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Old 03-04-2013, 10:33 AM   #25
Barrys World
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Originally Posted by zerodameaon View Post
What matters is he had fun regardless of his skill level.
THIS. I have always had a passion for cars, and as soon as I got my license, I would just be out driving. And not hardcore driving, just cruising. Because driving is fun to me. I cant keep a drift or manji or anything, but I can slide through corners well and I have fun doing it. So I can care less about being "good" if Im having fun.

But to answer your question, practice does make perfect. Go out to your local skid pad or drift event, and just have fun. Most of the people aren't gonna call you a noob or make fun of you, they'll help you man.
@hcr32love 400whp NEO R32 Sedan
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