take my nieces and nephews around her dogs all the time. They were some of the nicest dogs ever.
Here in Colorado Chow Chows are also on the viscious breed list. Its a shame because they are beautiful dogs.
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Old 12-07-2012, 01:30 PM   #5
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smoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymoresmoked240 is not welcome here anymore
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This is complete bullshit! Home of the free indeed....
Its all about how the pet is raised. I have a 3 month old pit, yeah she can be a hassle at times since she is still a pup but it's not like she will attack someone.
Give them a good home and they will turn out awesome.
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Old 12-07-2012, 10:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Shady2Funky View Post
The stereotyping of pets is bull, i have a Rottweiler and it took me forever to find a house to rent that would allow her.
Same here they would just hear Rott and they would be like NOPE.

I remember back when I lived in Antelope Valley they made it if you did not have a Pitbull registered they would put the dog down.
Originally Posted by SaNTi View Post
^ That shit always scares me... and I clinch my asshole a little bit.
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Old 12-08-2012, 03:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by smoked240 View Post
This is complete bullshit! Home of the free indeed....
Its all about how the pet is raised. I have a 3 month old pit, yeah she can be a hassle at times since she is still a pup but it's not like she will attack someone.
Give them a good home and they will turn out awesome.
Is she nippy yet? When she starts nipping at you, stick your hand into her mouth and finger into her throat. She wont like it and eventually she'll figure out that you do it after she nips, it'll stop her from nipping. You keep doing it and when she gets old, she'll associate hands in her mouth as a bad thing. Helped train mine from biting. She'd play rough with me, I'd hold my hand in her mouth and she'd stop on a switch.

Anyways, as far as having a hard time finding places to live. The issue is insurance. Alot of places that rent homes, dont want to pay the insurance premiums for aggressive dog breeds. I'm on the same boat out here in VA.

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Old 12-09-2012, 01:04 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by fliprayzin240sx View Post

Anyways, as far as having a hard time finding places to live. The issue is insurance. Alot of places that rent homes, dont want to pay the insurance premiums for aggressive dog breeds. I'm on the same boat out here in VA.
Its weird though because i called my realtor, they called the homeowner and they said her and her insurance had no problem with my Rott. Guess i just got lucky.
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Old 12-09-2012, 04:26 PM   #9
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they should start a petition on change.org
formerly known as "hotboiblaze"

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Old 12-09-2012, 04:44 PM   #10
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How are they legally getting away with this?
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Old 12-09-2012, 05:04 PM   #11
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december 21st is coming up, obama signed the marshall law bill last year! they are going to start giving people reasons to flip out and declare marshall law in differen't towns/states/cities. If people panic because the "end" of the world riots etc etc. marshall law. This isn't the only state doing wierd ass things, look at colorado the shooting. hmm how convienent someone decides to go crazy when there is a gun law in vote in colorado
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Old 12-10-2012, 04:31 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Shady2Funky View Post
Its weird though because i called my realtor, they called the homeowner and they said her and her insurance had no problem with my Rott. Guess i just got lucky.
Different states, different laws. My apartment is one of the few places (2-3) that legally allows you to have pitbulls since they're insured for it. But I pay an extra $50 a month on my rent plus the $200 pet deposit when I moved in. Other places,people had to convince their housing agent that their dog is a dalmatian and show them paperwork that may or may not have been altered to say the dog's a dalmatian mix.

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Old 12-11-2012, 11:28 AM   #13
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The whole dog thing is a complete joke. Its proven that chihuahuas bite more people then any of the "vicious" dogs (hence the reason why they're called "ankle biters") and you don't see them being banned. Its crazy.

Just because it can't do as much "damage" doesn't mean it feels good and can't traumatize a kid, or transmit rabies any less than the real "vicious" dogs.

I've been around big dogs all my life (German Sheps, Rotts, Malamutes, Pitts) and out of all of them the NICEST was the Pitt.

I was first introduced to it when I was 8 and she was pretty dangerous!


