Thread: ecu issue
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Old 03-13-2014, 06:33 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Beaupro44 View Post
okay guys looking for some advise i have a (a11-b46 g72) and i replaced it with a (a11-b44 g07). Now the (a11-b46 g72) also know for the green 30, is from a CA car with alot of emissions so i figured that i could swap it out with a (a11-b44 g07) also know for the green 24, its from a car without all the emissions. There both year 1991 that they should fit in.. I am running nistune type 3 board. Idk if you guys would know if theres any big difference with the ecu. I am having a problem with my rpm gauge not working. I also found out that the person that installed my nistune board the cj1 to cj2 was not switched. Now if you don't know nistune it pulls the map off the stock board instead of the nistune. if you guys have any idea please let me know or someone that might know let them know need some help on this issue the sooner the better spring is coming and i want to boost!!!

Dude, seriously, fix your fucking grammar. It's ridiculous that I have to read your thread jack 3 different times and I still can't make sense of the nonsense.
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