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Old 10-30-2013, 09:38 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by mantas View Post
I feel no pity for the mentally ill, they need to be locked up, they are a danger to themselves and the rest of society... Until you encounter one of them don't act like the cops are the ones to blame, these nut jobs fight back and do crazy stuff all the time, just wait till one of them pulls this stuff on you - you will change your mind about the subject. They simply need to be locked up.
Great point Hitler, the minute a child is diagnosed with any type of learning disorder or birth disorder lets lock them up. Hey, I got a better idea! Lets just torch them, you know, because it is not like they have any rights. I mean screw the whole idea of a civil society, a justice system, and all that constitutional bullshit. These people are just raving lunatics going around killing errrrbody up in dis bitch.

Originally Posted by mantas View Post
You are clearly the idiot. My point was quite clear, these people are unstable and you never know what they will pull on you. You just can't read between the lines. So unless you were there with and watched with your own eyes you don't know what this guy was doing, he was probably resisting, and i'm sure it's much harder to restrain someone that is mentally ill or has downs because their mind is not capable of comprehending orders, or at least not in a timely manner. They are slow you idiot. You ever try explaining something to a person with downs? Sometimes it's like going in circles.
Well, no. Try and educate your slow ass a bit man. Here, I will do the leg work for you The Reason I Jump : NPR

Fucking idiot.
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