Please, read..
Some of you may have seen my car before...
some from the Photoshoot with Milton's (SCWEET) sc400, and some from the Wheel fitment thread.
I recently had a lot of work done to my S14 and it was my pride and joy.
as much as people say it's impossible to be unique, I beleive I built something pretty unique! it was ready for paint the plan was to do a custom candy purple, 6 days after my birthday, something horrible happened...
March 9th I was headed to school when a lady hit my car, in a freak and almost unexplicable accident.....
She crossed three lanes and slammed into my rear quarter panel, I watched "in horrer" in slowmotion
kinda" as she moved tried to drive straight through my car to make a turn.
the accident caused me to spin out and end up under a semi truck(18 wheeler) which dragged me for half a block..., I wasn't seriously hurt, but my car was destroyed!!!
I am very freaked out because LAPD came to the scene took a lot of notes and guess what? did not file a POLICE REPORT!
when I asked why, they said standard procedure when there is no serious injuries( no one is taken in an ambulance) they dont make an official police report,
HERE IS WHERE I NEED HELP and why I am posting this:
I know there was one witness, the police said someone had called in shortly after the accident,when I asked for a copy of the report or the witnesses info they said that I had to wait till the police report came out, now 1 month later I find out there actually is no report and the report the statement made is no where to be found.
If any one has any info or possibly saw this happen please contact me asap.
My lawyer is talking about dropping the case if we dont have the witness or the police report.I remember seeing a few 240's in the area and even after the accident I saw 240's parked nearby but there was a big crowd and I wasn't able to find any witnesses myself
please help by reposting as much as possible, I am also posting on Nico, and craigslist.
Pics are below: