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Old 10-18-2013, 11:06 AM   #101
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: ca
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shogunstyles15 is an unknown quantity at this point
So I'm not going to claim that i know everything about drifting however i have noticed a direct correlation between seat time and skill level. Basically the more time you have behind the wheel practicing the better drifter (driver) you will become. I don't know about all of this don't give a fuck about your car and go smoke into a wall mentality but if you go and practice the basics (donuts, figure eights, j turns) and then work your way up you will find you have built a reliable platform for your drifting/driving skills to grow from. Don't be so cautious that you wont try things outside of your comfort zone but at the same time remember that there is a healthy level of fear that will keep you from seriously hurting yourself or your car. Id rather see you spin out 1000 times than understeer once. In saying that remember that drifting is about having fun, your skill will grow along the way.
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