When it comes to ANY animal, 90% comes from the training of the owner and how much time they put in socializing the animal. There are just a lot of Lazy people out there that just like the look of an animal instead of really doing their homework to see what the needs are of their pets and how much WORK they really are.

They are not fashion accessories or STATUS symbols.

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Old 12-11-2012, 02:15 PM   #14
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It only takes a few to ruin it for the many. Welcome to humanity the most logical creatures we know of in the universe......... Scary isn't it.
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Old 01-10-2013, 05:49 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by BossHogg View Post
It only takes a few to ruin it for the many. Welcome to humanity the most logical creatures we know of in the universe......... Scary isn't it.
I'd argue humans are the most irrational and stupid. Non-sentient animals are actual more intelligent, because they actually maximize their physical brain capabilities.
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Old 01-10-2013, 06:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by ghoti View Post
Same here they would just hear Rott and they would be like NOPE.

I remember back when I lived in Antelope Valley they made it if you did not have a Pitbull registered they would put the dog down.
i live in the a.v....i have a gotti blue and a bull terrier.no problems over here...pit bulls are viscous dogs,no lie,,who ever says that they are not...they are full of shit.its already in their genes.i had like 20 pits all threw my lifetime..i really believe on how the dog its raised though...but then again,,i raised a female blue pit around my kids since puppy,,really territorial but ended up getting real jealous of my male and they both kept scrapping so had to put the bitch out......long lives the pitbull...best looking dog out there in my opinion but i still dont have the full trust on them after so many..
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Old 01-11-2013, 07:33 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by louie661 View Post
i live in the a.v....i have a gotti blue and a bull terrier.no problems over here...pit bulls are viscous dogs,no lie,,who ever says that they are not...they are full of shit.its already in their genes.i had like 20 pits all threw my lifetime..i really believe on how the dog its raised though...but then again,,i raised a female blue pit around my kids since puppy,,really territorial but ended up getting real jealous of my male and they both kept scrapping so had to put the bitch out......long lives the pitbull...best looking dog out there in my opinion but i still dont have the full trust on them after so many..
Honestly, you don't know what you are talking about, at all. The fact that you know nothing and owned two of them probably is why you had problems. You failed them as an owner. I hope you have better luck with your other dogs, in the meantime, I have linked you some reading material about pit bulls.
The Truth About Pitbulls
ASPCA | The Truth About Pit Bulls
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Old 01-11-2013, 09:55 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by louie661 View Post
i live in the a.v....i have a gotti blue and a bull terrier.no problems over here...pit bulls are viscous dogs,no lie,,who ever says that they are not...they are full of shit.its already in their genes.i had like 20 pits all threw my lifetime..i really believe on how the dog its raised though...but then again,,i raised a female blue pit around my kids since puppy,,really territorial but ended up getting real jealous of my male and they both kept scrapping so had to put the bitch out......long lives the pitbull...best looking dog out there in my opinion but i still dont have the full trust on them after so many..
Shut the fuck up please.

Fucking dumbass.
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Old 01-11-2013, 12:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by bc. View Post
Honestly, you don't know what you are talking about, at all. The fact that you know nothing and owned two of them probably is why you had problems. You failed them as an owner. I hope you have better luck with your other dogs, in the meantime, I have linked you some reading material about pit bulls.
The Truth About Pitbulls
ASPCA | The Truth About Pit Bulls
the links were very informative
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Old 01-12-2013, 10:44 AM   #20
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I have Rednose and he's territorial as hell. If someone's walking by he'll bark at them but if I go in the house with a visitor or something, he knows it's cool and just be playful. These dogs are incredibly loyal and awesome pets. I wouldn't trade mine for the world.

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Old 01-12-2013, 12:26 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by bc. View Post
Honestly, you don't know what you are talking about, at all. The fact that you know nothing and owned two of them probably is why you had problems. You failed them as an owner. I hope you have better luck with your other dogs, in the meantime, I have linked you some reading material about pit bulls.
The Truth About Pitbulls
ASPCA | The Truth About Pit Bulls
The fact that so many owners neglect their training is exactly why states are cracking down on them.
If you can implement an effective solution making sure that only people who will devote the time/money needed to train and maintain a pitbull will be the ones allowed to own them, then I suggest you propose it.

