Thread: Stich welding?
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Old 06-20-2008, 05:52 PM   #13
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You guys have some silly ideas about crumple zones and how cars react when hit.

If you look at accident pictures, you don't ever see the body panels splitting away from each other, you see panels and frame rails bent.

Stitch welding (as long as it's done fairly comprehensively) just replaces the factory glue/spotty spot welding with a joint that's stronger (most of the time) than the metal attached to it, eliminating the joint as a flex point.

I stitch welded my S14 the day I got it, so I can't give you a "before/after" impression, but it is very time consuming. After removing your engine/interior/etc, you have to prep all the surfaces, which means lots of wire wheels (I went through 4) and a good corded drill. You should probably use acetone/denatured alcohol as well for the cleanest welds, and make sure to clean and primer afterwards so you don't get surface rust.

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