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Old 05-20-2019, 02:22 PM   #1
Leaky Injector
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s13 sr20det stall when warm issue!

ok so long story short, car ran perfect until i let it sit for a week, car was covered..
after sitting for a week i go to start car let it warm up take it out around the block driving normal, then it stalls out randomly and i tried starting it, cranking and getting fuel and spark and no start. i have to let the car cool down before i can start it again..boost,afr,engine temp look normal, no boost leaks, changed out cts and checked to see if maf has a change to idle when i unplug it and it does so that means maf is working. any recommendations on what it can be? or suggestions?

red top sr20det 62 ecu
all stock except for
hks bov
isr fpr
tomei srm7960 turbo
tomei manifold
full 3 in straight pipe

and no i hardly drive car as it is not tuned yet running stock ecu, car always ran perfect when i drove it around

link on the bottom to see video of issue

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