Originally Posted by louie661
i live in the a.v....i have a gotti blue and a bull terrier.no problems over here...pit bulls are viscous dogs,no lie,,who ever says that they are not...they are full of shit.its already in their genes.i had like 20 pits all threw my lifetime..i really believe on how the dog its raised though...but then again,,i raised a female blue pit around my kids since puppy,,really territorial but ended up getting real jealous of my male and they both kept scrapping so had to put the bitch out......long lives the pit bull...best looking dog out there in my opinion but i still don't have the full trust on them after so many..
Probably because you're not aware of it. Governor R. Rex Parris is the one who passed that bill.
Me and other friends had no problems. This is only if someone sends Animal Control on you.
Then you are most likely fucked and they'll take you Pit/Rott away if you don't have them registered. I have a story about this when Animal Control was called on me.
Regarding you saying pit bulls are just aggressive and you had to put one them out.....well that's just retarded and i feel bad for the dog.
I have two Rotts one female and one male. Never had a problem with them, though I will say they are very territorial if a strange person/animal comes in without me being there. Then again what dog isn't like that.