Originally Posted by axiomatik
What a joke of an analogy. A better analogy would be if the Yankees started every game with a 5 point lead, and the Manager happened to be a good friend of the umpire and was a big contributor to the Ump's election campaign. They've got the most money, and they get a better starting position. Sure, every team has an 'equal' chance of scoring points, but translating that into wins is a different story.
I'm not a communist. I don't want to see all money divided equally to every person. Money is a powerful motivator. Some people work harder, some people are more talented, they should be able to make more money and keep it. But I don't think it is in the nation's best interest for the super-wealthy to collect a larger and larger share of the nation's wealth. I don't think that tens of millions of people should be one hospital visit away from bankruptcy. I don't think that losing your job should mean homelessness. I don't think losing your job should mean the end of your health insurance. I don't think children should be punished for the bad decisions of their parents. I think kids should be given as much opportunity to excel regardless of where they came from.
And right now, I don't see that in our country. Is it an unobtainable ideal? Maybe. But I would like to see our country work towards those ideals, not away from them.
Very well said, this is what's going on and I don't understand why people don't see this.