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Old 05-28-2009, 09:17 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by drift freaq View Post
Ah yeah and that guy on NICO is an idiot. You do not want a solid shaft going top to bottom. If you do that you basically turn the mount into a solid direct mount transferring all vibration and tension from your engine straight to the chassis. Now if you track it and don't care? Maybe, but it will put excess stress on your chassis and basically destroy drive ability of your car.

I've driven that car (on the street and on the track) and nothing you say is applicable.

"Excess stress on the chassis"? LOL - Dude, it's a 400-whp KA-T... Who gives a shit about "excess stress"?

The car idles smooth, and there's less vibration from the engine to chasis than in my S14 with the Nismo mounts.

Theoretical navel-gazing from people who don't BUILD cars is harmful to the community. Please know what you're talking about before posting your uninformed opinions.
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