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Old 01-07-2011, 11:12 AM   #21
S-Nation S13
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S-Nation S13 is making his/her stupidity well-knownS-Nation S13 is making his/her stupidity well-knownS-Nation S13 is making his/her stupidity well-knownS-Nation S13 is making his/her stupidity well-known
Originally Posted by Pure_JDM View Post
Wow, he does know how to spell... how about a fucking grammar lesson?

First of all, explain what each of the red "clauses" (at best) even mean. Secondly, learn to use punctuation. A fucking comma or period between your horrible fragments wouldn't kill you. When you're going to make a horrible attempt to dis someone on a public forum, for thousands to be entertained with your ignorance, at least make a valid effort to not come off as a complete fucking idiot when doing so... I could skull drag your ass through books all day, and probably make a little improvement on your lack of intelligence, but knocking down you e-thug ego would be the biggest feat.

All Corbic was trying to say is that the OP has proceeded to buy a few items that shouldn't even be considered until later stages of build up. I personally don't care; as you stated, it's HIS car, and I actually agree with you there. But don't get all butthurt over someone's comment. Let the OP defend his post. He doesn't need the assistance of an illiterate e-thug.

This right? For a second I thought I logged into my pseudo online english class. Point taken, but take notes you to are at fault. If he decided to buy those parts now he wouldn't have to later. In the end parts will be bought whether its now or later. All I am saying is, Corbic doesn't have to bash his priorities.

Skull drag me through books all you want, you mean to tell me, I'll learn more by rubbing my head on books? If I only knew that when I was in highschool.

I'll correct my mistakes, or clarify so you understand.
"people swear man" another way of saying how anal people can be...
"your" Im not going to lie..I failed sorry Im human.
"everyone i.e you bitches and moans" gramatical error. I had a feeling I left out a comma.
" NO THOUGHT SO!" Obviously he is not paying the build.

LAST TIME I CHECKED INTERNET STARTED WITH AN I AND NOT A your "e-thug" comment was, you guessed it gramatically wrong! Just because you internet icon is represented by the letter e, doesn't mean it's spelled with an e. Just saying, if you already didn't notice.

For more clarification:

Internet Explorer. I'm a "e-thug" guys. Don't get dissed by the big bad "Explorer-Thug". This is the Internet not the Explorernet.
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