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Old 10-24-2013, 11:32 AM   #358
Zilvia Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Quartz Hill
Age: 36
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Update: The true nature of the beast.

Hey there guys, so I just wanted to update everyone as to what is going on with the build. So I'll lay it all out for you guys.

The first time hitting the dyno there were in fact complications. There were no mechanical failures and everything checked out fine. The shop did a compression check...and The motor had 90/89 compression front and rear with these NRS ceramic 3mm one piece seals from the get go...AND after the shop did a compression check. While on the dyno, my tuner was running into a problem where he would lose contact with the ECU at around 5200 RPM. And then around 5500 he was getting ignition break up. We changed the plugs but didn't have any success. I decided to take the car home an hour and 45min haul back to the desert. My tuner said fix it and bring it back. I got the car home and couldn't seem to find any problems. I went through my entire ignition system and everything checked out good...then I figured maybe the plugs were bad. So I started to pull them and immediately realized that my plug wires were in fact crossed. I was on the dyno that first session the entire time running on 2 plugs. The shop hand had changed my plugs and done a compression check and he mixed the wires up..even though they're labelled! But I still wasn't sure why my tuner was losing communication on the dyno with the ecu... So I contacted elliot from turblown and he said to make a couple safe pulls..log them and send them over. We changed a setting on the map sensor sothat it was "Always filtering but we definitely weren't running into the same problem. And I wasn't sure what he was even talking about since there was no comm loss on my logs even before I had contacted Elliot. So I contacted Andy from Adaptronic and he said to make sure my tuner was using the correct firmware. I sent him an e-mail telling him his shop hand crossed my plugs and that he needed to download the correct firmware for hte adaptronic software. I also asked him about flat rate prices since I had spent 600 already and my secondaries still were not staged. I got no reply so i called him and asked him to discuss the same thing and he kinda put me off about it and just moved onto the next tuning session. . Skip forward a couple weeks and I head back down there. This time I change plugs before hand and make sure everything is working correctly. Were on the dyno for 2 hours and my tuner calls me over and tells me he's having the same communication problem with the ecu. The first thing I say is "did you upgrade the firmware?" ...he says "what firmware." And i shook my head and repeated how I had sent him the link so all he had to do was click on it and save it to desk-top, load it on the adaptronic start page and he wouldn't have the comm problem. So we switch to my lap top and what do you know... NO communication error and everything is just fine. So the tuner is doing some pulls and is working on drivability and after one such pull the car doesn't start for 35 min. Crank crank crank..with no turn-over. He finally gets it started and makes a couple more pulls and pulls me aside and says "So the car is about 60whp short of where it should be compared to other cars I've tuned at the same boost pressure." The car made 298 whp and 269 Tq @ 11 lbs of boost pressure. He said I should've been up at 350-380 with this turbo and ported motor. I agreed. He then said we can crank up the boost and see what it does or you do whatever I'd like. I opted to leave it the way it was... take it home and see what the problem was. So I got the car home and guess what. It's hard starting and compression is low. Well that sucks. So I send the motor back to Howard coleman and the guy rebuilds my motor at a very very fairly discounted price. Excellent customer service! So skip forward and I have the motor back within a week....yes thats right....ONE WEEK and howard had the motor back to me with a detailed spec sheet of all my parts. This motor had great compression. I changed UIM's because the dyno was showing a flow restriction at around 5600 rpm... So I figured i'd put an oem one on and change back after the car was tuned to see if we hit the same problem...this would save money. Anyways....

Gotta run... I'll continue the story asap
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