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Old 06-29-2020, 10:42 PM   #13
Leaky Injector
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Originally Posted by Initial Drift View Post
You and me both. I have full SPL and I also have KW coils. Sure they were expensive but the parts are nice and they last

I would totally buy brand new t56 to make sure i have a good transmission instead of hoping it wont crap out
Oh yeah, how do you like em? I gotta get a new set of coils.

I bought the Powered By Max ?Pro? coilovers and I fucking hate them. I bounce in mid drift and the worst part is they sent me shorter rear dampeners than the front. They wouldn?t honor a return. My rear is so short I could only install it 3-4 threads deep so I won?t be on the damn ground. When I called and complained they told me ?they?re not meant for performance, only getting slammed? in their ?pro? coil pics the rear is obviously longer than the front, like all other s13 coilovers. PBM is trash. Hope they go out of business. End of rant
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