In the end, it comes down to so many pitbulls being owned by low income area dwellers who get them as fashion accessories specifically due to their 'tough' and 'menacing' image. These are the same owners who neglect the training, until one day the pitbull escapes and rips apart the toddler next door.

And pitbulls are aggressive dogs by nature. Release a pitbull and a poodle into the wild, and observe which one will succumb to their hunting tendencies first. Being a responsible pitbull owner does not automatically make you a god over their genetics. That is like saying all lions are the sweetest things ever, just because you saw one jump through a hoop in the circus. Any animal can be nice with enough training, some just require a lot more than others, the reason being exactly their nature.
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Old 01-12-2013, 12:38 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by louie661 View Post
i live in the a.v....i have a gotti blue and a bull terrier.no problems over here...pit bulls are viscous dogs,no lie,,who ever says that they are not...they are full of shit.its already in their genes.i had like 20 pits all threw my lifetime..i really believe on how the dog its raised though...but then again,,i raised a female blue pit around my kids since puppy,,really territorial but ended up getting real jealous of my male and they both kept scrapping so had to put the bitch out......long lives the pit bull...best looking dog out there in my opinion but i still don't have the full trust on them after so many..
Probably because you're not aware of it. Governor R. Rex Parris is the one who passed that bill.

Me and other friends had no problems. This is only if someone sends Animal Control on you.
Then you are most likely fucked and they'll take you Pit/Rott away if you don't have them registered. I have a story about this when Animal Control was called on me.

Regarding you saying pit bulls are just aggressive and you had to put one them out.....well that's just retarded and i feel bad for the dog.

I have two Rotts one female and one male. Never had a problem with them, though I will say they are very territorial if a strange person/animal comes in without me being there. Then again what dog isn't like that.
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^ That shit always scares me... and I clinch my asshole a little bit.
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Old 01-12-2013, 12:55 PM   #23
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someone trys taking my dogs, i will take their ass to the supreme court, and demand an eye for an eye. you kill my dogs, ill kill their *snip poodles and shitzhu's.

i have a Blue, and a brendle, my brendle literally is loyal to death, my blue is retarted, but shes still a puppy.
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Old 01-22-2013, 08:46 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Matej View Post
The fact that so many owners neglect their training is exactly why states are cracking down on them.
If you can implement an effective solution making sure that only people who will devote the time/money needed to train and maintain a pitbull will be the ones allowed to own them, then I suggest you propose it.

In the end, it comes down to so many pitbulls being owned by low income area dwellers who get them as fashion accessories specifically due to their 'tough' and 'menacing' image. These are the same owners who neglect the training, until one day the pitbull escapes and rips apart the toddler next door.

And pitbulls are aggressive dogs by nature. Release a pitbull and a poodle into the wild, and observe which one will succumb to their hunting tendencies first. Being a responsible pitbull owner does not automatically make you a god over their genetics. That is like saying all lions are the sweetest things ever, just because you saw one jump through a hoop in the circus. Any animal can be nice with enough training, some just require a lot more than others, the reason being exactly their nature.

I agree with the first two parts. Sadly they are both default statements for most of the situations in the world. Also, sadly, we can argue that the fashion statement "thing" is a learned behavior and a long standing trait. Like thinking A Cadillac is the end all luxury car...

