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Old 07-16-2019, 11:08 PM   #16
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Hoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really niceHoffman5982 is just really nice
I'm fully supportive of this thread and the few companies who have recently started providing us with long lost new-old schassis bits. Here's my contribution:

'95 original 5spd car with 1 previous registered owner. He passed away and the car was sold at an estate sale. The car had been sitting for a few years and the buyer did nothing and let it sit for another couple of years. At some point the driver window was busted. I bought it and let it sit for ANOTHER 3 years.

This past december I pulled it out and stripped the hideous blue interior. With the help of a parts car I completely swapped the interior to black with an uncracked dash and leather seats. I did rear kyb struts, brakes all around, and a tune up and it has now been my daily for a few months. The body is completely straight, although the paint is shot. The plan is to stay completely stock. At some point I will repaint it either the same color or AL0(Ruby red, the color of my first car/s14). I've put a shit ton of little tedious into it already and there's a bunch more til it will count as a restoration, but I've really been enjoying having it.
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