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Old 04-19-2012, 10:43 PM   #51
Zilvia Member
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Originally Posted by ixfxi View Post
things you can do when you're broke:

1) look for a job
2) hang out outside on the front porch
3) watch judge judy yell at people equally as ignorant and pathetic as your half-job, low-income bringing ass
4) visit zilvia using your parents computer and internet connection
5) sell parts off of your car in order to lighten it (because racecar) then after being low-balled by zilvians, blow your $67.21 on cigarettes and beer

things you can do when you have money:
1) laugh at poor people (ie: zilvians or ae86 owners)
2) throw a party with lots of drugs (cocaine preferred), invite the iron sheik & beetlejuice
3) have wild orgies at your coke party (have iron sheik fuck people in the ass, make them humble)
4) possibly build a car, if you have the skills to match or know the right shop
5) *.*

This guy is my new friend hahaha.
This is the best troll thread ever

Make a retarded huge rocket bunny look-a-like wing with sheet metal.
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