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S Chassis Technical discussion related to the S Chassis such as the S12, S13, S14, and S15.

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Old 06-29-2015, 09:57 AM   #1
Apex Eight
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s13 S13 Headlights Won't Go Down

Alright, so I know this topic has been brought up many times, and I've searched and found threads on them, but they all seem to end without reaching an absolute conclusion or one that doesn't seem to make sense in my situation.

I have a 1989 XE Coupe.

My situation:
- Headlights are always up

- Can manually retract headlights down
- Headlights go up if I press the headlight button on the left side of the dash
- Headlights do not go back down if I press the headlights button the left side of the dash again
- Headlights do not go up if I turn them on using the headlight stalk

- The actual lights of the headlights work perfectly fine, both high and low beams, as well as all sidemarkers and both turn signals

- I have three headlight relays in the driver-side fuse box in the engine bay shown here:

-But as you can see here in this second picture from what I've circled in red, the last two relay plugs do not have the 5th terminal like the first one does. I found this to be strange. Is this normal? If not, how do I go about getting a new terminal in there?

- I feel like this isn't normal because all three relays that I have are Nissan 5-blade relays, as shown here:

- I should also note that I was messing with the relays one day and pushed the first one down kinda hard and the headlights motors engaged for a split second, and the headlights went down like an inch. That is the first and only time I have seen my headlights go down on their own power.

- I've read that people switch out there headlight stalks for a new one and their similar issue is gone, but I've tried this fix: http://forums.nicoclub.com/how-to-fi...s-t280461.html and the it didn't do anything.

- If it's normal to only have four terminals on the last two relay plugs then I will go ahead and order a new headlight stalk.

Any input is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Edit: I found a video that shows exactly the problem I'm having: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URj1g6YupM4

Last edited by Apex Eight; 06-29-2015 at 08:17 PM..
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Old 06-29-2015, 03:21 PM   #2
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It should have all five prongs. Check a FSM and see what wires go into those slots. Most likely that's your issue, if not, swap out your headlight/turn signal switch. Mine went bad and didn't let the headlights fold down.
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Old 06-29-2015, 03:56 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Ben10 View Post
It should have all five prongs. Check a FSM and see what wires go into those slots. Most likely that's your issue, if not, swap out your headlight/turn signal switch. Mine went bad and didn't let the headlights fold down.
So I found the wiring diagrams in the FSM but I honestly have no idea wtf I'm looking at lol. I feel like the relay connectors should have five terminals too... It's just weird that the last two connectors are missing terminals.

Also, I found a video that shows exactly the problem I'm having: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URj1g6YupM4

The guy never posted a solution, but I just messaged him so we'll see what he says.

In the mean time, can someone with an S13 check their headlight relay connectors and see if they have all five terminals? I'd really appreciate it
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Old 06-29-2015, 05:41 PM   #4
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Look at it like a standard 5 prong lighting relay, the 5th prong is meant to power a second light (or other input)

Ex, if you use a 5 prong relay for fog lights, your 4th prong is for one light, the 5th is for the other.

So if you don't have the 5th prong you won't power the second light.

Issue is, mine is the same way, yet works just fine.
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Old 06-29-2015, 08:13 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by anti tyler View Post
Look at it like a standard 5 prong lighting relay, the 5th prong is meant to power a second light (or other input)

Ex, if you use a 5 prong relay for fog lights, your 4th prong is for one light, the 5th is for the other.

So if you don't have the 5th prong you won't power the second light.

Issue is, mine is the same way, yet works just fine.
Wait a second, I'm kinda confused as to what you said.

Do your 2nd and 3rd relay connectors also only have 4 terminals?

If so, I'm about to order this headlight stalk through Amazon. Shouldn't be too much of a risk anyway since I believe it qualifies for a free return.

