Like most people I don't have AC in my s13 and the only time I ever really use the AC fans, what ever you want to call them, are to defrost my windshield in the morning. So I decided I wanted to remove the push control unit, extra crap thats not really needed. What I'm trying to setup is to have one simple switch control the fan. So when the switch is on, the fan blows full blast on my windshield. No need for a mode door motor or anything as long as it stays in position to be blowing on my windshield. I attached the wiring diagrams I've been staring at for hours

as well as what I think would be the wiring to do the job. I know theres some wiring wizards on here that can tell me if I'm right, or an idiot. I think all I have to do is control the power to the fan, wire the switch up so either the fan has power and blowing full blast, or it doesn't have power. But it maybe more complicated then what I think. I'm not the greatest with the wiring in the cars yet. Help is appreciated.
On this diagram I'm not sure if I should be on the wires I labeled A or B.
And the other diagram.... It basically shows the same idea but on this diagram is shows a cooling fan motor, I don't think thats the fan I'd be using though. Not quite sure which fan does which job. Maybe someone can specify.
Obviously I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing so far, but its kind of an odd ball thing to do, can't really find any answers from the searching I've been doing. Everyone wants to know how to fix their AC.. my windows roll down just fine! Want to be sure I've got the right plan before I go thrash my car. Thanks for the help