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Old 08-26-2015, 12:10 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by joshy240sxxx View Post
well at least your heading in the right direction.... so if you checked everything on that list another problem that can cause bogging with a cold engine is a faulty coolant temp sensor. I would check the resistance to see If its bad. I would start by just checking the connector for corrosion or anything broken. you could just replace it they run around 20 bucks or so.

but there are two coolant sensors a single wire that is for your temp gauge and a 2 wire that sends info to the ecu. you would want to replace the 2 wire but check the connector first.
Hey joshy sorry for the late reply been having some problems... but i checked my coolant temperature switch and it did have a bad clip it was being held on by really old electrical tape so i got a new one at pick n pull and just today august 25th i put a new o2 sensor but i feel like the actual bogging or stumbling as im driving is now worse with the new o2 sensor

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