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Old 02-11-2009, 06:13 PM   #6
karl wasabi
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Originally Posted by kaking View Post
so for those with experience replacing or repairing body harnesses...
1. how tedious is swapping a body harness?
2. can u replace portions instead of the whole thing? like is there plugs under the dash that you can undo in order to just swap the engine bay portion instead of the whole car?
3. if u can do #2 are the hatch and coupe compatible?...if so does it vary SOHC to DOHC?
4. painless wiring kit...has anyone done it???
1. First time it took me a couple hours. Second, third, fourth, and fifth time was a breeze. LOL. (I've had a lot of electrical problems)

2. There is 2 sections to the body harness. One that's on the inside of the car, under the dash, a in the trunk, and the other half is in the engine bay. They can be separated under the dash near the kick panel.

3. Same as above, cannot mix the harnesses.

4. Never done it.

Hope that helped
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