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Old 06-01-2011, 05:34 AM   #20
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jr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nicejr_ss is just really nice
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Originally Posted by raidanthunder View Post
notice how the title of the post is "The Perfect Ka24E Build Info Learning"
it is a post for those that actually like the KA, so your SR blasphomy is not wanted or needed here.
Even then, the KA24E is a waste no matter how you roll the dice. It's like building a CA18DET, or an RB20DET. Atleast upgrade to the DE, it's a better platform to begin with than the E... Either way it's your money, you're allowed to waste it as you see fit. I just think in the long run and reliably speaking the DE would better suit your needs.
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