Edit: Ordered one right before the Amazon Prime two-day shipping was about to cut off. Should be here Wednesday. I'll be sure to report back with my results. God I hope this works. I just want my poppy uppy headlights. ;-;
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Old 06-30-2015, 12:31 AM   #6
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Give This a Try

Oh! There’s a small blue square relay looking box with a white cap behind your radio area.
Sorry I don’t have a picture of it, it has like five stars on the cap.
Find it, pop open the top cap and look at the circuits.

See if you have a break on the circuit broad, look carefully.
I'm sure it's repairable, you can resolder the broken connection.
Just find someone with the same car and borrow his blue relay to test.

Happened to me years ago, my headlights would pop up, but just wouldn't come down.

As for the fuse box terminals and relays? No Clue, sorry.
Hope this helps, if not whatevers.
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Old 06-30-2015, 06:26 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by simplytrung View Post
Oh! There’s a small blue square relay looking box with a white cap behind your radio area.
Sorry I don’t have a picture of it, it has like five stars on the cap.
Find it, pop open the top cap and look at the circuits.

See if you have a break on the circuit broad, look carefully.
I'm sure it's repairable, you can resolder the broken connection.
Just find someone with the same car and borrow his blue relay to test.

Happened to me years ago, my headlights would pop up, but just wouldn't come down.

As for the fuse box terminals and relays? No Clue, sorry.
Hope this helps, if not whatevers.
What the actual fuck?! This I've never heard of. Sigh, I guess I'll try this if the new headlight switch doesn't work.
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Old 07-01-2015, 01:43 AM   #8
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Sounds crazy I know.
I mean the last place I would look for a headlight relay would be behind my radio.
Just try swapping the relays first, or at least pop the cap and inspect the circuit board.
Remove the radio, it's behind there somewhere.
Small slim blue relay box with a white cap, it's wrapped in tape I think.
There was a thread on NICO with pictures and everything, but that thread no longer exist.
Keep us updated dude!
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Old 07-01-2015, 01:36 PM   #9
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Sooooo, I got the headlight switch in today annnnnnnd... It fucking worked! Everything works perfectly and it's nice having a new switch that has a much better feel with turning the lights and using the turn signals. I guess my old switch was shot even after cleaning up the connections. So yeah, if anyone has the problems I was having, get a new switch! I got mine from Amazon for pretty cheap. Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...ilpage_o00_s00

I wouldn't bother getting a used once since most people charge like $40 for them anyway and you run the risk of having it go bad, so yeah.

Thanks to everyone who chimed in!
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Old 07-01-2015, 09:39 PM   #10
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Turns out there is another thing...

When pressing the headlight button on the left of the dash, the headlights will go up and down with no problem. It's perfect.

However, when turning the headlights on and off, they will go up just fine, but sometimes the driver side headlight will not go down. It'll eventually go down, but sometimes it'll take an extra second, sometimes five. The passenger side headlight never does this.

Did I get a defective headlight switch? It's a weird, intermittent issue. Maybe one of my relays is on its way out?
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Old 07-02-2015, 10:03 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Apex Eight View Post
Turns out there is another thing...
However, when turning the headlights on and off, they will go up just fine, but sometimes the driver side headlight will not go down. It'll eventually go down, but sometimes it'll take an extra second, sometimes five. The passenger side headlight never does this.

Did I get a defective headlight switch? It's a weird, intermittent issue. Maybe one of my relays is on its way out?
I wonder if this may have helped the original problem?





(all sorta the same fix)

Also, the switch just sends the signal to the relay, so you may have a bad motor on the drivers side.

or there is also this possibility:

Originally Posted by iLOVEmyS13 View Post
Thanks, i found out that the motor is fine. i needed to reset the bar that's connected to the motor that pushes the light up. because the light goes up a little before it goes down.
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Old 07-07-2015, 09:08 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by 5280VertDET View Post
I wonder if this may have helped the original problem?





