Thread: PS Problems
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Old 10-04-2008, 07:12 PM   #1
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PS Problems

Hey guys, I just got done searching for an answer but it looks like im gonna have to pick your brains.

For some reason my car is pushing PS Fluid out of the reservoir and I cant figure out why...

fairly new rack (I can tell its been rebuilt)
Just did a flush on it
Had the pressure hose redone just to make sure that wasnt the problem
pulled the reservoir out and cleaned it to make sure it wasnt plugged.

The only thing i can think of is maybe the pump is no good and somehow the pressure is pushing back up to the reservoir.

So my noob questions for you guys are..

Is there a common problem with these?
And if i do have to get a new pump can I get one off of another model or do I have to order one for the SR20?
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