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Old 12-10-2015, 10:16 AM   #7
Leaky Injector
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Washington
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Punished is an unknown quantity at this point
1) already checked ecu internals and found no burnt marks. Is there a specific spot I would see the burn that I may have missed?
2) already checked continuity from Pin 1 (EGIpump relay) to Pin 104 on ecu and this is good.
3) already checked walbro 255 out of the tank and it worked. rechecked pump out of tank but plugged in to car when I jumped EGI relay pins 3&2. It worked and ran full speed.

I do not have another ecu to swap out, so I will need to work my way through the other processes before I can jump to that one.

What I have not checked-
Grounds for the fuse box with the EGI pump relay. This will be done tomorrow.
I have not bought new relay for the EGI pump to try out yet either. Before I do so I will use a 9v battery to see if I hear the relay click open. Normally when I turn to ACC with the key I will hear a relay click, but I'm sure this the added one I have to the fuel pump itself in the trunk.
I will also check pin 2 on the EGI pump relay with the voltmeter and see if it shows 0.5V when I turn the key to ACC.
-- also will check a jumper wire between the relay socket terminal #5 and the other terminal directly across #3, and see if it primes. ( i forgot to do this last night)
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