(all sorta the same fix)

Also, the switch just sends the signal to the relay, so you may have a bad motor on the drivers side.

or there is also this possibility:
I think a rendition of that last quote is what worked for me.

To sum up all that I've been doing:

I sent the new switch back to Amazon and they sent me a replacement. Got it in today and was still having the same problem: the driver's side headlight would just not go down. After messing with the headlights for a solid hour, I think I came to a solution. With the headlight down, when I would twist the driver side motor clockwise (I think, or maybe it was counterclockwise) it would trigger the motor to cycle and the headlight would go down and then back up. The passenger side headlight would do the same. I then got the random idea to cycle them both at the same time, and ta-da, they both work now! I guess it has something to do with synchronizing them so the headlight timing unit or whatever was all set. I don't know if this is the final solution (240 godz pls), but it seems promising.

Thanks again to all that replied.
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Old 07-15-2015, 11:42 AM   #13
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Alright so just when I thought I had solved this issue, the driver side headlight is once again stuck in the up position. I tried "syncing" then again with the motor knobs but the issue still persists ;-;
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Old 07-15-2015, 01:13 PM   #14
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Your motor is bad - the contacts or windings are not 100%. Mine acted exactly the same and replacing the motor (15 min job) finally fixed it.

I was tricked for years in thinking "well, it goes up and sometimes down so the motor can't be bad".

It was.
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Old 07-15-2015, 01:46 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by blkvrtswp View Post
Your motor is bad - the contacts or windings are not 100%. Mine acted exactly the same and replacing the motor (15 min job) finally fixed it.

I was tricked for years in thinking "well, it goes up and sometimes down so the motor can't be bad".

It was.
Damn. Makes sense. Thanks man
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Old 07-29-2015, 04:19 PM   #16
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Clean the brushes on the motors.
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Old 07-29-2015, 08:28 PM   #17
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Yeah, I didn't try that because I had a spare motor available. But that certainly might do the trick too.
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Old 07-29-2015, 08:37 PM   #18
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So just unscrew the top of the motor, take out the wound-up copper wire part and clean it?
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Old 06-15-2019, 10:33 PM   #19
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(bumping an old thread i know i know)

having the same issue, found some usefull info.

bad relay, oem p/n 25230-C9962

If youre cheap like me, you can probably find the relay from a pick and pull from these other vehicles that share the same relay:



1995-1999, 1984-1988

Base, GL, GLE, GXE, S, SE, SE-R, SGL, XE

4 Cyl 1.6L, 4 Cyl 1.8L, 4 Cyl 2.0L, 6 Cyl 3.0L

CA18ET, CA20E, GA16DE, SR20DE, VG30E





4 Cyl 2.4L

KA24D, KA24E





6 Cyl 3.0L

VD30DTT, VG30, VG30D, VG30DTT, VG30T





4 Cyl 2.4L






4 Cyl 2.4L



Hardbody Pickup (D21)



4 Cyl 2.4L, 6 Cyl 3.0L

KA24E, VG30, VG30E, Z24


Hardbody Pickup (D21U)


Long Body SE

6 Cyl 3.0L






6 Cyl 3.0L, 6 Cyl 3.5L






4 Cyl 2.4L, 6 Cyl 3.0L, 6 Cyl 3.3L, 6 Cyl 3.5L

VG30E, VG30I, VG33E, VQ35DE, Z24I


Pulsar NX



4 Cyl 1.6L, 4 Cyl 1.8L

CA16D, CA18D, E16, GA16, GA16D




1.8S, Base, GLE, GXE, S, SE, SE-R, SR, STD, XE

4 Cyl 1.6L, 4 Cyl 1.8L, 4 Cyl 2.0L

E16I, E16S, GA16DE, GA16I, J/GA16DE, J/SR20DE, QG18DE, SR20DE, U/GA16DE, U/SR20DE





4 Cyl 2.4L





Base, XE, XE/GXE

4 Cyl 2.4L

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