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Old 01-17-2018, 12:51 AM   #96
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!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection!Zar! is close to perfection
Now if you want a shop which is blatantly taking advantage, it would be Central Pine.

They sell items as if they are being custom made in house, when in reality they are listings from off of YAJ. So you WILL be strung along as you wait for them to come from JDM land to you (via dropship).

These headlights can be had for about $500 on YAJ. No they aren't custom. They are a dime a dozen. Yet Central Pine is notorious for posting up indicating they are, "Custom", or "one-off".
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