Alright, its official!!!
Olympia/Lacey/Tumwater tuners meet.
Hosted by
Location : Old South Sound Mall, Sears and Applebees in Lacey/Olympia
Time : 7:00pm. I ask for NP members to show up a 30 minutes earlier.
Directions : Exit 108 right off the freeway.
Originally I wanted this to be only for NP members in Olympia, but looks like alot of people want to just chek out rides and meet up.
I hope most of the NP guys show up earlier so I can snap the rides together for the NP Gallery.
There's gonna be a few people invited that I know and what not, so lets everyone just chill and take pix of the rides.
I've invited some of my old team mates and friends in olympia to come out.. since i havent seen them in grips. not to mention A-team and havoc FCs and some Evo's as well as hondas, mazdas and anything else.