But, the last statement, I find, tends to be a statement of ignorance. And the very reason you cited Is my very argument. Just cause you saw a pitbull acting vicious doesn't mean all of them are killers....
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Old 01-25-2013, 10:43 AM   #25
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The biggest problem is the people that treat them as just a fashion item instead of an animal. Here pitbull owners are required to carry $1 million liability insurance, but other "dangerous" dog owners are not.
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Old 01-25-2013, 11:59 AM   #26
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I love my Pit. Best dog i ever had. Here in Montana We pride ourselves in having extremely well behaved pits. A good amount of people have pits up here and they all are very nice. I have NEVER met a mean pit. I have met tons of other mean dogs though. I take my dog DEJA to the dog park everyday and let her socialize with people, kids and dogs of all sizes. PITS RULE!! Here are some pics

Sitting pretty in the office

Sleeping in my laundry hamper


She loves deep snow

She also likes to play hard
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Old 01-25-2013, 01:51 PM   #27
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Beautiful animal.

She looks happy.
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Old 02-02-2013, 09:51 AM   #28
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Pitbulls Used to Be Considered the Perfect "Nanny Dogs" for Children -- Until the Media Turned Them Into Monsters | Alternet
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"Getting it is easy... filling it with illegal substances and sending it across the border is not."
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Old 02-02-2013, 10:31 AM   #29
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Fantastic article.
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Old 02-02-2013, 11:29 AM   #30
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You guys trying to say there is no such think as an aggressive pit are crazy. Every full blooded dog out there has traits that were bred into them throughout generations of selective breeding. For decades the under belly of society bred pits for fighting, one trait they looked for, aggression. And while there were still responsible breeders out there breeding for the right reasons, the pollution of the genetics was still present. It will take generations of breeding to get that out of some blood lines of pits. It will take responsible breeders carefully selecting great temperament bitches and studs to "clean up" the gene pool. The same way that breeders have done with Rotts over the last two decades. I'm in my mid 30's, when I was a kid my neighbors were good breeders of Rotts, and it was hard to find one back then that didn't have an aggressive personality. Now look around, there are always well behaved, great temperament, examples of that breed around. And that's what it's going to take for pits. You responsible owners out there have to step up, and instead of thinking everyone is against you and all of the breed, educate them on what needs to be done, and get these people that want to kill all pits, to understand they need to support proper selective breeding, and an overhaul of the genetics of the breed. You have to get these dogs out of the gene pool that these "under belly" breeders are breeding for money, even though the dog shows plenty of signs of aggression. A good owner and trainer can take any dog and make a good example of it when they are there and in control. The signs of a good bloodline and breed that will make a good pet, is when an amateur owner can do the same thing with one of your puppies.

I personally breed Great Danes (also on the vicious dog list for some strange ass reason) and as a responsible breeder all my puppies go out on a spay/neuter contract. If I get a dog that shows the wrong temperament, I don't breed that dog. Why?? Because these things CAN get passed on. People that say aggression is in the training and not in the traits of a dog are lying to themselves. Those of you that know better, stand up and be the voice of your breed, educate people instead of arguing with them that all pits can be good dogs. Because the truth is that gene pool is so polluted with aggressive genes from bad breeders, that unfortunately some dogs are going to just be naturally aggressive. Those dogs need to not be bred, and go to experienced pit owners.

Someone mentioned Montana, and I've seen several articles about the pit population up there and how huge of an impact responsible selective breeding has had on the temperament of the breed. They should be used as a templet across the country.

This practice is something that responsible breeders of any breed do, if breeders get an aggressive lab, they don't breed it. It's actually part of what AKC's mission is. If you are a registered breeder your are suppose to breed for the betterment of the breed, not profit. For far too long pit breeders in these under classed or low income areas have bred for profit, with dogs that genetically are traced back to dog fighting, where they were bred for aggression. That needs to be stopped!!!!

There are still clean bloodlines out there, that are dogs that are the perfect nanny, these are the dogs that need to be picked out, and bred for the betterment of the breed. The problem is, these puppies aren't cheap, because responsible breeding isn't cheap. So many times someone wants a pit puppy and they find the ones that are "free" or "$100". I'm here to tell you, I will sell my next little of Dane puppies for $2300/each, and I won't be making much profit when you factor in my time, research, an medical cost of being a responsible breeder.
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Last edited by holemilk00; 02-02-2013 at 12:52 PM..
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