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Old 10-26-2013, 11:42 AM   #360
Zilvia Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Quartz Hill
Age: 36
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Mannykiller is an unknown quantity at this point
Update Continued: "The Nature of the beast"

So I got the motor back and got everything installed. The new OEM UIM set up was installed and a couple small things were changed. The first was the Install of the Innovate Tc-4. I installed it so that I could now Log my EGT's. I truly believe that there are advantages of having closely matched egt's. Balance is important and like I said has a part in longevity. It just makes sense that if both egt's are constantly within say 10-15 Degree's of each other then things are in balance. You won't have one side of the motor doing more or less work than the other. Anyways.. I go the motor running and put right over 400 Miles on the fresh rebuild. Changed the oil as advised by my new tuner to Royal Purple synthetic 20/50 and swapped the plugs to new ones. Took her around the block and filled her up with a nice fresh tank of 91 Octane from a very busy gas station near by. Pre-mixed 1.3 Ounces per gallon and took the car home and did a compression check. Motor was on the mark and the new compression numbers were 98/101. Good stuff.. trailered the car and was awaiting the tuning session in the morning in Valencia California at a shop called Creations and Chrome. This shop was absolutely gorgeous. Professional, Clean, you name it.....they are by far the nicest shop/dyno tuning facility I've ever been to. They even have a motorcycle specific dyno on site just for those "biker Boys." I want to Personally Thank Gary for opening up the dyno for me on sunday. They've definitely won me over as a life long customer.

We loaded up my car on the dyno so we could get ready to rock as soon as my tuner got there. This picture.....means a lot to me. Because I've worked so hard to get to this point. WHen I first purchased this car..I knew very little about the rotary in general. Although I've pulled motors etc before... this was going to be the first time I did everything on my own. Here is IMO one of the best shots of my car. Because this machine was ready to perform.

On this dyno...there were two large fans...we used the smaller more direct snail fan for my radiator and the Large traditional 4 ft fan to blow overall. Although I havn't had any problems keeping cool even on boosted runs the previous dyno session.... It was nice to have the extra cfm's. We got started and instantly my tuner got the idle VERY smooth. I couldn't believe how much better it idle'd initially. My tuner did some drivability cruising but didn't do any full pulls. The session was going smooth. We got to the point where it was time to get into boost but as advised I pulled my tuner to the side and asked him if we could double check the timing before we get into boost. I wanted to make sure everything was spot on. We hooked up the timing light and found that timing was advanced to 37 Degrees?! My tuner was appalled and said that was ridiculous. So we started resetting it...and found out that my front housing leading coil was not firing. As some of you guys may know... a week and a half ago...or so I installed a new clutch master cylinder. I pinched an ignition wire and ended up popping a couple fuses. This is exactly why I wanted to double check. Could I have checked at home and avoided all of this? yes.. lazy? YES..Did I learn my lesson? Absolutely. I found out my coil wasn't firing and I immediately told the tuner it wasn't a problem and I have a buddy in town that would most likely let me borrow one of his since we run the same set up. ...even if he wasn't available or didn't want to lend it to me...I could have a new smart coil in the car in 4 days. So I said.."hey i'll get a new coil and we can be back on the dyno by Thursday or Friday." My tuner said..."well lets do soon as it starts breaking up, i'll just let out." I said...are you sure man? He said "yea, i'll do a partial throttle run just to see where it's at, and once it starts breaking up i'll back out." So since I don't tune....and he does. Although my gut instinct said stop and take the car home...fix it and bring it back when it's 100%.. I said ok. So he starts walking away..and I said....."Hey, do you want me to pull 12V off of my Mac valve so we just run straight WG spring pressure?" He said "Whats it at?" I said..."I have no idea, but I do know the wastegate springs are set at 14lbs." He said....nah don't worry about it. So the pull...
Aaron dyno pull - YouTube

And Yea..some of you guys may know... doesn't sound good eh? Well it wasn't. The car was running on one rotor on Decel off that run....and my tunning session was over. I got the car home... did a quick compression check although I already knew...and it showed 0. Needle didn't even move =nice. Didn't even bother checking front housing compression. Closed the hood and went to dinner with my lovely girlfriend to get my mind off my expensive as shit piece of garbage. Woke up the next morning and decided to pull her to see the extent of the damage. got the turbo manifold off and looked into the ports.....yea... Half of one of my 1 piece 3mm Ceramic seals was sharded off.. scatter blasted all through my New rotor faces... Got pissed off...closed the hood and went and hung out with my girlfriend again to calm my ass down. Finally got motivation that night to check my gtx3582R...which had 2 dyno sessions on it and about 450 miles total on it... and... YAY:
Shaft play every which way and.......

So yea...I missed All-star Bash...I'm going to be missing Seven stock unless I rush things... and the motor that contained an 1800 Dollar Atkins Balanced Rotating assembly, Mint super low mileage housings, 750 dollar NRS ceramic Seals, and a build that cost 3600 with every cleaning options available including porting shipping etc.. had all but been destroyed. Yes front housing and rotor might've been saved...but seriously.. whats another housings and rotor at this point? Also...that's a 1500 junk turbo. So as you guys may guess... I was pretty discouraged.

So my new plan? Howard Coleman will be rebuilding my motor. I trust the guy 100%, he's been a major mentor to me and has accommodated me fully and backed me fully since day 1. I havn't paid him to be my friend, it has just lead to that point. So I would like to thank Him personally for all he has done in helping me get to this point, and helping me move past this point. I would also Like to thank Elliot From turblown And Andy Wyatt (Owner of Adaptronic ecus) for all the advice, and excellent deals They've given me as well as trouble shooting and tips.

But I'm going LS1
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