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Old 09-24-2013, 02:39 PM   #347
Zilvia Addict
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Quartz Hill
Age: 36
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Just a little Update:

Spent some time cleaning up a lot of little things here and there.

Here is the view from the bumper opening. Still have plenty of room for brake ducts on either side of the radiator/Intercooler duct work.

I also went and got an Alignment at "The Tire Store." 95 bucks plus a tire swap mount and balance. Not bad. Got the car driving straight. I used the following specs for my alignment.

-2 Front Camber
+8 Front Caster
-.5 rear camber
1/8" rear toe in

Thanks to John Markely (JBF) for helping me out with specs. Also, my guy was unable to get +8 Caster up front because of limitations with the oem arms... But he was able to get +7.5... which I was completely fine with.

This was right before we dropped it down another 1/4"

I also had my Vibrant 4" in Dual 3" outs Muffler v-banded so I could run an actual exhaust and hopefully quiet the car down a bit...okok...a whole lot. Here is the Video of it installed and idling.
20130920_163632_zps9b48d8cf.mp4 Video by mannykiller | Photobucket
or this if that doesn't work
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars=" m%2Falbums%2Fyy325%2Fmannykiller%2FFD%2520Build%2F 20130920_163632_zps9b48d8cf.mp4">

And since I ended up changing my WHole Intake set up I had to re-weld in my water/Meth injection nozzle. Had BJ weld in the previous hole in the Rotary Works TB and He built up some Alum at the desired angle so we could drill and tap it for the AEM nozzle.
Doing a little bit of drilling...

you can see the filled port right to the lower right of the new hole

and Nozzle position

And it's hard to tell but the nozzle is pointed directly at the center of the elbow....should work just fine...I hope ;-)

Other than that....Now that i'm able to drive the car without alerting the authorities within a 3 mile Radius....I put about 200 miles on the car this past weekend. Running the car through multiple surrounding canyons, street, and even on the freeway. I've kept the car below 5K RPM and only ever use partial throttle because of the difference in Intake length, quicker response with OEM TB/UIM etc.

Also, I've done a compression check and All seems in great shape...especially since these are 1 pc Ceramic Seals. I'm excited to get back on the dyno and put some power down to the ground. I have no leaks, my Triumph Fast Acting AIT sensor is calibrated correctly thanks to Mr. Josh W. I hate to boast....but at this point...I can honestly say that this is by FAR the best heat managed fd I've ever been in to date ;-) Temps are Always in check. For instance... This past weekend it was 95 degrees F outside. I have a very steep graded 3 mile (about 1 1/2mile up hill & down-hill) canyon pass close to my I decided to do a little test. Put the car into 4th gear and cruised bogged the whole way up. Logged Temps and never saw over 90 Degrees Celsius. If I would've attempted the same thing with my orginal koyo, front mount... even with speed and water injection.... I would've been at 95 degrees C. I'm super pumped, because this means I can stay on track longer... run a few more laps, ..worry about my next initiation and clipping point rather than nervously watching my Water temp gauge and staying off the throttle.. Staying cool is by far something I've tried my hardest to "Get in check." And I won't completely know until I get a full track day under my belt....but so far...2 dyno sessions and the beat of the street hasn't trumped anything yet. More Updates soon... Stay Tuned!!
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