S14 sr20det developed coolant leak due to cracked hard line from engine block to turbo.
Started as slowly dripping, hardly loosing much coolant, over the course of a month as it got worse I noticed my boost gauge started reading higher than before the leak started. As of last week the car started boosting to a max of 10-11 psi steady, every pull. car felt like an animal compared to before the leak lol. But as well as the higher boost came so did heavy coolant loss. Today, I pulled off the banjo to the block and wiggled the line and it just came right out, broken off on turbo side. So I got a bolt and washer plugging the block for now and another plug on the water neck to run without coolant for the next week or two til I get my braided lines. First drive after blocking off coolant to the turbo, boost now is maxed out at 5-7 (I think) which is good hopefully since that's around stock.
My big questing to this experience so far is, how does the coolant hard line from the BLOCK to TURBO correspond with a possible boost leak, or cause the car to over boost?
Thanks in advance for any insight or insult.